Finding your mother for the first time is a profound moment. It marks the beginning of the foundation of your life. Her journey will become your past. Her decisions, values, competence and luck for good or ill sets your first direction. You find her and you are along for the ride. Your birth horoscope tells you about this moment through your Moon sign and the position in an astrological house as well as the house and moon condition. Other information will be gleaned from the condition of the fourth house (Cancer’s natural house) and the condition of the zodiac sign Cancer (ruled by your Moon) in the horoscope of your birth, the natal chart.

For a first post for a site named blue moon zodiac, we start with a water moon. My husband has just the Moon, he was born with a Pisces (Neptune, lost child) Moon (Cancer, mother) in the 7th house (Libra, Venus, relationship, legal proceedings, marriage) with Aquarius (Uranus, shocking, divorce) on the cusp and the rest in Pisces (Neptune, boundary less). So his mother had the Pisces romantic fairytale marriage with the tall, fair Aquarian genius. Cinderella here we come. That would have been nice but no…
This is the picture of his child experience of his mother. Prior to his birth, she had been engaged and it was broken off. Next, she had wanted to marry a man who was a serviceman but he wanted her to wait. She didn’t and married his friend who was also a serviceman and then went with him to Ethiopia. At this point, she had joined the Air Force as well. All the military, police stuff is Aries and shouldn’t be confused with the Pisces elements. The first serviceman came back and said he had changed his mind and her adoptive mother had to tell him she was already married. After Ethiopia, she divorced. My husband’s father was none of these men. He was an unavailable police officer.
This is where Pisces Moon found his mother. His 7th house (Libra, Venus, marriage) has Aquarius (Uranus, unusual, divorce) on the cusp and Pisces (Neptune, lost child) in the remainder of the house. His Moon has five hard aspects and only one easy aspect to Uranus of all planets. This was going to be a bumpy ride. She was a spiritually lost, divorced woman who within two years would join a religious cult. The religious cult is seen in Pisces Moon’s retrograde Sagittarius (religious) Neptune (cult) in the 4th (at home). By the time he turned 18, his mother had married a man who was a former serviceman and also a fellow cult member and had 3 additional children, fled a state when her tempestuous nature and generally passive husband united to cause a problem that got the state to threaten to take my husband away, moved to a new state and then divorced her 2nd husband, had 2 serious relationships that did not result in marriage and when he was 17 remarried her 2nd husband again.
She rounded off her Aquarian-Piscean marriage career by divorcing the 2nd husband again, setting her sights on an invited male guest to our wedding who she had never met and didn’t even come, using his non-attendance as an excuse to call him and then married him four months later. She divorced him and, after more drama and pressure by religious leaders, she remarried him and then eventually divorced him again. Just in case you lost count: 4 serious relationships with four men where marriage was discussed or desired by at least one person but not completed, five marriages and five divorces with three men, three additional legal proceedings that were not a divorce, and seven home moves before he was 18 (Uranus in the 3rd house conjunct 4th house cusp).
After a year for Pisces Moon to prepare for our formal religious (Sagittarius) exit after we finished a maneuver called a fade (Neptune), he told his mother (Moon) and made a major attempt to save her (Pisces). I was bound and determined I would resign and not be thrown out. After his mother (Moon) talked to the religious (Sagittarius) leaders, they called to make an appointment with us at our home (4th house). I told him I was resigning and he could do what he wanted. We resigned from the cult, she now shuns us and has never broken this in four years and the mother-son relationship has dissolved away (Pisces Moon).
Now her journey is his past. As soon as we left, after a hiatus of 20 years and the loss (Neptune) of his first college major (Sagittarius) in Music (Pisces) Education, he picked up his instrument that he had put down because of religious belief. Back then, he could not play religious music, patriotic or Christmas music. As a music teacher, his inability to hold Christmas concerts would have been an annual problem. I had never heard him play in seventeen years of marriage. In our home today, he has fifteen instruments (Sagittarius, expansion) and spends several evenings every week practicing on several of them. He now fills (Sagittarius) our home (4th house) with music (Neptune) and he performs (Leo Sun) in a community band. The result of his Pisces Moon is seen in the Cancer zodiac sign it rules that straddles his 11th house (Aquarius, groups) and 12th house (Pisces, music).
Water moons. The oceanic feeling (Pisces Moon). Victim/Savior of the Mother (Pisces Moon). Music in the Home (Pisces Moon).