Lady Justice carries both a set of scales and a sword. Commonly seen blindfolded, she resides in the lower courts of justice. Her Roman name is Justitia and she judges and personally metes out justice. Her sword isn’t just for show but represents the execution of perpetrators of injustice. She is associated with Venus’ 7th house and with ancient goddesses of divine order, law and custom.

Eclipses are the karmic coupling of the fertile Moon and lifegiving Sun. The ancient eclipse is the planting of a new karmic seed and in the synastry chart of couples is the aspect of marriage. The following lunar eclipse represents the revelation of the fruit of the union. The coming Mars retrograde carries the energy of fighting for answers in the lower courts. The solar eclipse on the eastern seaboard of the United States is ruled by Scorpio Venus disappearing with the cosmic couple. What is going on behind those closed doors? Venus knows. This Venus is ruled by the Capricorn Pluto representing the authorities who are actively watching their dying respect slip through their fingers. Authoritative experts are being dismissed, disregarded and the increasing desperation of the authorities statements demanding obedience is becoming common. How dare you… disregard Science, disregard the American Medical Association, disregard the Centers for Disease Control, deny Climate Change, deny the election. Those cries aren’t marking respect and authority, they directly measure the power slipping through their hands. They are cries for obedience from authorities who aren’t respected for themselves alone. The Solar Eclipse Grand Air Trine allows the free flow of information. Behind the scenes, Venus secret messages (Libra Mercury in 12th) flow out to Mars to be published (9th house). Her messages are secret because she still works for the authorities. Yet something else is afoot. Lady Justice stands with the authorities. She sits in judgement.

In the Lunar Eclipse, Lady Justice has moved forward and we find she has emulated Pluto’s later transit to 0°Aquarius next year. The transits of Pluto through the zodiac signs represent the cycle of rebirth and death. Pluto empowers, tempts and then destroys that which was dead. That final death happens at the end of the zodiac sign at its shift into the next zodiac sign. The authorities represented by the Capricorn zodiac sign are now into the final stages of Plutonic transformation. The now retrograde Gemini Mars is digging into the hidden secrets (8th house). The asteroid Justitia is preparing the way and she has moved to the end point of Capricorn. Eclipses are endings and beginnings and Lady Justice is ushering Pluto to the end of Capricorn. The Lunar Eclipse Taurus Moon is conjunct retrograde Uranus and this is the stubborn detached emotion of complete and total disinterest in this last gasp of purloined respect from the authorities. From here on out, Pluto is abandoning them to their fate and beginning his empowerment of all things Aquarius. The individual, the iconoclast, and the revolutionary.