Prior to her conception, her father, uncle and grandfather prepared Austria to be led by an Archduchess. The moves contained in the Mutual Pact of Succession of 1703, envisaged a split of the Hapsburg dominions between brothers but failing the male line the unification of all under a granddaughter. The Pragmatic Sanction of 1713 stipulated a change to succession that the daughters of the youngest brother would inherit above the daughters of the eldest brother. The youngest brother then in 1716 produced an heir Leopold who died at seven months, then in 1717 a daughter, Maria Theresa, in 1718 Maria Anna, and in 1724 Maria Amalia. In 1713, he had disinherited his nieces Maria Josepha (1699) and Maria Amalia (1701).
Maria Theresa was born on May 13, 1717 at 7:30 a.m. in Vienna, Austria. Her astrological portrait starts with her Cancer Ascendant. Cancer is cardinal sign ruling the ascendant house (1st house) which is cardinal also. This first piece of information tells you the general approach and theme of the native’s life. Since this is Austria, a place of magnificent mountains with ski slopes we will picture the experienced skiers approach to downhill skiing. The ski slope is a first house place. The cardinal zodiac sign on the ascendant native approaches the slope with a goal and will actively adjust and attack the slope in line with their goal motivation. You might see them overtly use their muscles to shift directions to miss obstacles or take advantage of terrain changes or forcefully stop their forward progress. They are heading to and will likely reach their goal location. Terrain changes are avoided and their path carves around these but always back to the goal.

In contrast, a fixed zodiac ascendant would display a lot less reaction to changing circumstances and remain focused on their immediate path. These would be the skiers the cardinal and mutable ascendant skiers would be making changes to avoid. Very small changes become major obstacles to a fixed zodiac sign ascendant but they use significant willpower against any obstacle to continue on the exact path even though they may be stuck. The mutable zodiac sign ascendants would show quite a bit of dexterity in skiing down the mountain in reaction to changing circumstances such as other skiers and terrain but they go where the mountain directs them. A small terrain change means an entirely new path and destination.
As a cardinal Cancer Ascendant, Maria Theresa’s general approach to her life would be to pursue her own goals and obstacles were not accepted but worked around. She would do this by creatively using her own network of resources represented by her fixed sign Taurus Sun in the 11th house. Her Gemini Moon in the 12th would drive her private correspondence and highly changeable moods and emotions.
Maria Theresa’s Gemini Moon represents her own mother, Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick. The 12th house indicates her mother was secluded and the childhood home was emotionally cold with critical Virgo on the 4th house cusp and Uranus and Saturn in the 4th house. The lack of a male heir likely hindered the early emotional atmosphere from her parents. It is this Moon and her later numerous children that make her an interesting study for the Blue Moon Mother series. With a Gemini Moon in the 12th, Maria Theresa was almost limitlessly adaptable in the element of herself she would present to each of her children.
The Cancer Ascendant also indicates the major focus of her life was on motherhood, family and nationhood. She had sixteen children. Eventually every child’s experience of Maria Theresa will be explored.
- Aries Moon in the 12th – Maria Elisabeth, born 1737
- Cancer Moon in the 8th – Maria Anna, born 1738
- Cancer Moon in the 5th – Maria Karolina, born 1740
- Capricorn Moon in the 1st – Joseph II, born 1741
- Virgo Moon in the 8th – Maria Christina, born 1742
- Taurus Moon in the 6th – Maria Elisabeth, born 1743
- Aquarius Moon in the 11th – Karl Joseph, born 1745
- Taurus Moon in the 7th – Maria Amalia, born 1746
- Pisces Moon in the 9th – Leopold II, born 1747
- Cancer Moon in the 5th – Maria Karolina, born 1748
- Capricorn Moon in the 4th – Maria Johanna, born 1750
- Sagittarius Moon in the 5th – Maria Josepha, born 1751
- Libra Moon in the 6th – Maria Carolina, born 1752
- Libra Moon in the 12th – Ferdinand, born 1754
- Libra Moon in the 5th – Marie Antionette, born 1755
- Cancer Moon in the 3rd – Maximilian Franz, born 1756