As I write this the Ever Given, one of the largest container ships in the world, is wedged in the Suez Canal. It holds just over 20,000 containers. This choke point of global trade is causing trade ships to reroute around the Cape of Good Hope. Estimates are this event is costing the world $400 million per hour. This is the sixth day of the disruption.

This is not just a simple event horoscope. Disruption is Uranian. Uranus (♅)is at 8° Taurus whose sabian symbol is “a sleigh without snow”. It follows the Sabian symbol “a Samaritan woman at the well”. The zodiac sign Taurus is fixed earth. This is stored goods. The containers on this massive ship are stored goods. What does this mean? Taurus Uranus already means continuous goods disruptions and this has been the case with a global pandemic shutting down trade, a fire in a major factory in Japan shutting down factories all over the world by causing a chip shortage for new vehicles, the winter storm that almost caused the Texas grid to collapse and resulted in days of power outages has disrupted resin production causing cascading supply problems in industries that have just been targeted for a $1.9 trillion stimulus in the United States. Now this. Massive global trade disruption because one massive ship launched in 2018 has had its second accident related to loss of steering in high winds. The woman at the well was being told the Jewish system was over and a new system had already arrived. The very next symbol shows the old system grinding to a halt. This is part and parcel of the Perseus Return of 2020. Trade is Libra, the old system was a Libra Perseus Return of 1982, but we live in a new Capricorn system, Capricorn Perseus Return of 2020.
The Ever Given wedged almost sideways in the Suez Canal is the Aries Chiron, the actual wounded ship, and that is connected by semi-sextile to the Taurus Uranus representing global trade ground to a halt. The horoscope shows a pileup of planets behind the wounded container ship. That should speak for itself, those are the trade ships that are backed up and cannot advance. Some are already turning and rerouting to the trade route around Africa. Ceres at 11° Taurus is on the symbol “ruler of a nation”. The news media is reporting this event has major implications for the President of Egypt.

Tonight is the full moon with a spring tide, if it doesn’t move tonight, they will probably need to unload it and find and bring in one of the tallest cranes in the world on a barge. They seem to be getting a direct push. The Sun and Moon have lined up to help at 8° Aries and 8° Libra with assistance from Saturn and Mars creating a loose kite horoscope chart pattern. The tighter chart pattern, shown above, has a very strong push at 8° Aries at the location of Ever Given at 8° Aries. This location is in the 4th house, the Moon’s natural house. Tidal areas are 4th house places. The Moon is a trade moon so it will probably will be able to dislodge the ship. They just need to make sure they don’t break it. Mars on the North Node of the Moon is a bit harrowing. In astrocartography, the Mars line lies closest to the Suez canal. Mars is influenced by Mercury who is conjunct Neptune. This could be the dissolving event with a spilling of the containers and contents. Waiting just a bit past the exact high tide would let the Moon have more influence than Mars.
The new order is Capricorn Mastery. The old Libran Order of Partnership, Diplomacy and Trade is behind us. Depending on speed, and ocean conditions the trade route around the Cape of Good Hope can add thirteen days round trip and major new fuel costs from the Suez route. Even though they are probably close to freeing the Ever Given hopefully without too much damage, continue to expect disruption to stored goods. Our world is currently based on global trade and until that changes, trade will continue to be affected by the disruptions to goods that are on the trade ships. Uranus won’t transit out of Taurus until 2025 and by that time we should all be fully stocked come hell or high water. Tonight, they hope the high water arrives.