Since astrology is a cycle, the planetary energy around an event clearly speak to the events occuring. As above, so below. Infamous in astrological study is the use of the noon chart which just elevates the solar action of the day. It is the time though that gives us the full karmic picture. For a couple years, I’ve made attempts to find out the date, time and place of the formation of The Commission of the Italian mafia. Was it held in Chicago or Atlantic City? What date? What time? The only answer is it was after the murder of Maranzano in 1931.
The murder of the Sicilian born and bred Salvatore Maranzano is the only event that we can examine at this time. Sent by the Sicilian mafia to organize and take over the American mafia, he successfully reached the pinacle by becoming capo di tutti capi. He reorganized the mafia into families with military style leadership structures and completed organizational adjustments. He was the man who trained as a priest who then became the Caesar of the American mafia. Then just as he reached the zenith, a bunch of gangsters sent on orders of Salvatore Lucania otherwise known as Charles “Lucky” Luciano invaded his offices and murdered him there in his office.

This moment wasn’t about the murder of a man. Just looking at the planetary setup, the Libra Mars lies close to the Midheaven. One wonders if the murder happened a bit sooner, placing Mars and Ceres in the tenth house. Imagining the play of the cycle. The killers are in the office and they murder Maranzano, they then run away a very apt description of the ninth house and sixth house (liminal places). Mars is dressed in Venus’ uniform and Venus is conjunct the Sun. This Sun-Venus conjunction is trine the retrograde Capricorn Saturn.
The Light of the Sixth Race Transmuted to the Seventh, 2° Libra
Salvatore Maranzano was born with a Balsamic Moon. This Moon has waned almost completely, just a sliver remains and it about to disappear. Lucky Luciano was born with a New Moon, this Moon is but a sliver too but is waxing and growing stronger. The Sun-Venus conjunction is trine the retrograde Capricorn Saturn. The Sun-Venus is Lucky Luciano, the killers, Libra Mars, are carrying out Luciano’s orders. They are wearing his colors. Why is Maranzano, best represented by the retrograde Capricorn Saturn, trine Luciano as Venus? There is no resistance in that aspect. This astrological puzzle speaks to one Sabian symbol at 2° Libra, “the light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh”. The passing of the torch so to speak.
Maranzano came to America as an adult just a few years before he is murdered. He was born and bred in Sicily. He studied to become a priest but instead became a powerful mafia leader in Sicily who was tasked with traveling to America to organize the mafia and he ruthlessly did so installing himself as its Caesar. A priest is Jupiter. A traveler is Jupiter. A foreigner from another land is Jupiter. A teacher is Jupiter. A priest-king is Jupiter. Maranzano was born with a 2° Libra Jupiter. He carried the energy of “the light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh” in his priest-king planet, Jupiter.
Luciano was born in Sicily but at the age of eight he moved to America. He represented a new force coming into being. Willing to work with non-Italians, maintaining underworld power through a power sharing arrangement called The Commission he held within him the power of a coming light. His waxing Moon. A lucky person is Jupiter. A Sagittarian Sun like Lucky is represented by Jupiter. Luciano was born with a 4° Libra Jupiter, conjunct Maranzano’s Jupiter but slightly ahead of it. He is ideally placed to accept the torch. That Sabian symbol degree is “a group around a campfire”.
The sequence of early Libra is clear from its cyclical development. Maranzano is the 2° Libra Jupiter, “the light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh”. 3° Libra is the “dawn of a new day, everything changed.” Luciano is the 4° Libra Jupiter, “a group around a campfire”. The karmic past of the murder is 5° Libra south node, “a man teaching the true inner knowledge.” Maranzano came to bring forward the knowledge of the past to transmute it to the future. Transit retrograde Capricorn Saturn and natal Libra Jupiter. Luciano came to take that torch (the Sun) of knowledge to teach and attract others. Transit Venus conjunct the Sun and natal Libra Jupiter. Lucky (the Murder chart Venus) has the torch (the Murder chart Sun) just as Maranzano (the Murder chart retrograde Capricorn Saturn) passes it to him.
The Trick of Mekone
This recalls the Trick of Mekone when Prometheus kills an ox and covers the meat with the stomach and also covers the bones with glistening fat and offers Zeus (Jupiter) to select the first sacrifice to the gods. Zeus chooses the fat and bones forever allowing humans to take the meat for themselves while the past, represented by the bones, become the sacrifice. This is the Earth Grand Trine relationship. The Ox (Taurus). The Sacrifice (Virgo). The Bones. (Capricorn). Zeus takes fire as punishment for the trick and Prometheus steals that fire for humans incurring the penalty of being chained to a rock and having his liver eaten each day by Zeus’ bird.
Fire represents the initiation to move forward but it is upon the sacrifice of the past. The Commission is built upon the bones of Maranzano and Sicily.