In the midst of the horror of World War II, Betty Grable’s famous over the shoulder white bathing suit photograph became the top pin up. She was the lady that launched a thousand aerial bombs with this image painted on bombers. Her daughter Victoria said “She would get letters from soldiers and she’d reply. She was proud to help light up the world when it was so dark.” Amidst the horror of the killing and destruction in foreign lands, she was carried to the front line to remind the men of the beauty back home.

Her generation was defined by a Cancer Pluto and Leo Neptune. This generation’s ideal, represented by Neptune, was defined by their collective Leo Neptune. The glamorous (Neptune) starlet (Leo) became the shining image men wanted in the grit and the grim. They requested these photos in the millions, pinned them up wherever they were, carried them into battle, and painted them on military equipment. Of all the pin ups, it was Betty Grable that captured the most American hearts.
These American GI’s held within them the Cancer Pluto. Destroying America’s enemies was a natural expression of this plutonic energy. Unlike other countries, America is a Cancer Sun. The attack on her at Pearl Harbor stirred up a hornet’s nest. Destroying (Pluto) for home and country (Cancer) is one of the natural astrological expressions for Cancer Plutos.
Betty Grable had two extraordinary placements that caused her to be the most popular pin up. In her 4th house of home, she had a Sagittarius Sun conjunct Juno. Juno is the asteroid of rejuvenation and is associated with cuteness. America is a Sagittarian Ascendant. She beamed out to millions of men the image of the young American girl back home. In her photos and films, she conveys that boisterous, expansionist, easy going American Sagittarian spirit. Her Scorpio Venus, also in the 4th, suggested that magnetic sexual smolder (Scorpio) that can be so intriguing. There were certainly more attractive, more sexually intriguing and more curvaceous stars but none of those top pin ups were so American. This was the photo they were destroying ships, planes, and men for; this picture of home.
The Scorpio Venus is also a good astrological description of the pin up painted on many of the bombers. At her deepest point, the Imum Coeli (IC) she brought forward this destructive (Scorpio) beauty (Venus). Her daughter said she helped light up the dark world. Not only did the men enjoy her picture and gave them a bit of light in their gritty world but the bombs they dropped truly lit up the blacked out cities below. Betty Grable was the perfect beautiful bombshell carrying death for America’s enemies.