Sex, drugs and rock n’ roll. Licet. A license. Licentiousness. Saturn isn’t always the killjoy at a party. Saturn grants a riotous license once your responsibilities are met. He is the keeper of freedom and has a long association with Aquarius. But don’t mistake him, the Saturnalia is all Capricorn. His festival in the beginning of Capricorn marks the moment his duty is done and the door to Aquarian freedom can open. The particular brand of freedom will be determined by other planetary energy but only Saturn can restrict and unrestrict it. Sex. Scorpio. Drugs. Neptune. Rock n’ roll. Scorpio Neptune. Woodstock was America’s Saturnalia and it was celebrated with Neptune’s fantasies.

Saturn is the god who establishes status, order and prosperity. That means any deviation from societal norms must have the license of Saturn. Today, we think of Uranus as the ruler of Aquarius but he only has sway when his son gives the license for freedom. If Uranus becomes too unruly, his son Saturn will geld him.
Woodstock Music and Art Fair presents an Aquarian Exposition, 3 Days of Peace & Music. The festival was held August 15, 1969 starting at 5:07 pm in Bethel, New York. There was this belief we were entering the age of Aquarius so the promoters used that as their title. The tagline is also interesting. Peace is Venus or Libra and music is Neptune or Pisces. The vast number of attendees were the Libra Neptune generation born between 1942 and 1956.
The festival itself though was a Saturnalia, firmly a Capricorn. The freedom of Saturnalia is so popular we continue to celebrate down to our day. Christmas and New Years are the modern annual Saturnalia. The time of merrymaking, gift giving, drinking, kissing and general excited cries of celebration are all directly from the ancient Saturnalia celebrations.

Americans are Aquarian individuals. America’s Moon, her people, is in Aquarius. They don’t just love freedom, liberty is their mother’s milk. As the sensitive Moon they also feel America’s controlling government and business breathing down their neck at all times. America’s Capricorn Pluto is in aspect to that Moon. Americans want to maintain their liberty and, as a population, we are paranoid about control and power because we can feel it right behind us. Any sign of intrusion from big government or big business and the people instantly begin discussing the threat of tyranny. Any sort of Saturnalia providing the license was going to be popular. Three or four hundred thousand sitting and sleeping in mud and rain for three days with no food or toilets popular. This is Persephone raped by Hades not eating immersed in the muck of Hades after her abduction. There in the Woodstock horoscope is a Virgo (Persephone) Moon conjunct Virgo Pluto (Hades) in the 8th house of hell conjunct America’s dreammaker Neptune. This event captured America’s imagination. The satiated and strung out Pluto is ruling the event’s Scorpio Neptune. No wonder they had so many overdoses, and miscarriages. When Saturn loosens the restrictions, the Saturnalia is upon us. Beware the hangover.