Hubris is extreme arrogance and presumption toward the gods. Stockton Rush had an overweening confidence in himself and his methods as he submerged himself and others into the realm of Neptune. Neptune was one of the siblings who defeated the Titans and so it continues today. Both Titanic and Titan ultimately were defeated by Neptune’s crushing power.
Hubris is represented by the asteroid Hybris, the personification of the spirit of hubris. Trespass. Violation. Hubris. Hybris. Attempting to rape the gods does not ever go well. Stockton Rush made quite a name for himself pushing out the boundaries. Even respected colleagues were summarily rejected for attempting to caution him. To Karl Stanley concerned about a loud crack heard from the hull while diving, “I value your experience and advice on many things, but not on assessment of carbon fiber pressure hulls.” He believed he could engineer and find a way to open Neptune’s mysterious realm to a great many prying eyes. Oceangate. “Increasing access to the deep sea through innovation.” To the astrologer’s ear, the deep sea is Neptune, innovation is Uranus and increasing access is most likely Vesta.

Rush’s retrograde 12° Scorpio Neptune is on the Sabian symbol “window-shoppers”. Pictures of Rush peeping through Titan and his other submarine front windows are all over the news. The very picture of a window shopper gazing through glass. On the day Titan imploded, the asteriod Hybris was conjunct Rush’s retrograde Leo Uranus. Hubris itself not only represents extreme arrogance but it also represents punishment for that arrogance. Hybris sits in the 1st house and that represents battlefields, places of action. Some deep sea experts have indicated they understand that the submarine was trying to surface and had let go of its weights. In this watery battle, Rush’s Uranian innovation was no match for Neptune’s wrecking power.
While we do not know Rush’s birth time, it strikes me that he might have been a Pisces Ascendant. Approaching the world trying to dissolve boundaries. Placing his Neptune in the 9th and his Jupiter in the 12th would be a two way statement describing his calling to be an explorer in the oceanic 12th house.
His Aquarian Saturn seems to have been harnessed for use by his need to use engineering and Capricorn qualities toward Uranus’ innovation. Rejecting all Saturnian calls to test, stop, have patience and take the time to make sure the vessel was seaworthy. Saturn is delay for a purpose, Rush rejected those calls. Those calls were manifestations of his silenced Saturn. The Titanic’s captain rejected similar repeated warnings of ice and steamed full speed into an ice field on a moonless night.
Saturn opposes the Moon but these two planets represent your parents. Your mother, the nurturing parent, keeping you safe and away from danger while your father prepares you to go out into the unsafe world, so you can withstand the test of time, and arrange the necessary sacrifices for your family. When things go wrong, often it is the father that sacrifices himself for the family. Discipline is the action of learning sacrifice in preparation for the calamitous future. Delays. Discipline. Time. Saturn.
Rush’s Uranus was on the Sabian symbol “a rainbow” and he had the divine message from the god of the Bible that god would never again destroy everything because of the evil of man. He just proceeded to destroy evil men individually after that story. Rush’s Uranus was also trine his Aries Venus on the Sabian symbol “a man possessed of more gifts than he can hold.” One of those gifts was a natal Dreamcrusher Neptune Saturn square. This aspect is about testing and it is about structuring Neptune’s dreams so they can come true. That divine promise and that gift corrupted Rush by letting him believe he was divinely inspired and safe. Uranus was punished by Gaia and his children because he created children who were monstrosities and shoved all of them back inside his wife. Rush’s Uranus controlling his Aquarian Saturn was the major problem. When his time of testing came, he was found unequal to the challenge.

Moonless nights occur around the new moon when Sun and Moon come together. The Moon shares the sky with the Sun and so at the new moon, the night has no sun and no moon. Titan imploded and Titanic struck an iceberg and sank during this period of time. Saturn is currently in Pisces and undergoing his regular testing. Every time you see Saturn and Neptune in any type of aspect arrangement you are looking at a period of time of testing and structuring of dreams. Neptune is boundary less and Saturn is boundaries and these two together create elixirs. Saturn can hold Neptune. But if Saturn is unready, he won’t withstand Neptune and can be swept away. If Neptune is unready, Saturn crushes his dreams.
Titan wrecked and settled near Titanic. Media reports that Rush’s wife was a descendant to two people killed in the Titanic shipwreck. Stockton Rush seemed not to have any particular fondness for Titanic itself but he was drawn there through his interest in deep sea diving and exploration. Titanic and Stockton Rush share conjunct Pisces Chirons. Sea wounds. Karma and reincarnation may have brought him back to an ancient trauma. As the Titan Implosion natal chart shows, the structure of the vessel represented by the Pisces Saturn is conjunct those wounds. Stockton Rush’s Pisces Jupiter compeled him to explore the sea depths. His dove deep in an attempt to conquer the depths using his corrupt Uranus. As the proverb says, pride goes before destruction. Guilty of hubris, the time of testing came and he was found unready. Rush the Unready.