Thomas Jefferson of my native Virginia was immensely fond of the Aquarian spirit of resistance. Aquarius is fixed air or fixed thoughts. All of us can change our life by changing our mind but the fixed nature of Aquarius leaves these natives feeling like they are on the outside looking in but it is an illusion – that pane of glass is really unmovable thoughts. The only reason the United States of America or any country exists is the collective thought that it does. It is that collective thought in billions of people that gives it immense power. Humans have the capacity to change their minds and in the blink of an eye non-real things either begin or cease to exist. Mass delusions very easily convince people that an thing of air like the United States of America is real in the sense of it is an earthly thing. These unreal things live in the realm of air. Each of us keeps it alive in our mind and that is the only place it can live.
“And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.” Letter to William Stephens Smith from Thomas Jefferson, 1787
The 2020 great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is occurring at 0° Aquarius on December 21, 2020 at 1:18 pm. This chart has several 0° elements. These are critical degrees. The 0° is also the 30° of the previous zodiac sign. It is the moment when the previous sign creates the conditions for a shift to the next sign. The 30° Capricorn symbol is “a secret business conference”. This is the moment that Capricorn tyranny awakens Aquarian resistance.

The Archetype of Jupiter and Saturn
Jupiter’s and Saturn’s natural houses straddle the midheaven – the highest point of the horoscope chart. This shows their position as kings. The archetype of these two planets is about upheaval literally. Saturn, who is afraid of being overthrown, has been devouring his children. His youngest son is able to grow up and he gives his father a medicine that makes him vomit up all of the children. Jupiter, along with all his siblings and allies, goes to war with his father Saturn. This ten year war is called the Titanomachy or Titan War. Saturn is overthrown. In an egalitarian way, the world is divided between the brothers – Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto.
Jupiter and Saturn together (ђ♃) describe the glyph of the Titan War. On 30° Capricorn, it is about the overthrow of tyranny. Tyranny is the cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control. As I write this, most of the states are operating with emergency powers and arbitrary rules are the rule of the day. Working age people have been denied the ability to go to work due to a virus that has little chance of killing or maiming them. The governmental authorities are restricting children from going to school and they are not learning. Saturn truly is devouring his children. The Titan War glyph is in the tenth house. This is the natural house of Saturn and represents the governmental buildings, the places of business, and the public square. The Titan War is occurring in these places.
The Christmas Tree of Liberty
Pluto has been transiting Capricorn since 2008. Pluto reveals deep hidden things. One of the best ways to accomplish this is through temptation. Saturn is authority. In January 2020, Perseus arrived. His glyph is Saturn and Pluto. The temptation of the authorities is well underway. Pluto destroys and empowers. Right now, nothing except their own moral code is restraining the authorities. They are operating with emergency powers unchecked by anyone. The governmental and business authorities are proving themselves and picking sides. They are exposing their own Sagittarian morality or choosing Capricorn tyranny. Those who become tyrants will find the world a much different place when Pluto transits into Aquarius in 2024.
All of us can change our life by changing our mind. This is the challenge of 0° Aquarius. The collective thoughts are fixing but we still have a little time to change our minds before they are set. That is the karmic promise of the Christmas Star. The 1° Aquarius’ symbol is “an old adobe mission”. That is a picture of resistance. Once the resistance begins in earnest at 1° Aquarius our path narrows. The horoscope shows a perfecting Mars Square Pluto indicating a major power struggle but no matter our individual choices Saturn will be overthrown. I started this article saying that a government like the United States of America is actually unreal just a creature of air. As a creature of air, it can be whatever it needs to be. It can be Saturn and devour its children or it can be as it always has been Jupiter – a moral Sagittarian with Aquarius’ egalitarian qualities. The Sibly Horoscope of the United States of America shows Sagittarius Rising, Cancer Sun and Aquarian Moon. The Christmas Star of the Titan War is a heralding Christmas Tree of Liberty.