Meghan Sussex Flys Her Kite – American Riviera Orchard 2024

Meghan Sussex has always known what she needs to do. From Tig to Sussex Royal to American Riviera Orchard, she starts and then stops, trying to find her way. Well now is the time to dig in with both heels and make it happen. She has finally figured out a good strategy and paired it with a great horoscope. Let Prince Harry be the royal face, but she can sell the lifestyle discreetly. I just can’t help but think of this picture of Meghan weeping for some reason with a many thousand dollar designer blanket behind her.

Registration time of American Orchard Riviera

The weeping victim of the Royal Family set on the backdrop of goods for multimillionaires. Obviously, that wasn’t going to make the Sussexes rich. She needs to cut her teeth on somewhat affordable luxury goods. Aspirational goods. Something her following can actually afford to buy. I saw these single animal print across both shoes (think head on the right shoe, tail on the left shoe) from Vivaia and although I’m usually meh, I couldn’t help but thinking that cheetah would look good on Meghan while she was cooking in her kitchen. Sustainable shoe that is water proof. A picture of her later with them propped up on a footstool while she had a china plate on her lap eating the lavendar colored macaroons or quiche or whatever she had made would be a great instagram. So long as she had a deal to be paid for the traffic she was driving to the goods sites.

I can see the post now. Some fluff about the taste of the food and doing good, getting in the spirit of the upcoming trip to Nigeria, with several links attached. One to the china plate pattern, one to the shoes, one to the cookies offered at American Riviera and one to a charity that protects cheetahs or some such thing in Nigeria. See how that could have worked with the Nigerian trip.

This is how a former King of the nation of shopkeepers can shake her moneymaker. Gemini it up. Take on the image of the goddess.

Now to the horoscope, it has a kite pattern in the earth zodiac signs. Yes! Kites make for ease in making something happen and this kite is based on the earth signs. This is perfect for building a business based on physical things. One wonders if they actually elected this chart. The use of Ceres and Juno gives me doubts, just because most astrologers don’t use them and even fewer have a deep understanding of what they mean. The kite’s opposition planet is the Pisces Saturn and therein lies the wrinkle. This isn’t going to be accomplished from the couch. There are five planets in the kite; Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Ceres and Juno.

Saturn means they have to turn that secondary house into a kitchen studio and expect to start to avoid it on weekends like she works there. Because she does. Saturn is the taskmaster. It all starts with arranging the deals and designing the American Riviera vignettes.

Here is the recipe. Make deals, receive the products, sprinkle into the American Riviera vignettes. Keep good analytics so the deals start to make themselves. It all revolves around the American Riviera icon, the jam, the hand soap, the invitations, the whatever that isn’t the real point and won’t be for years to come unless they develop a real brand. So what if only 50 people end up with jam, ten thousand people end up with the shoes that were splashed with water in the making of the jam. Arrange the long studio session, wake up early, get the hairdressers and wardrobe changes ready and film a bunch of vignettes at a time, the kitchen, the garden, the workroom. And once you get one of those monster deals, like you own stock and the product is a home run, Prince Harry, Prince Archie or even Princess Lilibet comes for a visit.

This chart has Cancer rising and is ruled by the Moon. Meghan’s natal Cancer Mars is conjunct the Ascendant. She needs to pour her rage and anger into flying this kite not attacking family.

The ruling Moon points to Meghan playing the role of the Taurus Moon in the eleventh house. Taurus Moons are handy. Her husband has a Taurus Moon. The Taurus Moon was conjunct Jupiter. Things fit for a king. The Moon is on “a woman sprinkling flowers”. Grow some, bring some in, but this is roses, lavendar and champagne homemaking not barndoor, daisies and burlap chic. China, crystal, French empire, Pandora’s French cooking channel for inspiration. Jupiter is on “a man handling baggage.” Harry needs to be part of the dealmaking. This is a team effort.

The partner of the Moon is the Pisces Saturn in the ninth. Those businessmen and women need to believe in the Piscean fairytale. Prince Harry is also central to this, he is the best person to represent the retrograde 11° Virgo Juno on the symbol “a boy molded in his mother’s aspiration for him”. Astrology is often very literal. Diana molded Harry, she took him to America, she had him work with the downtrodden and encouraged him to serve humanity. She really was a Virgo Juno, especially in the beginning. The virginal wife. Shy Di. Learning how to be a royal. As a Virgo Sun, the servant prince, he needs to become the inspiration for this brand. Meg Sussex is the goddess making a home fit for two Princes and a Princess.

The Capricorn Ceres is the business products. Meg Sussex as the Taurus Moon in the eleventh house is the audience for the products. She isn’t the star, the products are the star. To futher point this out, the Pisces Sun conjunct Neptune is on the Midheaven. Meg only stars, if the products star. The Sun is semi-square the Moon and this is an obstacle. Meg is a Leo Sun so she wants to be the star but she has to play the audience for the real star. Take her cue from the servant image. It is not just Prince Harry who has to embody the Virgo Juno.

Building a royal estate (Leo in the second house) is about efficiently and discreetly selling the fairytale. They may have had the idea they were building a product based business but the chart doesn’t really push in that direction. The Sussexes chose to partner with the Capricorn Ceres who then in turn creates a network. This all feels like marketing not production. That isn’t to say American Riviera might not one day have a product line but there are some challenges to overcome to move the chart in that direction. The north node in the tenth house is conjunct the Aries Chiron. Overcoming a wound that never heals is part of building any American Riviera product line.

The separation from the royal family, the deep cuts inflicted by emotional ambivalence, the inability to discuss these wounds without deep rancour that tinge the product. There is no need to walk that road again everyone knows where it is going. Instead, the horoscope can be used to find businesses with good products and tell those stories. Building a royal estate (Leo in the second house) will go a long way toward healing those old wounds. It is time for Meg Sussex to go fly her new kite.