The spectacular rise and fall of Anne Boleyn has fascinated us for close to five hundred years. She was one of King Henry VIII’s courtiers,
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Astrology by Blue Moon Zodiac
The spectacular rise and fall of Anne Boleyn has fascinated us for close to five hundred years. She was one of King Henry VIII’s courtiers,
Read moreAfter years of brutal trench warfare, the ruling classes signed an armistice ending the fight and arrived at Versailles on June 28, 1919 in order
Read moreA royal prince and the commoner. The archetype that launched a thousand romance novels. The zodiac sign Libra is concerned with balance. The archetype of
Read moreA sculptor removes the unneeded stone and a form emerges. The sculptor materializes the spiritual. This is Virgo. In the early morning of September 13,
Read moreScorpio. Rising from the ashes. Destroying the seed state. Finding a role as second in command, Queen Consort, or the heir. Vito Genovese ruled the
Read moreThe fall of the Afghan government has shocked the world. It was rapidly succeeded by a restored government that appears to have been declared at
Read moreThe discovery of Lucy occurred on November 24, 1974 in the Hadar region of Ethiopia. The extraordinary astrological moment illustrates the relationship of the fixed
Read moreHeresy is a taboo that is almost always punished with the greatest severity. Pharoah Amenhotep IV was a worshiper of the sun disc, Aten. Although
Read moreBliss. The Piscean Moment. Fantasy, dreams and sentience. These moments are magical. Aspirational. They evoke connection to all. There are boundless. Dr. Martin Luther King,
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