Total solar eclipses are rare events that plant new seeds. Associated in the past with the fall of kings and kingdoms, instead they are beginnings. The recent total eclipse that crossed Mexico, the United States and Canada was from Saros 139. This series began on May 17, 1501 (Julian) just after Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492. Columbus sailed several times and still gets credit for the discovery of the New World although it is well known other Europeans had already found North America centuries before and were fishing in its waters years before. While Saros 117 is associated with England, Saros 139 holds the seed of the European conquest of the Americas.
Although it won’t be explored in this article, it is very possible that Saros 139 is actually the eclipse pattern of European conquest. This means it may be conquest of a lot of other places than just the Americas. We will stick to the New World because it is clearly marked in the associated Sabian symbols.
Saros 139 could well be titled Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. The title of Barack Obama’s memoir about his life really closely fits the nodal path of this eclipse series with its focus on retrograde 19° Capricorn Neptune (father’s dreams), south node in Scorpio and north node in Taurus. Make the word race in the title about the race for new lands and its a perfect description. The Taurus-Scorpio axis is about material resources, Taurus the effect of ownership, Scorpio the effect of expectation of inheritance.
The forward path of this Saros cycle is 19° Taurus on the Sabian symbol “a newly formed continent”. The new seed of Saros 139 is ruled by the 26° Gemini Mercury on the symbol “frost covered trees against winter skies”. The European people of winter with their extensive technological lead born out of lying near the crossroads of the world combined with the efficiency required to survive the bitter northern winters awaken to the possibility of the vast new world lying in front of them. Mercury’s partner is the 24° Aries Jupiter on the Sabian symbol “an open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia”. Jupiter’s Arian quest is a poetic description of the passage to the Americas lying open with sails unfurled bringing conquerors and colonists into the abundance of the Americas. This is no peaceful transition, Jupiter is dressed as a warrior.

Today, it may be fashionable to rail against this astrological current but this sentiment is passing away as well with Neptune’s transit into Aries next year. We will not be divided, ultimately we are being weaved together into whole cloth. The April 8, 2024 eclipse (member 30) says nothing less than this. The sixth house of Saros 139 Beginning Chart tells the story. The native peoples of America are not represented by the Aries Jupiter, the partner of the Gemini Mercury, they are instead represented by retrograde 26° Scorpio Pluto on the symbol “indians making camp”. They rule the past but as Pluto they don’t own (Taurus north node, Taurus Ceres) the future.

Claiming a connection to an indigenous tribe is verboten unless one has bona fides membership status. The truth is many native peoples just melted into the current population. There is a very big number of people who have DNA from the Sámi people of Siberia which of course cannot be wholly described by it being a hotbed for the supply of conquistadors and colonists of the 1500s although maybe an earlier conquest might be a better answer. The April 8 eclipse super charges the old Saros 139 energy. Mercury himself arrived at 24° Aries and in retrograde, reminding us of that old Arian quest “an open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia” while Jupiter has advanced to “a newly formed continent”. Pluto’s 1° Aquarius (the symbol of an old adoble mission) reminds us though that the old indigenous nations are still holding on.
According to under the entry European Colonization of the Americas, the conquest of the Americas began with colonization from 1492-1620. Saros 139 had seven partial eclipses May 17, 1501 Julian to July 30, 1609. From Columbus to Jamestown. This last date is fairly close to the settlement of Jamestown and this early stage was preparation for what was to come and most likely defined the period of European discovery and start of settlement. On August 11, 1627 until December 9, 1825, hybrid eclipses continued where the eclipses were partially total and partially annular (moon’s apparent size doesn’t completely cover the sun’s disc) and this marks Sagittarian frontier establishment existing with European discovery.
That brings us to the stage of the total eclipses beginning on December 21, 1843 continuing until March 26, 2601. This represents the long march of European Geminian civilization of the Americas. In the United States, this marks the period of the establishments of the Oregon Trail, the transcontinental railroad and the interstate highway system. Saros 139 started with a Gemini seed planted between the Sun and Moon. It is fundamentally about the Gemini work of Mercury. That Mercury came from the cold north with his idea of civilization. Communication, pathways, education, and community connection is the main work after the Sagittarian discovery and Arian conquest of Jupiter. Saros 139 will then move back to a partial eclipse pattern until it is extinguished July 3, 2763 when a new Saros cycle (possibly Saros 181 but unable to confirm) will step right in to take its place.
Saros 139 member 30 cast its shadow over Mexico, the southern regions, the Ohio river valley areas and eastern Great Lakes region of the United States and maritime Canada. Will we see a new transcontinental railroad, new highway and new communication systems that runs from Canada’s St. Lawrence ports, through the Great Lakes region, through the Ohio river valley down to Texas and on into Mexico? Already millions are walking a path through these areas. Even the Canadians are seeing immigrants that passed through Mexico. The future of the North American Free Trade Agreement looks very bright in this eclipse, sewing these three nations together, spreading European civilization and taming the frontier are all potential themes.
Jupiter has turned his attention to the newly formed continent and Mercury is whispering it is time to walk through the open window and civilize the cornucopia that awaits us. Once again it won’t be a peaceful transition, the Sun and Moon were in Aries so expect a fight most notably with the Mexican drug cartels but the future remains very bright. At 15° Aries, the north node is on the symbol “an indian weaving a blanket”. It is inevitable that these three nations will be knit together just as the people of these nations are genetically sewn together. Gemini is about our connection to each other and no amount of division and desire on one’s part to seperate from the others will get in the way of this Mercury.
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