The American election chart is always a question. The entire nation votes but the reality is that the deciding state is never known in advance. This is because the successful candidate needs to reach 270 electoral votes and between the polls closing and counting the ballots no one quite knows who is going to push the successful candidate past the finish line until they do so. Tonight, Wisconsin was the state that reached the count needed to put Donald Trump above 270 electoral votes.
Wisconsin’s polls closed at 8 pm central time. However, due to the endless counting that needs to take place it was not known until November 6, 2024 at 1:47 am that Wisconsin was called for Trump. Harris had already sent a surrogate out to send everyone to bed. Donald Trump began his victory speech at 2:27 am in West Palm Beach, Florida. This puts Trump’s Gemini Sun conjunct the Election Gemini Jupiter conjunct the Midheaven.
“Nobody’s ever seen anything like that. They came from all quarters. Union, non-union, African-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American, Arab-American, Muslim-American.
We had everybody, and it was beautiful. It was a historic realignment, uniting citizens of all backgrounds around a common core of common sense. You know, we’re the party of common sense.
We want to have borders. We want to have security. We want to have things be good, safe.
We want great education. We want a strong and powerful military. And ideally, we don’t have to use it.”
-Donald Trump, November 6, 2024 Victory Speech emphasis added
In his victory speech, Trump said the Republicans represent common sense. That is significant because the winning party was always going to be the party of common sense. As I wrote in a previous article, “Common sense. The American Revolution. The 0° Leo Mars sits on the Sabian symbol “a daughter of the American Revolution”, 29° Capricorn Pluto sits on “a woman reading tea leaves”. Mars is transitioning and beginning something new while Pluto is still stuck in the Capricorn past but trying to see the future.”

In two years, America will celebrate its semiquincentennial, America is turning 250 years old. Americans used this election to define what the Aquarius Pluto transit will be about. It is not about the Obama revolution but instead takes us back to 1776 and the American Revolution. Mars opposes Pluto. Kamala Harris made a grave mistake at 12:44 am when she sent a surrogate out to tell everyone to go to bed. At that time, she could have seized the ruler of Virgo as her acting planet and left Trump the role of Neptune, as ruler of the Descendant. Instead, he came out in Virgo and Kamala Harris took the retrograde Pisces Neptune.

I have suspected that the Democrats would take up their traditional role and try and dissolve the foundation of America and the 2024 American Election chart confirms my suspicion. The Neptune is working with Pluto on the Sabian symbol “a woman reading tea leaves”. Pluto takes things and has his eye on the heritage of the daughters of the American Revolution. Pluto is the ruler of the dead and can only take things that aren’t living and the election shows the American Revolution is still very much alive.
How does the chart develop?
The north node path forward is ruled by the Leo Mars and over the course of the next four years that Mars will move out of opposition to Pluto and into a square with Juno. Juno represents rejuvenation. The square indicates it will be challenging transition but ultimately it is focused on the American Revolution.
This Virgo Ascendant chart represents the restoration of the original American ideals represented by the Sibly Virgo Neptune conjunct the 2024 Election chart. Having joined a cult under a transit of Neptune to my Ascendant, expect Americans to jump right into the looking glass with this one. No taxes on overtime. Limited interest on credit cards. No tax on tips. Service. Workers. This is Virgo. People who work in service industries and non-exempt workers are about to be rewarded big time by Sibly’s Virgo Neptune. Bobby Kennedy Jr. will work on America’s health. This is also Virgo too. Virgo also encompasses the large group of the new immigrants. The three major issues of this election the economy’s effect on working people, immigration and abortion. All three are Virgo issues including abortion.

There will still be an intense conflict between the Republicans as Mars and the Democrats as Pluto. By the end of Trump’s last term, the Election chart shows that the Republican Mars and Jupiter still are supported with aspects while the Democrat Pluto and Neptune are unaspected. Jupiter is conjunct the Midheaven for the entire term. In mid October 2028, the Democrats will gain influence over the Election Moon representing the people of the United States. Complicating this influence on Election Day, the Democrats will be blocked by the Sagittarius Venus. America is a Sagittarian Ascendant and so lovers of America, Sagittarius Venus, might be people who call themselves patriots. If the Democrats aren’t able to capitalize on that influence, the 2024 Election chart concludes at noon on January 20, 2029.
Postscript 11/7/24. Trump has a 26° Leo Mars. This is going to have a major impact on his actions going forward. The Democrats are in control of the Pisces Neptune sextile Capricorn Pluto. We have the setup of a yod with Trump’s Mars as the apex planet. This is the Genesis archetype. This is how he will act as Vesta, packing the good things away. This will be confounding to the Democrats who are trying to oppose the 0° Leo Mars. They can block him but it will reappear in a new creative action. The more they try to stop him the more creative he will become. This energy will then refocus on the American Aquarius Pallas-Moon conjunction. This mechanism promises that the Republicans and Democrats opposition will result in substantial independence for America’s people (Aquarius Moon). The Aquarius Moon is in the third house of the Sibly chart of the United States. Expect this to be seen in schools, roads, neighborhoods, the countertop, and urban areas.
Kamala Harris’ Concession Speech & The Democrat Party
Kamala Harris concession speech is the first opportunity to see how the Democrat Party will proceed. In another unusual twist, the second unsuccessful woman candidate chose not to address her crowd on election night. I’m not sure if this is going to become a pattern for presidential women candidates but it does have the effect that they speak after the winning speech. Yielding. Passive. Yin. Feminine.
Astrologically, it also doesn’t put them into the fourth quadrant (Houses 10-12) of the Election Win chart. Kamala Harris chose to take the role of Ceres. Stubborn. One of the most striking points about the concession chart is that it expresses the Democrat Party and not Kamala Harris. Whereas Donald Trump’s speech aligned with his Sun and Moon, the concession speech aligns with the Democrat Party Sun-Neptune conjunction.

The election chart has been highlighting the path forward is Aries. The Neptune transit into Aries will occur early next year. The concession chart confirms the choice that Democrats will play the role of Pluto opposing Mars, the ruler of Aries. While they will contribute to the rejuvenation inherent in the T-square apex planet of Juno, it is Mars that has the closer and developing relationship with Juno.
Revolutions are always endings and not beginnings. When Obama began the most recent revolution in America, he was ending a system that came into being on a transit of Neptune into Aries that set off the American Civil War. The Democrat Party highlights the transits of Neptune no matter what sign he arrives in because they have a Sun-Neptune conjunction. Neptune is illuminated by them.
Hollywood with its film stars is very much a similiar type of illuminator and the Democrats and Hollywood are aligned right now but look at how many old stars reappeared. Bruce Springsteen is 75, Julia Roberts 57, George Clooney 63 and worse than that their beloved teeny bopper musician Taylor Swift who appeals to pre-teens and teenagers is a hefty 34. Just to put that in perspective similiar artist Brittany Spears exploded into superstardom when she was 18. These music and film stars are all about 20 years too old right now. They harken back to glory days long past. The Democrat Party is similiar in that a big group of them are 20 years too old right now. Joe Biden 81, Barack Obama 63, Chuck Schumer 73, Hakeem Jeffries 54 but when push came to shove with Joe Biden it is still Nancy Pelosi 84 who shoves. Neptune is about the storage of karma and is not creative in the sense of new things but old things reimagined. Pulling out the best of the oldies. That is where we find ourselves on the eve of the Aries Neptune transit.
This chart suggests the Democrats aren’t quite ready to let go of the past. The Capricorn Ceres is influenced by the retrograde Pisces Saturn. Past dissolving system. This is the Obama revolution and the Democrat’s aren’t yet ready to let go. The Aquarian Pluto transit is going to be difficult under the circumstances. The ideals of the world are shifting to Aries from Pisces. Compassion to martial force. Victims to warriors. Trump and the Republicans will be represented by the Leo Mars whom the Democrats will oppose as the Capricorn Pluto. It will be a brutal fight but ultimately the new ideas are going to come from the Republicans.
Puerto Rico. Trump Supporters. The old systems ideals are spent and all of the clutter has been unearthed. Now it is time to pack away the best of it (Vesta the ruler of the Election Win chart) or take out the trash (Pluto the Democrats in opposition). One archetypical role of Pluto is the garbage man. Garbage came up twice in the election. Once when a comic at Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally said Puerto Rico was a pile of garbage in the ocean and once when President Joe Biden said the supporters of Trump are garbage. Mitch McConnell has since said there will be no new states that favor one party over the other and that is a direct reference to Puerto Rico. After the Democrats attempt to take out Trump supporters, it seems we will finally resolve something with regards to Puerto Rico. With Pluto transitting Aquarius, Trump supporters are about to get a solid dose of independence. With Pluto transiting Aquarius, it also may very well be independence for Puerto Rico.
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