The Republican Party was formed on March 20, 1854 in Ripon, Wisconsin. According to historical accounts, the meeting began at 6:30 p.m. It formed as a political protest from opponents of the expansion of slavery after the Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed slavery to be extended into the west. In the 1856 elections, they had notable success obtaining congressional seats and the Speaker of the House although they lost the presidency. In 1860, they nominated Abraham Lincoln and won the presidency.
The Republican Sun is on the Aries Point. This particular degree 30° Pisces or 0° Aries represents the moment the oceanic universal state becomes a solitary individual. The Sabian symbol is “the great stone face”. The very next symbol is “a woman rises out of water, a seal rises and embraces her.” The granite carving of Mount Rushmore shows a face of four presidents, two of them Republicans, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt, and time almost makes no progress at removing their visage. A stone face stands against time and weather. It is still dissolving but has become resistant. The individual is now apparent and can rise from the waters and stand apart from the universal ocean.
The Republican Party was formed to stop the spread of slavery to the west. It’s Sagittarius Moon represents the party’s connection to the frontier and freedom. The party was formed in a schoolhouse which is a third house place. The third house contains the Moon and Sagittarian south node. The Republican Sun is conjunct the United States’ Imum Coeli (I.C.) and the Republican Midheaven is conjunct America’s ruling planet, the Cancer Jupiter.
As I’ve shown before, Sibly (my short hand name for America due to the Sibly horoscope) is an entity that exists in the realm of air but astrologically is greater than humans while lesser than the planets. Sibly creates what it needs. Sibly has outlived its founders and up until this point has been increasing its powers, size and scope. Sibly is a Sagittarian Ascendant ruled by its Cancer Jupiter in the seventh. Jupiter is in a very sweet relationship with America. He is nurturing America and usually living in peace. When his peace is disturbed, Jupiter will protect America. With the Republican Party’s foundation, Jupiter the king called for his battlearmor.

The Republican Party’s Midheaven is conjunct Sibly’s Jupiter. Jupiter clearly influenced the Republican Party’s Sagittarian Moon and south node prompting the people of Ripon, Wisconsin to create the party Jupiter would use to fight for the union. Jupiter’s natural partner is Mercury, ruler of Gemini. Sibly’s Jupiter sits in the seventh house usually associated with diplomacy and peace but war is also the seventh. Aries is the sign of the individual, the warrior, but Libra is the sign of partners including partnering armies engaged in battle. America’s Jupiter may strive for peace but is also perfectly comfortable in war.
The Civil War
Deep at America’s foundational root, this new political party resisted the dissolving action of the Democrat Party (Capricorn Sun-Neptune conjunction) and went in their own Arian direction. The Democrats’ secession attempted to divide America back into eleven loosely confederated southern states and leave the remaining a federated republic. It was the Republican Party that would not recognize that dissolution and waged a war that ultimately would end slavery in America.
It was the act of dissolution against America, transiting Neptune conjunct America’s I.C., that triggered the Republican Party to fight seven years later. Neptune transiting Aries does not mean war but in America it is a very sensitive spot. Jupiter had created a political party to fight against the dissolving of the union.

The astrology of the moment imbued the Republican Party with Aries survival, Sagittarius expansionism and gave the party Libran balance seeking. As Neptune entered Aries, South Carolina attacked Fort Sumter. This was the first shot of the Civil War. At 0° Aries, Neptune conjoined the Republican Sun and America’s Imum Coeli. Neptune is not normally associated with fighting but instead acted to release karma that had been part of the former system.

The Republican Party was created to end slavery but with that job done it continues to exist for two major reasons. It has a powerful horoscope with America’s Jupiter holding the keys to its cardinal sign Ascendant-Descendant and Midheaven-Imum Coeli. The cardinal zodiac signs are initiation and moving force. Jupiter can affect America directly. The second major reason is the opposition between America’s Jupiter and the Democrat Party’s Mercury provides a natural marriage between partners but, if the Democrat’s Mercury ever gets the idea to dissolve America, America’s Jupiter maintains the Republican Party to check that impulse. Mercury can turn every which way but loose. The word Jupiter comes to us from djous “sky” and pater “father”. It is Jupiter in all of his forms, the grand benefic, that is America’s ruling god and the Republican Party is his battlearmor.