The Moons nodes travel around the zodiac in cycle of a little over 18 and a half years and remain in each zodiac sign a year and a half. The retrograde nodal transit into each zodiac sign marks out the seasons of the Saros. The nodes can be in any astrological house but can only be set in certain houses for a particular Ascendant. A ninth house Libra north node can only be the incarnational path for a Sagittarius or Capricorn Ascendant. Without being born above the Arctic Circle, no other Ascendant would ever have a ninth house north node in Libra. Libra. Love. North Node. Forward Path. Ninth House. Places of the Quester.
Although many natives can have the archetype of a quest for love, such as a Libra Jupiter, Venus in the ninth house, Jupiter in the seventh house or Jupiter and Venus in tight aspect to each other, only a Sagittarius or Capricorn Ascendant will ever truly be on The Quest for Love, Libra north node in the ninth house. The life’s forward momentum will be solely devoted to seeking partnership, justice, fairness, money and/or love.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers is a Sagittarius Ascendant. Like many a Sagittarius native, he has a tattoo of an arrow seen on his upper left arm. Sagittarius is the archetype of the centaur loosing his arrows and following their path. Looking for something. Seeking. Ruled by Jupiter, a Sagittarius Ascendant is quite at home engaging in quests. Although he is known for his acting, that is not the point. He carried the energy of the change from Sagittarius into Capricorn and he was always on the hunt for love. Understanding his journey is as simple as listening to Foreigner’s “I Want to Know What Love Is”. The giant hit song in 1984 marked Neptune’s entry from Sagittarius into Capricorn. The song is sung as if Neptune is singing, talking about the past pain of Scorpio, the past travels of Sagittarius and now facing the climb up the mountain of Capricorn.
Jonathan’s seventh house contains a Leo Saturn and Leo Sun. Saturn in the seventh is one of those astrological placements that could scare a goth but it has a major upside if you don’t project Saturn on someone else but play the role yourself. This is the challenge of his Leo Saturn placement. On the verge of becoming a Capricorn native, he has to confront the fatherhood of Capricorn, emotional regulation, discipline, time, setting and working ardously toward a goal. No longer the playboy Jupiter but becoming the committed adult Saturn.
The mythical Saturn devours his children. His love is not of the nurturing emotion of the Cancerian mother but instead his form of love is of the emotion felt upon beholding the successful attainment of goals by his children known as respect. A mother’s emotion is pitious compassion for the helpless mewling and puking infant while a father’s emotion is the hardwon and earned respect for the adult.
Although Mara Lane’s birthtime and place is not known, her planetary placements clearly impact Jonathan Rhys Meyers underlying essential quest for Libran love. His seventh house is filled with a tiny slice of Gemini, the Cancer zodiac sign, Leo Sun and Saturn. His ideal seventh house marriage would be a Cancerian family with Leonine children. His Gemini Venus conjunct Jupiter in his sixth house is a rewriting of the quest for love and looking for a twin. Mara Lane’s Gemini Venus lines up to telegraph to him that she is the one he has been seeking. Her own north node path in life is tied to family with her parental Saturn and Moon together in the Virgo zodiac sign. “I want to know what love is, I want you to show me.” Mara Lane’s Virgo Saturn and Moon and Cancer Sun in his seventh house are ideally placed to show him love. His Leo Saturn requires him to learn that lesson of love and structure himself so he can have the relationship he wants.
Having been abandoned so often, it is this stable family (Taurus in the 4th) that he craves to soothe his Chironic wound conjunct the I.C that is beneath his erratic dark moods (7° Scorpio Uranus – the Sabian symbol is deep sea divers). Mara Lane’s Aries Ceres also lies close to his south node offering him a bedrock that he can rely upon. Made up almost entirely of fire and air elements, Jonathan carries a wound of lost security and he has been running away from that pain. Being too much in his own head (air elements) tamping the pain down and using initiation and physical activity (fire elements) to avoid pain, he has impoverished himself of allowing himself to feel (dearth of the water element) and rest upon (dearth of earth elements) the place he finds himself.
His acting is allowing him to play at feeling other people’s emotions that he won’t allow himself the luxury of expressing for himself. The stable and loving family is built to let him feel the sadness and pain of the past in safety, ultimately allowing him to stop his headlong flight. My mother used to tell my father who was a Sagittarius south node, “no matter where you go, there you are”. You can’t run from yourself. Chiron on the fourth house cusp is a brutal karmic wound. Although it won’t be cured, regularly attending to it does soothe it’s worse effects. I find it fascinating that in The Tudors, Jonathan had to portray a Chironic type wound. Although he was great in the character of King Henry VIII, he never really conveyed the anger, shock, betrayal and despair from a wound that will never heal. Exploring those crushing depths is the mountain Jonathan must now climb. If he is able to do so, he will find those depths hold the real wealth in his life (Aquarius 2nd house).