The gargantuan planet Jupiter pulls in everything around it to feed its gigantic appetite. Within the natal chart, whatever it touches leads the native on an unending quest to find meaning. When the other planet is Venus, the quest will be an affair of the heart. Venus represents young women, money, love affairs, beauty, peace and justice. This isn’t about sex necessarily. Venus is so lovely and charming and Jupiter is a forceful chaser. How successful the entire enterprise will be is found in the aspect between the planets.

No Bull
Europa was a Phoenician princess who attracted Jupiter. Her grandmother Libya was the granddaughter of Io. Europa herself was the mother of Minos of Crete. Io was transformed into a white heifer by Hera in an unsuccessful attempt to prevent her having an affair with Zeus. Europa was abducted and taken to Crete by a white bull who was Zeus in disguise. Minos didn’t sacrifice the bull Poseidon gave him and so Poseidon had Minos’ wife mate with the bull and together they produced the Minotaur. Starting to see the picture, this is a very bovine affair of the heart. Zeus himself is said to have captured the image of himself as Europa’s white bull in the stars as the constellation Taurus.
The zodiac sign Taurus is fixed earth. This is the most material of the signs. Wealth is the best word to describe it. Wall Street uses the symbol with its Charging Bull. A bull market is one that is going up. People are getting rich. But don’t mistake the bull for money, its financial prosperity that is its real focus.
Bernie Madoff, fraudster extraordinaire, had within him this European quest. The square between his Aquarius Jupiter and Taurus Venus created a tension that kept him pushing to obtain Venus. Her resistance meant the chase would last. The opposition and square aspects are very good for setting off Jupiter’s chase energy. It is exactly what he wants. The edge of the golden world is so enticing and actually obtaining it just isn’t what Jupiter really wants. An endless chase with continous discovery is ever more enticing to him. He doesn’t want to stop expanding. The conjunction and trine with Jupiter represents prizes often too easily won.

This is what we know about Madoff. He obtained Ruth Madoff and he obtained money, billions of dollars. He also had a lot of valuable things like furniture, watches, boats and houses and he also is rumored to have had several affairs. What we know of his life all relates to his Jupiter Venus square.
Ruth Madoff was one of these Tauren treasures. Their synastry chart shows her Sun conjunct his south node and Venus. She was critical to his quest and was karmically important to him.
Although it is just a supposition, the amount of money Madoff took and the wide ranging nature of the people and institutions could be a corollary to the life of jewish financier Aaron of Lincoln. Aaron had more money in 1186 than the King of England. He had used his financial dealings to transfer smaller baronial holdings into the hands of the English abbeys. He didn’t produce anything but he had an interest in a vast amount of England’s wealth and production. At his death, the king, who owed him money, took his estate and collected the debts for the crown and by his life and death he transferred wealth from the small to the great. His death also led to a massacre of Jews in Yorkshire when locals cornered the Jews in Clifford Tower and burned it with the motive to destroy Aaron’s records and wipe out their debts to him. The King fined them because they were successful at destroying all the records and people who could tell the King what they had owed. In a final story, the actual treasure he had at his death was sent to France to the King for a war he was waging but it went down in the channel. Much of the debt was not collected. If Madoff or Ruth Madoff was once Aaron of Lincoln than he may have returned to collect old loans from the same groups. Venus conjunct south node. In a similar but different guise, many of the Jews associated with him were ultimately financially massacred and his money did end up in the hands of the U.S. government.
These types of debts are the nature of Scorpio. People who had produced (Taurus) and converted this into cash (Venus) were defrauded of its productive use while it sat in a bank account owned by Madoff. The trustee says everyone will receive their full original investment back without interest or fraudulent gains.
Seventeen billion was the potential loss. Why didn’t he stop at less? Jupiter will never stop a good chase. There at the apex of the square, creating a reverse Thor’s Hammer chart pattern, he had the Aries Saturn in the 8th. His neverending chase for meaning kept him climbing the mountain of other people’s money.