During Venus cazimi, new strong relationship energy is imbued into Venus. During a retrograde Venus cazimi, relationship karma is cleared. On January 8, 2022 at 7:47 p.m., there will be an opportunity to deal with ancient relationship issues. This retrograde is about ancient commitments. Retrograde Capricorn Venus is sober, responsible and has mastered their outward expression but underneath there is a cauldron of karmic brew. The remnants and emotional residue of primeval former love affairs is primed to surface. Who knows what will be found. We may find some treasures but there is bound to be the ooze that we tried to ignore and did not deal with before. The Capricorn Sun and retrograde Capricorn Venus sit together in a place of pleasure. This looks like two committed individuals out on a date. This might not be about romance. Just beneath the surface, things aren’t so serene. Sagittarius Mars and Pisces Pallas are directly connected to the Sun Venus combination.

The couple has reached the 30° Scorpionic threshold in their home. Scorpio is fixed water. This is deep strong unmovable emotions. Scorpio can be the Scorpion, the Eagle or the Phoenix. Within the Scorpion and Eagle versions, the waters hold old stagnant emotions. The Sabian symbol is “Halloween jester” and this symbol is bracketed by military veterans reliving the war around a campfire and a woman pleading for the lives of her children. How Plutonic is that, on the one hand dead men walking but on the other remembrance and reliving of the dead? Halloween is based on an ancient festival that offered protection during times of great trouble when demons would walk freely between the worlds of the living and the dead. The Celts dressed as demons to fool the real ones since they believed it was possible to come across one. This deception would provide the person protection.
This speaks to committed and mature couples well past the Libra stage of marriage and into the consort, merged life, stage of marriage. This is the world between living and dead. Now is the emotional stalemate season of the marriage. A Halloween jester is working on the trick part of trick or treat. He is threatening to play a trick unless he is given a treat. Everyone who takes a part in this particular drama has a choice to make regarding playing and dealing with the jester. Will your partner pay you or will you need to take action? Will you pay him off or deal with his nasty trick? The Sagittarius Mars who likes the flight part of fight or flight is also present. Someone has been running from the other’s attempts at control.
Deep in karmic territory, the Pisces Pallas person has been dissolving in past relationship karma and attempting to heal the relationship. This healing is read as control by the other partner, who is the bolter. The square aspect between the Pallas and Mars shows a tension that forces action. The action generated by the square dominates the couple’s home life. This is the time to examine the mysterious emotional residue.
Pay the Treat
The 28° Taurus Ceres is there conjunct the 30° Taurus North Node. Ceres is the treat and she is on the Sabian symbol “a woman is pursued by mature romance”. There is a reawakening and continuation of the ancient commitment. This is a good picture of a Sagittarian Mars being chased by a Pisces Pallas. You can almost see the dust clouds billowing back from Mars’ Sagittarian hooves and the lovely Pallas coughing as she tries to catch up.
See the Trick
There is the choice to stop the treats. The horoscope has a retrograde Taurus Uranus and the Descendant is in Aquarius and this is energy that can be used to divide property and negotiate divorce. Pisces Neptune in the 8th would help with dissolving the shared life. The Taurus North Node allows for the eventual standing alone of each person.
The 2022 retrograde Venus cazimi is excellent energy to examine the emotional residue of previous love affairs and negotiate the end of an ancient or modern relationship.