Meghan, Duchess of Sussex just can’t inspire Diana Wales levels of public adoration no matter how much she tries or how hard she works. There are karmic forces at work in her horoscope and a spiritual meaning to the Sussexes recent actions. As a couple, they stepped boldly over the threshold into a new world. In all the drama of the interview, the quiet spiritual meaning passed almost unobserved. The rebellion is over and the karmic period of their life has begun.
Meghan Sussex presents her public life as one unmitigated disaster after another. She had a short failed marriage, a failed relationship with her father, a failed public relations campaign to keep the British press on side, an ignominious retreat from senior membership in the Royal Family, followed by a retreat to Canada where they became private citizens and learned they would get general police protection and they would have no private security from the Royal Family, this resulting in a quick bolt into America days ahead of coronavirus border closures so a friend could bail them out of the dicey place they found themselves in, and finally the public airing of this nightmare that came with a public admission that the Royal Family likes to sit around and discuss skin color, reduce successful, beautiful actresses to tears over bridesmaid dresses and generally be unsympathetic beasts. This in turn has resulted in Prince Harry’s family relationships going the way of Meghan’s relationship with her father and sister with Prince Charles no longer taking his son’s phone calls and “space” being Harry’s relationship to Prince William.
This melange of horror actually caused Meghan to consider suicide. Fortunately, she didn’t throw her pregnant body down some stairs a la Diana but sensibly got out of dodge while creating a foundation and signing numerous showbiz contracts for millions. In response, only Prince Andrew, under a cloud of ephebophilia accusations and with his very close friendship with a now deceased convicted sex offender, is disliked more and her previously loved husband has joined the ranks of the royals who are disliked more than liked.

Never putting a foot wrong in public is difficult for anyone but Meghan Sussex has the karma of almost always starting out on the wrong foot. Her horoscope is not particularly auspicious for public exposure. She has three components of note above the horizon, an Aquarius South Node in the 7th house, a Taurus Chiron in the 11th house and a Cancer Mars in the 12th. Does the South Node refer to some ancient traumatic divorce, or how about Chiron’s deep wounding that impacts her security and gives her a sense of unmet needs by her friends and community, or her 12th house Mars with its association with unconscious anger so hidden from herself that she might not even know she is angry yet it tinges the fog surrounding her? Angry, needy, and rebellious just isn’t exciting the public right now. The public want to love her but something just seems to hit people the wrong way.
A lot of people distrust clowns because they give off psychological clues that people read as deception. They are painted happy but the person is frowning, they are painted frowning but the person is really smiling, they are angry but act like they are in pain. Meghan’s Mars is at 11° Cancer whose Sabian symbol is “a clown caricaturing well-known personalities”. Recall the BBC Panorama show with an angry Diana in a broadcast interview spilling secrets about her private life for public sympathy, this Oprah interview was Meghan Sussex’s pantomime performance of Saint Diana the Martyr.
Diana Wales had a Libra Midheaven, she exuded kindness and attraction. Meghan Sussex has an Aries Midheaven, she exudes anger and self orientation. She actually has more Libra in her chart but this isn’t what the public sees at all. It is private and reserved for those closest to her. This attractiveness is not on public display. Harry isn’t Charles and the Spencers either. Diana had her Arian tendencies at home. Meghan Sussex, by her own account, has a loving home and her horoscope doesn’t make her Diana 2.0. Considering Diana died at age 36, she should be happy her flame doesn’t burn that bright.

We don’t know the day or time of the interview but it appears to be February 17 or 18th. The horoscope for February 18th appears to have the best physical description of what was seen on the film between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Oprah said the interview was 3 hours and twenty minutes. First off, the couple and Oprah are in Taurus and this is about individual resources. Make no mistake this interview was about building assets. Whether or not the Sussexes were paid doesn’t matter, all three planets show this was about resources for self.
This particular horoscope suggests a deep connection to the Royal Family’s karma of threshold events. The 0° Pisces Sun is the threshold event. The 0° is also the 30° of the previous zodiac sign and represents the moment the old zodiac sign gives way to the next zodiac sign. The Royal Family members have a notable number of 0° in their personal horoscopes. Like many other members of the Royal Family, Meghan has a 0° planet that for her is Vesta. She actually has the planet that rules thresholds so she has a very important role for the Windsors and probably has a karmic connection to them from the past. One possibility is she may be the reincarnation of Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor. Their horoscopes do show a strong karmic alignment with her North Node aligned with his Ascendant and her Moon, Saturn and Jupiter connected to his South Node. Her Chiron is conjunct his Venus. His love affair with Wallis Simpson may very well have created a deep wounding in his next incarnation.
In a further sign that this is a threshold event is Oprah Winfrey on the 7° Taurus Sabian symbol, a woman of Samaria at the well. This archetypal image is of the woman who was told by Jesus that the old way had passed and been replaced by a new system. Oprah is there to help them break free of their past rebellion from the family and move over the threshold into the karmic period of their lives. Passing through the threshold is symbolized by the sacred fire, and things not only have to be left behind but burned so you cannot return. Meghan fed that fire with her family claims to the Royal Family. She also revealed private information that will force the members of the family to avoid intimacy with not only her but Harry. Meghan cannot return and likely Harry will find he never has the same relationship with them again. She had best have had his permission to burn the ships behind them or she may very well have seriously damaged her marital relationship. Astrologically, the purpose of this is to dissolve all ties to the Royal Family permanently.

Threshold events are about stepping into a new world. The Sussexes 30° Aquarius rebellion is now over and the beginning of their new karmic 0° Pisces life has begun. The Pisces zodiac sign is made up of all that has gone before. Meghan seems to think all the ingredients in her life haven’t been good so this might not be a Piscean dream but more of a Piscean nightmare. Only time will tell but they are now lost to the Royal Family and must continue on without them.