It is a dark world full of exotic acts, music, popcorn, peanuts and light up trinkets. There children and their parents see a spectacle of a hybrid world. A world of Sagittarian exotic foreigness with Scorpio accents. In the center, a Plutonic ringmaster controls the crowd and the dazzling display. With a wave of his left hand, Leo’s lions appear, with a wave of his right, Aquarius’ circus freaks perform. Both square his position mirroring their square position to Scorpio in the zodiac. The product of this natural T-square can result in the succeeding house, the 9th house. The crowd follows the ringmaster’s motions but all along he watches them.
On July 6, 1944 at the 2:15 pm performance, a crowd of thousands had come together to witness circus acts of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus. About twenty minutes later a fire broke out that killed 168 people, mostly women and children.

The Fire
The glyph of Persephone (♇⚳) is conjunct the Midheaven. This is the ringmaster. He is in Leo with the lions just finishing their performance. Across from him is Aquarius in the 4th with the family of Flying Wallendas beginning their performance.
The sacred fire or sacred spark is Vesta. Her firebrand can ignite the world. In the fire horoscope, she is semi-sextile (30°) Leo Mars conjunct Jupiter. She ignites the conflagration of the tent. Following the path, the origination of the fire is the Cancer Saturn outside the tent. Most likely it was an older man, a father, who accidentally started the fire. Uranus in the 8th is the accident and also the short in the announcement system.
The Cancer zodiac sign is about motherhood and the tent was filled with mothers and their children. The fire completely engulfs the tent at 2:46 pm and no planets escape. People of every planetary type are trapped within and perish. Publically taken into the underworld, the victims become Persephone kidnapped and swallowed into the underworld.
The 9th House
The 9th house is the big tent and exotic circus world. There are many ways to merge other elements to create it and this will change the location type and general character. The Leo-Aquarius-Scorpio T-square creates a fusion of elements where Pluto’s actions build a circus. Pluto’s influence makes circuses dark other worldly places. Circus or carnival food is food of the underworld. Peanuts are legumes that grow underground. Popcorn a destroyed cereal seed.
What does a travelling circus, a Supreme Court, a Greek temple, a university and a foreign country have in common? They are all 9th house places but each was forged from different elements. The house immediately after a particular house represents the produce of the actions of the 1st. The circus is the extraordinary estate of the dark yet dazzling Pluto. Just be mindful, Pluto is the ruler of dead things and that darkness adds an essential spice to the circus but horror can also ensue. Enjoy Pluto’s peanuts but sit near an exit.