The world so easily forgets the ferocity of the Japanese Empire in 1945. In 1944, the Japanese military command concluded, “We can no longer direct the war with any hope of success. The only course left is for Japan’s one hundred million people to sacrifice their lives by charging the enemy to make them lose the will to fight.” The Japanese Commanders were willing to sacrifice the entire nation rather than surrender and these weren’t just words. They put it into action. Young men and their officers were giving their lives in mostly fruitless kamikaze attacks against all American forces whether on land, sea or air. They killed many Americans but couldn’t stop American might and still they attacked. They were suicidal warmongers who were willing to sacrifice every man, woman and child before they did everyone a favor and killed themselves. And don’t forget what they did to the Chinese.
They had also sucker punched America at Pearl Harbor and fought a naval war that claimed 112,000 Americans killed and another 250,000 wounded and missing in the Pacific Theater. America is a 13° Cancer Sun. The Sabian symbol for 13° Cancer is “one hand slightly flexed with a prominent thumb.” The Pollice Verso. The turned thumb that signified the fate of a gladiator in ancient Rome. As a Cancer Sun, America is cardinal water and is subject to rolling emotion. The Cancer zodiac sign shapes the native’s environs through feeling and is associated with motherhood. Everyone knows how dangerous a mother is, if her children are threatened. America’s sons were dying and America was angry. A little over two months after Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 excluding Japanese Americans from Alaska and most of the West Coast. Off to internment camps they went, identified by the U.S. Census Bureau. After the misery Imperial Japan was inflicting, he would suffer America’s wrath more directly.
Even after this, America was willing to be mollified. On July 26, 1945, the Potsdam Declaration was issued calling for Japan to unconditionally surrender its armed forces but with statements regarding how Japan would continue as a sovereign nation and promising eventual free election of a Japanese government by its people. It concluded that “the alternative for Japan is prompt and utter destruction.”

Eleven days later on August 6, 1945 at 0245, the Enola Gay, a American B-29 Superfortress, left Tinian island carrying the first atomic weapon used in warfare. The airplane was named for Tibbets mother and inside she was carrying the bomb called Little Boy. The symbolism of the mother may seem odd but America is a Cancer Sun and when she acts she acts as a mother.
The United States of America’s Cancer Sun was conjunct the Ascendant. The life giving American Sun was the power behind the mission. This mission wasn’t about dropping a bomb it was about giving life to Americans. The Pollice Verso. One gladiator would die and one would live. The bomb itself, Pluto, is in the 2nd house conjunct America’s north node. This house is about material possessions. The bomb was targeted for destruction of Japan’s factories and war industry. But there close by so the meaning wouldn’t be lost is the rising Sun, the symbol of Imperial Japan.
It was America itself that made the choice and gave life back to the Japanese people and saved American servicemen. The estimates are that Americans killed 225,000 Japanese in the Hiroshima and later Nagasaki attacks. That would be 225,000 Japanese versus the 100,000,000 Japanese their military intended to see die besides Americans as well. This astrological moment wasn’t about death, it was about life and ending the war.