Whether Zeus’ judgement of Persephone’s custody or Solomon’s splitting of the baby, a mother and her child can find the king holds the child’s future in his hands. But which future? Jupiter is the ruler of the zodiac sign Sagittarius and his home, Mount Olympus, is the 9th house. The 9th house is many places including supreme courts. Yesterday, the Supreme Court of the United States overruled Roe v. Wade and Casey immediately putting into force the existing state laws on abortion.

The Sun starts the action in this story. The Leo Ascendant points to the Cancer Sun. Cancer is the zodiac sign of motherhood and it is ruled by the Taurus Moon. The Dobbs decision finds that there is no right to abortion in the Constitution. If such a right exists, it then falls into the category of those rights reserved to the people or the states and that is where the Supreme Court has sent abortion’s ultimate fate.
No longer will Pluto hold complete control over Persephone she must be shared with Ceres just as in the myth. Pluto kidnapped Persephone, Ceres’ and Jupiter’s daughter, with Jupiter’s secret blessing. Then Ceres refused to grow food for the earth while looking for her daughter. Finally, she learns she is in Hades and she goes to Jupiter and demands her daughter back. Pluto feeds Persephone some food of Hades and so Jupiter awards them shared custody. Ceres creates winter when she mourns for her daughter each year while she is in Hades. In Dobbs and true to form, Jupiter has told them to share custody and so in America there will be both seasons for a time. Persephone will be in Hades for part of the year and with her mother for part of the year. Already places like New Jersey have massive expansion of the freedom to abort a child, up until the late stages when the child could live outside its mother’s body, while Mississippi has a outright ban.
In another version of the story, King Soloman, as Jupiter, had two prostitutes come before him with a child they both claimed. One had lost their child by neglect and was attempting to steal the child and that one is Pluto, the kidnapper. The other was the mother, Ceres, of the child, Persephone. Solomon ordered the child cut in two and a piece given to each (shared custody). The real mother stood up and said no, Pluto can have her rather than the child be killed. Solomon recognized the true mother and awarded the entire living child to Ceres.
In the Dobbs horoscope, the asteroid Solomin stands with Ceres and Persephone and directs his decision toward the Taurus Moon. My opinion is Ceres rules the zodiac sign Taurus and her natural home is the 2nd house. Pregnant mothers, represented by the Moon, were just told by the King that Ceres will have her way and Ceres is concerned with heirs. The asteroid Roe is connected to the nodes of the Moon and the time had come for it to be overturned. Pluto only rules Persephone for a short time until Ceres convinces Jupiter to award her shared custody. Solomon awards the mother the entire living child. This decision does appear to be moving the United States toward the eventual ban of abortion since Solomon is the figure selected to represent Jupiter.
In the Dobbs horoscope, Vesta represents the women who abort their children. She is childless and Pluto lies in the 6th house. She has aborted her child but in the Dobbs horoscope she is a bystander in the main action. That wasn’t the case in 1973 in Roe, Vesta opposed Ceres conjunct asteroid Solomin. Pluto opposed the asteroid 0° Aries Persephone. This is the chart of the original kidnapping. Although Ceres was with the asteroid Solomin and trine the asteroid Persephone, Vesta opposed Ceres and was assisting Pluto in kidnapping her. Jupiter is also active in the decision that time. It is probable that the Ascendant might have been just a bit later enough to make Mars the protagonist of the Roe v. Wade horoscope. Jupiter agreement to kill the child so she could reside in Hades with Pluto sets up the Supreme Court decision in that case.

Now as each state considers whether or not to take action they will be guided by the Taurus north node of Dobbs in between the Taurus Uranus and Taurus Pallas. It is noteworthy that during the background of this entire debate the Taurus Uranus supply problems have largely related to woman’s reproduction. Since at least December 2021, baby formula has been in short supply reaching crises levels just a month or so before when women’s feminine hygiene products also came into short supply. These supply crises have moved woman toward more natural supply with woman breastfeeding and even donating their breast milk to other women to help and woman having to rely less on supplies that are thrown away and more on items that can be reused with cleaning.
Those modern accoutrements that have largely come out of the feminist movement of the 1960s are missing in action so woman have to explore older and more earthy ways of living. It appears in this Cerean, earthier movement, modern abortion has also gone into the dustbin while it is highly likely that the older forms of abortion will also be relied on more. Some states are already working on allowing nurses to perform them so instead of the male doctor women may rely more on other women to help them and also go back to the various medicinal remedies.

Ceres is now firmly in control. She has wrested her child back into her hands and she is ruling the planets that are guiding America forward on this issue. During this time the eclipses heralded a new beginning and the leak of the Dobbs opinion has been in the background until the moment had arrived to reveal the new way forward. It is highly unlikely that abortion won’t be available somewhere in America. In my own family, abortions occurred when they were illegal. Pluto has always ruled the dead and so he has been present for centuries and probably millennia quietly carrying off the dead. Only for a short 49 and a half years has he plied his trade so openly.
It is the recent development of the loud and proud abortion fanatic feminist that put the glare of the sun on Pluto’s secret trade and doomed its return to the shadows. What could be tolerated when people said it should be rare and used by desperate women had become a badge of honor to be celebrated publicly and people who otherwise would have no interest in the matter now had to be confronted with their distaste not only with the practice but the people. The loud, proud, fanatic feminist screaming isn’t a victim she is an entitled, obnoxious jerk. Her demand that abortion be available in all circumstances so she can continue to enjoy being entitled, reckless and irresponsible is not the poster child anyone would pick to keep abortion legal. Just projecting out, Pluto will trine its Roe postion in the next few years and the practice will likely reach its zenith and then the slow march of restriction will gain ground and begin to grow until Pluto opposes his old position once in Aries. Ceres rules the seasons and the season for abortion has changed.
Postscript 10-13-24 Rereading this article, I think I should add in the information regarding the effect of the Dobbs decision. Pluto will trine its Roe position on February 22, 2026. That is the most favorable aspect Pluto will have with the Roe decision for some time. The opposition to Pluto’s Roe position will occur on June 2, 2070.
What happens in between 2026 and 2070? Ceres and Pluto are in a custody sharing arrangement. Pluto will square Ceres Roe position on March 16, 2044 although Pluto will come very close the year before. After these early victories, I expect that the Ceres position will begin to take hold and Ceres will gain ground up to the opposition. There is some argument that Ceres causes winter due to the loss of her daughter but others say she causes winter when Persephone is home.
I’m of the mind that winter (the natural world’s lack of fertility) is when she is in mourning. In the myth, no one supports Ceres position but she is able to force the issue of it because of fertility. Roe was decided in early 1973, although America’s fertility had been declining for years 1973 was the first year that births fell below population replacement level and they have never recovered since then.
For fifty-one years, America’s fertility has been below replacement level. This weekend I was in West Virginia at an Apple Butter festival that should have been swarming with children. The lack of children was apparent and actually alarming. I saw more gray haired people than children by a lot. Maybe that is not capturing the reality, I saw more walkers and canes than children and most of the gray haired people didn’t need a walker or a cane.
Abortion has had a streak of victories at the state level. At the time of this writing, eleven states have expanded access to abortion, another eleven have legally protected it, in three states it remains accessible but is not legally protected, twelve states it remains accessible with limits, and the remaining thirteen have a ban of which three are putting the issue to the people of their state while one other is enjoined. Women are voters but if they don’t have any children will politicians be so convinced of their arguments as state revenues and their political power dries up in a fertility winter? Will women workers reaching retirement age vote strongly to support abortion if their retirement benefits dry up in a fertility winter? Ceres’ position has a power all of its own and the myth makes it clear it can stand alone.