The most famous feud in America comes down to the saying “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog”. The McCoys no matter how many licks they took kept coming back. Aside from all the various start dates of the feud none of which have been documented enough to determine a date, we are left with the one everyone agrees happened. The election day overkill murder of Ellison Hatfield. This is the best date and time that describes the astrology of the Hatfield-McCoy feud.
How did Ellison Hatfield die? The reports are it was one drunk man against three McCoys and he was stabbed 27 times and shot in the back. Another account says Ellison was attempting to make sure the vote went a certain way and asked Tolbert McCoy how he intended to vote thus provoking Tolbert and his brothers to stab him 27 times and shoot him in the back. Either way this suggests an overkill. Overkills are associated with Mars and Jupiter. In the horoscope of the event (time estimated), there is a tight Mars square Jupiter. Mars is the fight and Jupiter is the plus size.

The Hatfields intercepted the McCoy boys on their way to jail and were held to see what would happen. Once Ellison succumbed to his wounds, all three of the McCoys were taken, tied up and shot multiple times by the Hatfields. Overkill again. Nothing like picking up the top of your teenager’s skull from his lap to start healing and restore calm.
The Hatfields eluded the law and this caused the McCoys to continue the fight. That in turn caused the Hatfields to go up against Randolph McCoy and kill two more of his children as well as beat his wife.This spark then almost caused West Virginia and Kentucky to invade the other state as well. Roseanna McCoy had sex with Johnse Hatfield and Kentucky and West Virginia almost went to war. This is the outrageous effect of Jupiter supersizing everything.
Eventually, Kentucky did invade West Virginia and arrested several Hatfields. The Jupiterian U.S. Supreme Court had to step in and review the law and pass judgement to resolve the matter. Kentucky proceeded to hang one Hatfield and the rest went to prison. Another brother of Anse Hatfield, Valentine died in prison and some say the McCoys were involved. Other Hatfields were tried and eventually released by serving their sentence or being parolled. Thus ended the Hatfield McCoy Feud. The day the feud erupted into violence, Pluto was beginning its transit of Gemini. Grudges held in the community.
The Feud – Pluto in Gemini
At the heart of this feud is the erstwhile love story of the mountain Romeo and his abandoned Juliet. Son of Devil Anse Hatfield, Johnson Hatfield, and Randolph McCoy’s daughter, Roseanna McCoy, had a short lived affair of the heart. Gemini is conversation between the twins. Conversation between lovers. The McCoys in an attempt to rid themselves of Johnse had captured him to take him in for bootlegging charges. This was the first time the Hatfields intervened by rescuing Johnse. The pregnant Roseanna McCoy was subsequently abandoned. Then Johnse married her cousin, Nancy McCoy.

The astrological chronicle suggests the violent outbreak of 1882 had a lot to do with this affair. In 1882, Pluto in Gemini had opposed Roseanna’s Mars Vesta conjunction. Johnse provided the sudden strike as Uranus and Roseanna provided the sacred spark with her Mars conjunct Vesta. The sudden outbreak of violence/sex tied to the sacred fire of Vesta.
The vestal virgins were not to have sexual relations until their time of temple service had ended when they could resume their life. Roseanna’s Mars was conjunct this Vesta. In Roman times, a vestal virgin had become a daughter of the state and any vestal who had sexual relations during their service was considered to have committed treason. Since she was a daughter of the state any sex with a citizen was a sacrilege. Her lover would also be killed while a prescribed rite was required to bury the vestal alive. The conjunction with Mars goes back even further to the myths of Ishtar or Inanna when women had sex as a religious fertility rite. Roseanna’s sexuality, became the spark that could ignite a much greater conflagration. These are community taboos. Gemini Pluto.
The 1882 event had lined up the karmic nodes with the Mars conjunct Vesta in her horoscope. Johnse’s Jupiterian roving ways in the community (his Gemini Jupiter) had put the pressure on the Hatfield side of the square between the families but it was Roseanna who was central to the spark that started the feud. She died young seemingly buried alive by her community (event Gemini Pluto) with no full life after her encounter with Johnse Hatfield.
The last of the Hatfields to suffer Randolph McCoy’s fight was Johnse Hatfield himself, the probable father of Randolph’s daughter Roseanna’s bastard child. In 1898, almost two decades after the Hatfields were taken by agents of Kentucky, Deputy U.S Marshal Dan W. Cunningham took Johnse Hatfield in West Virginia and took him to Pike County, Kentucky for trial. With the trial and Johnse and the other Hatfield men either gaining parole or completing their sentence thus ended the feud. Pluto moved along into Cancer leaving behind his destruction of the community and moving onto the family.
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