All Neptune aspects create elixirs. Neptune puts you “Under the influence”. When you are under the influence of your heart you are following your essential creative impulse. Leo, the Sun or the 5th house describe the archetype of the heart. Neptune in aspect to the Sun. Pisces Sun. Neptune in the 5th. Leo Neptune. Sun in the 12th. All of these are slight variations on the theme, Under the Influence of the Heart.
Together, Neptune and the Sun create the Heartdream. This dream isn’t to be confused with the dreams of the 11th house. Those are more akin to wishes and hopes. Neptune’s dream is the longing of the soul. The longing comes from the past.
Many years ago a friend of mine told me of their Heartdream. They wanted to live in a particular place in a foreign country. I asked how many times they had been and they said they had never gone there. For a ninth house Sun, this made for a very odd response as they travel extensively and repeatedly visit foreign locales. This place only existed as a dream for them. Pisces Sun in the ninth house. Scorpio Neptune in the fifth. The twelfth house has Gemini and Cancer. Gemini is ruled by their Aquarius Mercury in the eighth and their Cancer is ruled by a Gemini Moon in the eleventh.
There is a karmic story here of a mother of a young person (Gemini Moon) who is physically separated (eleventh house) from Mercury. Hope, exile, separation, revolution are all elements of the Aquarius archetype. The young person is hopeful (Aquarius Mercury) but undergoing transformation. This is an immigrant story and indeed this person is the grandchild of immigrants. Their maternal grandfather was born in the location they have been seeking in their Heartdream.
I investigated the family history and found the exact address of the family’s old home and continued talking to them about the place telling them stories about it. A few years passed and a few attempts were pursued but had to be abandoned for various reasons and they started to feel stress around the topic that it just wasn’t going to happen. I told them they would make the trip at the right time. Then my sister called me to make up our sister trip and my booking the Ireland trip had the unexpected effect on my friend who booked their own family trip. It happened quickly and everything and everyone came together.

The culmination of the Heartdream chart has Neptune on the Midheaven. The twelfth house describes the Heartdream and once again has Gemini and Cancer in the twelfth with a new addition, the retrograde Gemini Vesta. My friend is represented by the retrograde Sagittarius Mercury conjunct Mars. Restoration. Deep at the heart of the chart, the Virgo Juno is conjunct the Imum Coeli (I.C.). Renewal.
My 16° Cancer Sun lights up the Heartdream chart Moon blocking the old action wound. My sister trip was the key unlocking the door. As for the Heartdream, the hope and fear of the original passage to a new land has now been tapped and overcome and the return has reconnected the memories of childhood, food, siblings and cousins to the living place where the traditions had come from. More is sure to come. Pisces Sun in the ninth. Exploring the Heartdream.