Eureka, the call of Uranus upon his flash of genius. Latin for “I Have Found It.” These were the words James Marshall uttered when he told the first person he saw about his find. What James Marshall had found was gold at Sutter’s Mill. The simplicity of the statement captures the essence of the moment. There on the American River in the Sierra Nevada (snowy mountains) America struck it rich with an eventual extraction of 750,000 pounds of gold. At the ounce price today (during the Ukrainian-Russian conflict), this amounted to a find worth just under $24 trillion.

The Aries Uranus in the 2nd house is the gold strike. It is trine the Sagittarius Venus conjunct the 11th house cusp. The love of money inflamed the hopes and wishes of people from all over the world to come to America and find their fortune. The Chinese gold seekers named California “Gold Mountain”. The Capricorn Sun a golden mountain. Marshall had just found the barest flakes from that hidden mountain. Standing there at his job site on the American River, the first gold flake is represented by retrograde 13° Cancer Jupiter in the 6th. Jupiter is associated with living on the edge of a golden world. This Jupiter retrograde was full of himself. The world of gold lay within.

This eureka moment had a profound effect. America, a Sagittarius Ascendant, came into its promised inheritance. In America’s Sibly horoscope, she has a Capricorn Pluto in the 2nd house. The 2nd house represents your own wealth while Pluto represents other people’s wealth. Pluto in the 2nd here represents a mountainous inheritance. It is conjunct the Eureka Capricorn Sun already called Gold Mountain. The question is who is the inheritance from. The most direct answer is the 10° Pisces Saturn whose sabian symbol is “an aviator pursues his journey, flying through ground obstructing clouds.” This dissolved away or lost master continues. There with America’s Sun we see the Jupiter displaying the Pollice Verso. The lost Roman Emperor, head of the SPQR, gives America her Roman inheritance. Immediately, America uses this new wealth to invest in her 9th house and sends out the gold message to the Virgo Neptune sparking the dreams of thousands maybe millions of foreigners to come to America and propelling America out on her Sagittarian journey.