In December 2019, one of the oddest accusations was made at a presidential debate. We learned Pete Buttigieg, presidential candidate, had descended deep into a cave filled with wine and crystals to eat dinner with his supporters. This almost Dionysian feast hadn’t resulted in nakedness, drunkenness, orgy or indeed much of any scandalous vices but instead somewhat wealthy people donated $2,800 to his campaign and had been able to listen and speak to him. Conversation. The moral outrage from Elizabeth Warren suggested she was channeling the Puritan judges of the witches at Salem or the Pharisees condemning Jesus for eating with tax collectors and prostitutes. The entire description was evocative of a Bacchanalian feast amongst the impure. Buttigieg defended himself by telling the audience that he was the only non-millionaire or billionaire on the stage and, if he couldn’t be in the company of wealthy progressive democratic party donors, he couldn’t be standing on the stage with them all. He ended with the statement that Warren wanted a purity test she couldn’t pass.

What happened in the Wine Cave?
The event likely started earlier possibly with a Cancer Ascendant. The 8 o’clock time seems to capture the event in full swing. This is an important astrological moment for Pete Buttigieg. He is a young mayor and his name asteroid, Peter, is at 2° Libra whose symbol is “the light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh.” The light of the past is settling on him to carry it forward. This is a passing of the torch. He would go on to become Secretary of Transportation and oversee much of the spending from the infrastructure bill. Pete is represented by the Sagittarius Mercury conjunct the asteroid Bacchus. It seems the wine may have loosened his tongue. Most of the wine soaked talk centered around the groups hopes and wishes. Elizabeth Warren knew exactly the nature of these discussions. She specifically suggested appointments of ambassadorships are fueled by just such occasions.
The Bacchanalia is a secret rite. These late night feasts scandalized Livy and he wrote that they had been reformed after they had committed conspiracy against the state. Buttigieg’s initiation into the secret wine and alcohol drenched fundraiser circuit is a modern replay of the secret rites to subvert the norms determined by the moral, religious and state authorities. To be released from restraint at a Bacchanalia necessarily is an initiation into intimacy with those present. Knowing your secrets means you can know some of theirs. Those present were representing the ruling classes. Many of these new ruling class initiates show their communion by living according to the standard “rules for thee but not for me”. They often look like hypocrites but it originates from the standards of the class that posseses them. The original Bacchanalia was suppressed because they were not able to overcome the state as an organization of elites. Not all elites are initiates and those elites can fight back. Ambassadorships are given to the elite due to the need for independent wealth to fund the entertaining required for diplomatic work not because they donated a couple thousand dollars to a political campaign. This type of entertaining is for the purpose of accumulating power on behalf of the state. The U.S. Secretary of State is usually a very wealthy connected person more so than the other cabinet officials. The current incumbent Antony Blinken was raised by his mother and stepfather who was best buds with Ghislaine Maxwell’s father. Ghislaine Maxwell of Jeffrey Epstein infamy, the notorious procuress of underage girls.
Elizabeth Warren may be scandalized by Buttigieg’s descent into the subversive elite class, and make no mistake it is currently a descent into the underworld, but beyond this early initiation of a wine soaked feast is darker secret rites. The scandal around Jeffrey Epstein that resulted in his suspicious death brought to light the descent into much more serious elements including sex with minors, drug use and life without any rules for the purpose of power and blackmail. Hunter Biden and his laptop show another example of the darker rites at the heart of the American government during Pluto’s transit of Capricorn. His text to his daughter complaining his dad took half his salary shows the corruption of foreign money being channeled to the Vice President. The corruption is further on display with the tape of Then-Vice President Biden bragging of his shakedown of Ukraine. This man is now President but he descended into the subversive class many decades ago.
Elizabeth Warren Attacks
Elizabeth Warren presents herself as a moral authority. She says she has forsaken these Bacchanalian events due to her seeming disgust with the people behind them. Make no mistake she recognizes the corruption behind the pleasant social face but she mistakes it’s cause. Wine is fermented and the Bacchanalia is associated with wine. As organic material degrades microorganisms begin to feed and change the nature of the material. The yeast or the leaven is a mark of corruption. This creates the entire debate over what should be consumed at a Christian communion.
Four days later, Elizabeth Warren attacked Pete Buttigieg and the current subversive elite class. Her attack started 1:17 minutes after the December 2019 Democratic debate started. The retrograde asteroid Warren in the 1st house opposes the 29° Capricorn Venus. This Venus is conjunct Buttigieg’s natal Sun. The 1st house is places of direct action such as the battlefield or attacks on a debate stage. She associated money, represented by the attack chart Venus, with the corruption. She missed the real mark the 22° Capricorn Pluto, the real leaven is secret intimacy with power brokers who wield power over individual government officials. There on the stage was Buttigieg, Warren and standing there just on her left was Joe Biden. In her haste to attack the initiate, she missed the old grand wizard beside her.

The subsequent events illuminate the descent of Pete Buttigieg into the elite class. It is not always a descent. At other times, it is an ascent and once Pluto clears out of Capricorn the current trend of control and corruption of the government will be challenged. Before you doubt this period is worse than others, Joe Biden is an illuminating case having run for President twice before with no traction. His rise to real power coincided with Pluto’s entry into Capricorn. Today, Elizabeth Warren remains a Senator but Pete Buttigieg has joined the administration as a cabinet minister. He has gained a seat at the table of the government elites. He controls most of the new debt based spending on infrastructure. He has overtaken her position and has climbed the hierarchy. Unlike Livy’s Rome, Warren was unable to overcome the Bacchanalian elite who are in the highest positions of power. It is not unexpected since Pluto has been transiting Capricorn since 2008 and they are now well entrenched. The resistance needed to overcome this system will take more than one Senator.