Banks aren’t rich. The mirage of wealth conveyed by a bank with luxurious interiors and cash registers hides a secret. There is no vault of treasure. Ever since King Philip IV of France destroyed the Knights Templar, people have been hoping to find the Templar treasure but there was no treasure.
The Scorpio zodiac sign is shared resources. Other people’s wealth. Banks are intermediaries who take resources from one person and distribute it to another with the promise of repayment. Deposits and debts. Banking itself is one of the expressions of Scorpio.
So what about the Templar’s treasure? Let’s follow a single coin that is left on deposit at a Templar house. This coin is taken and a piece of paper is issued saying that the bearer of the note has a coin. They leave with the paper and the coin is put in a strongbox. The king’s treasurer summons the medieval loan officer and says the king has need of a loan of a coin. The coin is then given to the king’s treasurer and another piece of paper is written on that says the King owes the Templars that coin. The coin came in and the coin left again. There is no treasure, just two pieces of paper. One says a person can ask for their coin and the other saying a payment of a coin is required. All of this Templar fiat money was backed by the might of the Templar Knights and the land that had come to them from their members vows of poverty. Modern banking is even more insolvent than this type of system.

The Archetype of Virgo Neptune – Aries Pluto
In 1120, the Neptunian ideals of the day were under the influence of the Virgo zodiac sign. Renown service, simplicity, purity and virginity. Monks. These are just a few of the ideals of the Virgo Neptune but the the world is remade into those ideals by the powerhouse Pluto and he was in the Aries zodiac sign. Warrior, sacrifice and independence. How do these two archetypes come together? Warrior monks. Fighting servants. Virginal sacrifice. Out of this brew, the Knights Templar emerged. They have captured our imagination because they are an archetypical story of Virgo Neptune and Aries Pluto.
The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (Knights Templar) were created as the Aries Pluto was about to exit the zodiac sign of Aries. Pluto’s transit of the last stages of a zodiac sign seem to be one of the most fertile times for events that turn into our myths and fairy tales. Unveiling his underground work. The Knights Templar were monk knights who made a vow of poverty and chasity giving up earthly concerns to protect the religious pilgrims going to the Holy Land. Their Order’s founding was most likely at the Council of Nablus held on January 16, 1120 in Jerusalem and they continued in this mission for close to two hundred years.
Just five years before the beginning of their destruction, the Templars lost their last foothold in the Holy Land. The military mission was over. That left them at loose ends, looking for a new homeland, but they still had their banking business. By manufacturing a major public scandal, King Philip was able to influence the Pope to dissolve the Order in 1312 after the Pope had absolved the Templars of heresy. Scandal. Influence. Dissolution. Absolution. These are things of Neptune. In the end, it was Neptune that presided over the shipwreck of the Order.
At the time the arrest warrant was executed, a complicated signature including Scorpio Mercury, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn were conjunct the Order’s north node. The Taurus Moon was conjunct the south node. Cast off from the church, exiled from France, and under threat, the Knights Templar just disappeared. Those that survived were driven underground. In Spain and Portugal, they were able to continue under new names. The Scorpio Neptune. Secrecy. Bankrupt. Control. Pluto is once again at the end of its transit of Aquarius. Common men. Exile. Break up. Groups. Although there is only a rumor that the Templars have some connection to the Freemasons, a secret society of masons could be an archetype of the Scorpio Neptune – Aquarius Pluto of the Templar downfall chart.
Scorpio’s Debts & The Templars
The Templars had survived almost two hundred years warring in Outremer. Their shipwreck began when they were driven out of the lands and fortresses they held. With no military mission, they refocused on Europe. Headquartered in France, they posed a threat to the King who did not want them to carve out of his kingdom a new monastic state. Coupled with the debts he owed them to pay for a war, he developed a hatred and desire to destroy them.

Philip IV sent secret orders to arrest the knights across France. At daybreak on October 13, 1307, all the high ranking Templars were arrested throughout France. Although well known as an enemy of the Templars now, at the time, he kept what he was planning secret. The King had invited the head of the Order, Jacques de Molay, to be a pallbearer at a funeral the day before the secret arrest warrants were acted on. There in the twelfth house of secret enemies lies the chart ruler, Virgo Venus. This is Philip IV. He was known as Philippe le Bel, Philip the Fair. A very Venusian image as the secret enemy. This Venus was also conjunct the Order foundation’s Virgo Neptune.
This astrological moment is the last known picture of the Templar treasure. The second house has the stellium of Scorpio planets: Mercury, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn. The Templar’s treasure was ledgers recording the debts of people who owed them money. These ledgers have never surfaced. The debtors, King Philip the Fair among them, were the ultimate beneficiaries of the Templar treasure. The Templar lands were distributed away.
That morning the Templars found themselves the Capricorn Mars in the fourth blocked by the Libra Sun in the first house. Philippe le Bel blocked their ambition to make France their new home. The retrograde Aries Ceres is on the Sabian symbol “a flock of wild geese”. This is not a picture of a large treasure hoard but instead a simple, light quantity. Whatever Arian treasure existed appears to have quietly migrated to another country in small amounts carried by individual knights. Most of the debt was never recovered and so the treasure simply vanished into the hands of the people who owed the Order money.
On the surface it appeared that the Templars were rich, strong and powerful but, in reality, they were poor, weak and vulnerable. Much of the resources they had accumulated they gave into the hand of the King. He had a massive debt but he held all the real power. Even the debt that was owed was a tool in his hand to control and manipulate the Templars. They needed him to repay and had no way to force his hand. This is the way with all debt especially those debts owed by a sovereign. Who can force a sovereign to repay? In the end, Philip canceled his debt. This is the debt of Scorpio. Giving to others wealth and hoping for repayment. The toxic relationship is one hoping for a payment that never comes. King Philip only destroyed the Templars, tortured, and killed the individual knights because he owed them money. The Knights built the first international bank but they were painting with Scorpio. That is one activity that is always dangerous, one slip and you find yourself marked for death.
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