So its night and you are sitting on a ship in a grand naval fleet when all of a sudden you are surprised by the sudden appearance of ships on fire seemingly coming toward you. You cut the anchor and move.
The ships of the Spanish Armada then meet a wind the scattered them. It was like the fireships were a bowling ball and the armada ships were pins. None of the eight fireships did any damage to the Spanish but they destroyed their cohesion.
The fireship triumph occurred just after midnight on July 29, 1588 Julian. Here we see the English open the attack in the zodiac sign Gemini. The commercial English with their naval leaders, ahem privateers not pirates as the Spanish called them. A nation of shopkeepers. Ruled by a lady, Elizabeth I. At dawn, the battle would be fought as the Sun rose on the beginning of what would eventually become the British Empire. The moment of English naval superiority. This final act of this production, conquering Mount Everest, taking place just in time for the news to be delivered to the second Elizabeth on the morning of her coronation day. Modern Gemini, the twins, ancient Gemini, the goddess. Two Queens, Two Elizabeths. Two ladies of the goddess.

Virgo Mercury, representing the English working naval men, is conjunct the North Node. Here is the karmic path laid before them. Leo Jupiter, representing the aristocratic commander of the Spanish, lies close by. Mercury is trine Ceres the ruler of the 2nd house. The English fireships are represented in the 2nd house with a conjunction between Vesta, sacred fire, and Mars. For the English the 2nd house is their estate, their realm and here we see it is Cancerian. Cancer is moving water, the waves of the sea. Vesta is at 17° Cancer, the sabian symbol is “the germ grows into knowledge and life”. This is the moment, the fireships are seeds being destroyed as English commerce breaks through the nascent soil and springs into life. The adult plant would be known as the British Empire.