Cast Away is the spiritual exploration of the Pisces zodiac sign. Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) and Kelly Frears (Helen Hunt) are together heading toward marriage but fate intervenes. Neptune, Pisces and the 12th house describe how fate acts in a horoscope. Pisces also is the end of the previous cycle, while its neighboring sign Aries is the beginning of the new cycle. Seperately, Bettina is an metalworking artist living on a ranch that creates angel wings. She is the Libra Mars in the 4th trine the Aquarius Uranus. She sends a package, painted with her wings, to Moscow to her cheating husband.

Tom Hanks plays the protagonist, Chuck Noland. Chuck Noland could easily mean cast away to no land. The premiere time opens in Cancer and so the main character should be represented by the ruler of Cancer, the Pisces Moon in the 9th. The Pisces Moon is about feeling the emotions of loss. The natural home of the Moon is the 4th house. This Moon though is in the 9th house and that can be the description of wide open spaces. However, Chuck Noland starts the movie as Saturn. This gives us a clue that the North and South Node of the Moon is in play in this film.
Chuck Noland, a system engineer and FedEx executive, jets around the world solving problems of time. He ships a timer to Moscow. Saturn is father time, he oversees systems and often is dressed as an executive. Saturn is about your career, the public, government, duty, responsibility, committment, discipline, old things like antiques, and the father/patriarch. He is time so human bones, the last thing that decays, is Saturn.
In the beginning, Chuck is the retrograde Taurus Saturn. The retrograde is slightly ominous in that Saturn requires you to do all your work first. The Saturnalia, our modern Christmas occuring in Capricorn, is a reward after the harvest and slaughter is complete and all the work is done. The retrograde means this is a reattempt at something and he had previously failed. A retrograde Saturn is going to push you hard toward the work you didn’t complete. Saturn isn’t fate he is karma. As Saturn, he has a bad tooth, and spends his life emphasizing time management and carries the antique watch of his beloved. Her “granddaddy used it on the Southern Pacific.” He sits down for a Christmas feast with Kelly but is called away to work. There will be no Christmas for him until the work is done. Saturn rules Capricorn. Kelly Frears is Saturn’s intended bride and she is the Capricorn Venus conjunct the Descendant. Fate intervenes. Neptune and Jupiter conspire to cast Chuck onto a deserted island.
Time stops, the watch breaks and Chuck finds himself in Neptune’s realm, he has become the Pisces Moon in the 9th. All around him in every direction is the Piscean ocean. He is lost, cast away, and no longer Saturn. He is no longer trine the Capricorn Venus. The Capricorn south node is swept away and he plunges into the Cancer north node in Neptune’s natural home, the 12th house.
Also contained in the 9th house is a bit of Aries, the primitive island which only has limited resources. He is alone. Singular. Independent. Aries. He lives on that Arian bit of the 9th house. He makes Arian fire. There he finds Piscean oddities that wash ashore. He buries a dead colleague but has to take his shoes. Pisces rules the feet. Feel those emotions. On Neptune’s island he is awash in emotions. Fear, anger, disgust, abandonment, pride, caring from his friendship with Wilson, depression. He considers suicide. The Pisces Moon is square the Sagittarius Sun. A first quarter moon is about breaking through hard soil and putting down material roots.
One particular package washes ashore that has Bettina’s angelic wings. Uranus rules flying. This Uranian talisman gives him a slight course correction. He doesn’t open the package and keeps it safe for delivery. He has begun merging the north and south nodes. He has seen his wings. It represents a return to his Capricorn south node impulses within the Cancer north node. He slowly synthesizes the nodes eventually living in a cave having drawn a map of the seasons, time has returned, matching fate’s infinity symbol. As above, so below. The cave art includes drawings of Kelly and the angel wings. Time is no longer minutes and seconds but the cyclical and magical change of the island’s winds and water.
On Neptune’s island, Chuck is in the 9th and he is on a quest. With each step, he leaves behind the creature of time. He no longer stands out from the island but has become one with it. Uranus then sends him a broken piece of a plastic porta-john that has a faint resemblance to wings. This provides the support he needs for his escape from Neptune’s island. Bettina, the artist of the wings, lives on a ranch. A ranch is a wide open space and is the 9th house. Chuck’s work is done, so he can escape Neptune’s island. He reunits with Kelly briefly but Saturn has closed his path back to the South Node. She is now a committed wife to a dentist with a child. The movie ends when he stands at a cross roads. He meets the divorced Bettina with her Arian red hair. As she pulls away toward her home he sees his talisman on her truck bumper once again.