It was a modest start with the participants sitting on car bumpers but it was imbued with a strong focus on material reality. The American Professional Football Association was created on September 17, 1920 in Canton, Ohio. The meeting of numerous team representatives had simple goals; increase the professionalism of football by keeping teams from hiring college students and end poaching of signed players by other teams. They were engaged in perfecting the game. The Virgo zodiac sign of perfecting was in the 5th house of games. Today, the NFL is the polished standard that all other leagues seek to emulate. The NFL has become American football.
Later renamed the National Football League (NFL), it has become the most valuable American sports organization. It’s team franchises are more valuable than MLB, NBA and the NHL. The creation meeting started at 8:15 p.m. and the vote to form the association came early as the second point of business. The NFL is a Taurus Ascendant an entity of means and values. It’s mask is Taurus the most materially focused and wealthy zodiac sign and the NFL is represented in the horoscope by the Cancer Ceres in the 2nd. Taurus Ascendant are people of means. Quality is central to its natural expression. The NFL acts to add value and it’s partner teams are its major beneficiaries.

In 1920, communities sponsored their teams. It is therefore no surprise that the NFL’s partner represented by Pluto lies in the 3rd house of neighborhood. That’s the team in its home community. Both the NFL (Cancer Ceres) and franchise teams (Cancer Pluto) are ruled by the expansive Sagittarius Moon. From sea to shining sea was embedded into the organization from the very beginning.
The simplicity of the astrological chart lies behind the NFL’s enormous wealth. The game is represented by the 5th house. There the players are the bright Virgo Sun with Jupiter and Saturn. This is a game for men. There is not a softening Venus, Moon or Juno among them. Virgo is mutable earth. Moving earth. The physicality of the game makes it a gladitorial spectacle. The Virgo focus on professionalism and its hours of training shows on the field.
The Ceres is trine the retrograde Pisces Uranus in the 11th. The linking of technology (Uranus) to the masses (Pisces) as an audience (11th) is key to the NFL’s wealth. It doesn’t hurt that Ceres is also square Mercury. When a community, represented by Mercury, wants some of the NFL’s wealth to build a stadium they quickly find that their team can be taken and replanted in a new location. Most communities provide materially for the teams through subsidues of their home town facilities. Even the college draft can be seen with those teams who are struggling having the best access to the college players (Sagittarius Mars) promoting balanced competition (7th).
From humble beginnings, the NFL has created franchises worth $91 billion and has an audience of 17 million. As an astrological mechanism, the NFL has created tremendous wealth and perfected the game of football. Those men who came together to create it could not imagine then how much success they were unleashing in their attempt to perfect the game.