“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. ” Genesis. The start. Creation. If you squint a bit, you might get the dust and hydrogen gas collapse creating a sun. Collapse of a nebula. It is also the esoteric prescription for the zodiac sign Leo. There is no need to mistake the Christian God as the only creator of Leonine energy. Any god, goddess, force, animalia, plantae, fungi, protista, archaea, bacteria or mineral can follow the recipe. Set aside the matter. Take the waters (Pisces) mixed with some moving earth (Capricorn) stir the top briskly and voila light (Leo). You just have to collapse the hydrogen gas enough that stars form that can ionize the hydrogen and dust. Astronomers call this recipe nebulae.
This particular arrangement in a horoscope is known as a yod (pronounced yud), otherwise called the finger of God. The Yod is made of one sextile and two quincunxes that point to a single focal point. This is the divine point, the place it all begins. Creation emerges from this point.

The Leo zodiac sign is best described by the results of the creative play of children. Leo stands out since it is out of the ordinary. The Sun is descriptive of behavior. Actors and actresses can take on and display a mask of different character types through behavior. The 5th house, the Sun’s natural house, are places of creative play. The stage, the playground, the racetrack, the swing, the casino.
The apex planet, in the example, is the Leo Sun. It is sitting on the divine point. The apex planet of a Yod is a new creation from the past. This is about reimagining the past. Putting old things together in a new way. The fire signs all have new as the driving theme. Aries is first, newborn. Leo is creating new from the old. Sagittarius is new discovery.
The divine point can occur at any degree or zodiac sign in the horoscope but it’s creative essence stays true. Each planet will be undergoing reimagining. There will be a Leonine element even in a retrograde Pluto. The circumstances of that Pluto may be very serious and scary but nonetheless the answer to those circumstances will be creative.
The Yod is heavily karmic in the sense that it is a energetic pattern designed to address past karma by breaking with the old and remaking it into something new. Outside eyes focus on the new creation but what lies behind that is a Capricornian mountainous structure to hold and structure all the Piscean waters. In my experience, Leo Ascendants and Leo Suns both are engaged in a pronounced struggle to reimagine the structure of karma. They can wrestle with discipline and find no Piscean escape because failure to be disciplined will bring an environment that imposes it. Often they desire and attempt to be subsumed in the deepest oceanic emotions but only get the briefest glimpses before Capricorn’s mountain closes in on them. One gets the impression they are still in the ocean resisting climbing the mountain to get to the surface of the waters. Old patterns are still visible with Leo Ascendants and Leo Suns. Leo Moons however tend to have a natural and fairly easy way of remaking karma.

Syngin Colchester Astrology
While reality TV shows are far from reality, Syngin Colchester demonstrates one of the hallmarks of Leo Ascendants with heavy Capricorn placements. Some Leo Ascendant individuals don’t internalize Capricorn and therefore have fits and starts with discipline. They blame their Capricorn travails on the Saturnian individuals around them. This is due to projection. Syngin’s father was a “cold man” who drank and Tania is demanding too much of him. By not exercising discipline, the world is imposing it on him.
Divorcing Tania (Aquarius 7th), being tied down by a serious job (Capricorn in the 6th), and not having children (Capricorn 5th) did not solve this problem because ultimately the solution must come from within. Syngin has to stop projecting his Capricorn and instead play that role himself. He stated in one episode that his answer is to find a woman who will party, drink and possibly use drugs, with him. He is not wrong but it is the answer in a contrary way, the more his desired lady partner drifts in her Piscean haze (Pisces in the 7th and 8th) the more he will need to play Saturn at the party (Capricorn and especially Capricorn Saturn in the 5th). Tania Maduro was drawn into playing Saturn and left Syngin to play Neptune. If Syngin’s new lady love plays Neptune, he will find himself the unwitting Saturn.
Leo Ascendants usually have Capricorn in the 5th house. Don’t ever bet on a racehorse with Capricorn in the 5th or Saturn in the 5th in a short race. They aren’t fast runners. Discipline on the playground. Delay on the racetrack. It is a young horses game, but for some, Capricorn can be mastery of the race but that doesn’t mean speed, it means endurance.
Leo Ascendants who have Capricorn planetary placements in the 5th can really struggle with having discipline. Syngin Colchester is but one example. This rears its head whenever the individual attempts to engage in Piscean activities like drinking, using drugs, and even playing music. To the Leo Ascendant, the world appears to shut this down. Saturn requires you to meet your responsibilities before he grants the license for a blowout, rollicking Saturnalia. Failure to impose the necessary discipline first means every attempt to party will come with a internal or external killjoy. Once the Leo Ascendant assumes their Capricorn, it opens the world up to the Pisces influence in their life. The Saturnalia license is granted. For a Leo Ascendant with Pisces in the 7th and 8th houses, that Pisces can easily be projected onto another person. The Leo zodiac sign is supposed to reimagine and structure their old karmic Piscean ways not continue them.
Synastry & Imposing Discipline From Without
The issue of Capricorn discipline is a problem created from the progression of the zodiac through time. A Leo engages in Capricorn before engaging in Pisces. Failure to be disciplined in full measure will create arduous conditions once Pisces is reached as the native progresses in time. The Yod through the sextile aspect easily reaches back and brings forward the necessary discipline although if it is not imposed from within it will be imposed from without. One of the most common ways it does so is through synastry.

My husband the Pisces Moon has a karmic signature of genesis in his birth chart. Although apparent in his own horoscope, our synastry shows that it plays a much bigger role than his own astrology would presume. Our wedding anniversary in a little over a week on July 31 will mark 24 years of marriage. He has a Leo Saturn in the 12th house (the natural house of Neptune and Pisces) in a skipped step to his karmic nodes. He cannot progress in life until the locked gate of his own Leo Saturn allows him. As a Capricorn Ascendant, my ruling planet the Leo Saturn in the 7th is conjunct his Ascendant and loosely conjunct his Sun. For him, I play the role of his Leo Saturn in the 12th.
It is not a surprise then that in our marriage I had to impose discipline once in a big way. The moment came when I could no longer associate with the cult we had been in. I would not allow them to throw me away as if I were in the wrong, I had to leave them for their disgraceful conduct. It was not my morals in doubt but theirs. To leave, he would lose his mother, a sister and his lifelong friends to them shunning him. After a grace period of a year, followed by some months of him not wanting to change our ambivalent status of letting people believe nothing had changed, I acted. We had been drifting in Piscean waters but then he made a creative project of film showing the church’s immorality and showed his mom who immediately went to the church’s version of a bishop and turned us in. Before they could act, I did. He didn’t have to resign but he chose to do so. I pulled out my already written resignation letter. He also added his and we mailed the letters in. He went to his sister and his friends and said goodbye as well as gave some of them a letter explaining why he had left. No rumors from the church would muddy the waters of why we were gone as all who knew us had direct knowledge of the reason we no longer chose to be members of the church.
Since that time, he has been recovering things from the past and putting them into new use. Having the discipline to leave those waters allowed him to reinvent his life. Today, he relishes his freedom to believe as he wishes and pursue the life of creative projects he wants.
The Sun is the planet of karmic cleansing. As each planet conjoins it by conjunction, the Sun resonates and interacts with the other planet reimagining what went before (Pisces), structures what is (Capricorn), and creatively plants a new seed (Leo). The earth was without form. The waters were dark. The spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Let there be light. The dawn of a new day. A new seed. Genesis.
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