Years before a major transit, you begin to see the beginning of the incoming energy. Things are changing, tides are shifting. The Polynesians could read clouds and water and their wayfinding allowed them to discover much of the Pacific ocean and its’ islands using canoes for transpacific journeys. More than any other show, it was MTV’s The Real World that began the long decline of the production of scripted stories to production of low budget reality based shows. Long before Neptune transited into Aquarius, Uranus and Neptune had a brainstorming session on what Uranian ideal would be pursued until the monsters had to eventually be slain by Saturn and Perseus. Amp up the drama (Leo), encourage as much unconventional behavior (Aquarius) as you can legally get away with and film the resulting toxic brew (Scorpio). This is the stuff with which “reality” shows are made.

The only problem with this reality is the fixed modality of the zodiac deleted Taurus. Stable, conventional, real Taurus. Fixed fire (Leo), fixed air (Aquarius), and fixed water (Scorpio) don’t build reality they build a circus. The Real World was not the most outrageous example of the genre. It’s focus planet of the chart was on 1° Gemini Sun. The Sun is the creative force in a horoscope. Taking karma and remaking it anew. The Gemini Sabian symbol for 1° is “a glass bottomed boat in still water”. Stirring up curiosity. It is this style of subversive storytelling that started just over thirty years ago that has reframed our idea of reality. Younger people are the most impressionable and easy deceived as I speak from my own experience.
Tonight I watched a grown young woman scream like a toddler as she was arrested in a protest supporting Hamas. She couldn’t handle being arrested and handcuffed by New York City police, Hamas would eat this woman for lunch. She wasn’t being hurt, she just had no emotional regulation coping skills. I’ve seen three year olds with more emotional maturity and wisdom. Others around her were undergoing the same treatment but were smiling and mugging for the ubiquitous cameras wearing their arrest like a badge of honor.
Having stirred up compassion seemingly for everyone except the regular folks who actually keep the lights on, transiting Pisces Neptune has brought us to the precipice. Every sphere of life is now filled with the Aquarian adherents, outwardly Aqaurius but inwardly Leo. They remain the minority but punch well above their weight. Their Aquarian fixed thoughts and inner Leonine entitlement makes the world wrong so they are right. The Real World is now the real world for them. Taurus reality and Scorpio destruction are the results. The screaming woman had been hoping for Scorpionic destruction but had unexpectedly met Tauran reality. It is this cycle that began when Uranus and Neptune met that prepared the way for the transit of Neptune into Aries and the birth of a new system.