In the coming transit of Pluto through Aquarius, we can expect big changes to the power structure. The elites have been tightening their control over the masses since Pluto transited Leo from 1938 through 1957 but the Aquarian transit is upon us and continues from 2024 until 2044. Due to Pluto’s orbit, power is firmly vested in the people (Aquarius) far longer than in the elite (Leo) approximately 160 years versus 90 for the elite. Now the people or as the elite like to call them when directly challenged, the angry mob, will assert their control. In America, Aquarius Pluto will transit parts of the 2nd house, the Aquarian Pallas, Moon and Ceres in the 3rd and parts of the 3rd house.

We the People. In America, the elites in their final grasp on the slipping reins of power have launched an all out assault on the last Aquarian Pluto manifesto, the Constitution governing the United States of America. It is as if they sense the coming storm and think it derives from the Constitution. They are wrong the real storm lays in the hearts of hundreds of millions of Americans. As an illuminating moment, the short squeeze of Gamestop shares tells the tale. A man who goes by the handle, Roaring Kitty, lit the spark that caused one of the power elite, Gabriel Plotkin, to lose on behalf of other elites billions, some say $4.5 billion others $7 billion, in a single day. This money was used to buy stock to cover Melvin Capital’s short position that in turn drove up the share price. A short sale of a stock is the purchase of a contract to borrow a stock for a certain period of time followed by the sale of the stock. If the price declines, a cheaper replacement stock will be purchased to return the stock. But if the price rises, the replacement stock purchase will cause a loss. This is what happened to Gabriel Plotkin. In the following days, he appeared shaken when interviewed by a Congressional subcommittee. He has since started a new fund that won’t short anything.
News reports say Plotkin’s Melvin Capital closed out its position in Gamestop shorts in the afternoon of January 26, 2021. Since this loss became public, the horoscope is timed for the Ceres-Neptune conjunction to be on the Midheaven. Ceres is wealth and Neptune is loss. Melvin Capital’s funds had to purchase shares that were rising in price. No one thinks the shares were worth what Plotkin had to pay and the shares afterward collapsed in value causing those funds to just disappear. Neptune squares the nodal axis of Gemini-Sagittarius. This is the information axis and it was information and communication that created the maelstrom that sank Plotkin’s debt based bet on Gamestop. Plotkin isn’t a Tauran builder, he is a Scorpio destroyer. Shorting a stock is about carrion eating. Although we don’t know the day in December 1978 he was born, we know he was born under the rays of a Scorpio Uranus and the Taurus Uranus was directly involved in this foreshock of Pluto’s transit into Aquarius. The gamer of the zodiac is the Sun and the player is Jupiter and both are conjunct each other in the 8th house of debt squaring the Taurus Uranus conjunct Mars in the 11th. This Uranus wants to build his ideas not destroy things. He stopped the game with his network of mostly young male risk takers.
The transit Aquarius Pluto is going to empower innovation in building following by innovation in neighborhood and communication as Uranus transits into Gemini and then homes and family in Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the moon. “To the moon” was the rallying cry of Roaring Kitty and his ilk. It is the cry of the Taurus Uranus. America’s Aquarian Moon is her people. There on the Ascendant is the transit Cancer Moon conjunct America’s Sun. Pluto sign changes have two phases the first is destruction of the things of the existing sign and empowerment of the things of the new sign. Capricorn destruction, Aquarian empowerment. Government, big business, older persons (ahem is anyone in charge under the age of 70?) look out. Power is going to the people. So it said so it is done. To The Moon.