The disappearance and death of James Riddle Hoffa has been a perennial story. No one has ever found his body. At 2:00 pm on July 30, 1975, Hoffa was supposed to meet with members of La Costa Nostra. They stood him up and, after calling his wife and a business associate, he was last seen in a car with 3 other people. He most likely called his wife and friend between 2:15 pm and 2:30 pm. There isn’t much to go on and nothing definite is available in the astrological chronicle. It really is a riddle and that brings us to his name. The name of James means supplanter and he was trying to regain his old position as leader of the Teamsters Union. His last name Hoffa is unclear but the German hof means hall. Usurp or supplant the leader of the labor union hall perhaps.

At 2:52 pm, Hoffa’s Sun is conjunct the transit Imum Coeli. This is the depth of the horoscope and marks the boundary of the local community and home. It also represents local roads and moving water. Most likely Hoffa was already dead and his body is near or in water. The transit 8th house of death is Gemini and Cancer echoing the theme. His 8th house asteroid Scorpio Pallas was conjunct the transit Ascendant at 2:36 pm. The accidental death of Pallas at the hands of Athena grieved her so much she added her name to her own. If this was a planned mob hit, something seems off. No one showed up for the meeting with Hoffa. Why let him wait long enough that he decided to call two people? If he had just left, would he have been chased down? Pallas wasn’t killed deliberately. This is just one clue on the way to solving the riddle.
Accidental Death?
Hoffa did something in the car. His 4° Aquarius Uranus opposes the Leo Mercury. The 4° Aquarius symbol is a “a Hindu yogi demonstrates his healing powers.” Did Hoffa pretzel into some twisted shape in the car? The 5° Leo Mercury took the brunt of this move. His symbol is “rock formations tower over a deep canyon.” Was Hoffa pulling him into the back seat? The 19° Cancer Juno tried to pull them apart the symbol is “a priest performing a marriage ceremony.” The 6° Leo Sun is “a conservative, old-fashioned lady is confronted by a hippie-girl.” Was the 62 year old Hoffa pulling the Mercury person in the back seat with his arms or legs in some yoga pose while simultaneously punching at the Sun person? It looks like the Juno person killed Hoffa there in the back seat. If they intended to kill him, this wasn’t the planned place.

Pallas was accidentally killed but she had been distracted by Zeus so Athena would win their bout. Athena thought she would dodge her spear thrust but Pallas didn’t move. At 2:36 pm, Hoffa’s Pallas reached the transit Ascendant. While she was in the 1st house of battlefields and action, she was fighting and winning but this moment marks her death and disappearance into the 12th. Juno may have stabbed at Hoffa thinking he would dodge and release Mercury. Like Pallas, was Hoffa distracted and he didn’t dodge and thus this ended his stubborn resistance. The transit Uranus activated Hoffa’s Pluto and there at some place neither here nor there shown in the transit 6th house there is a wounded person, Aries Chiron, on the symbol “a large audience confronts the performer who disappointed it’s expectations.” The wounded Chiron is opposed by Uranus echoing the opposition between Hoffa’s Uranus and transit Mercury. This suggests Chiron is also Mercury. The 30° Aries Moon and 24° Aries Jupiter stand nearby. These people had been in a battle and are confronting the dead body of Hoffa. The 6th house is liminal places and can include worksites. In this scenario, they weren’t prepared and didn’t intend to kill him in a moving car.
Famous Salmon
In a strange premonition to those men who killed Hoffa, the car had been used to deliver a dead fish. The salmon fish had been cut up at a family home and the car taken to a car wash to remove the fish blood in the back seat. Later the FBI found Hoffa’s blood in the backseat and trunk of this same car. The car was a Mercury Marquis. Marquis is an aristocratic title. Leo is the zodiac sign of royalty, aristocracy and fame. Leo Mercury. Mercury also the person Hoffa had siezed in a sudden move. The transit asteroid 21° Aries Salmon on the sabian symbol “a pugilist enters the ring.”
They didn’t take his body far. Sixteen minutes after his death they had dealt with his body. According to the transit horoscope, he was likely dropped into a water body. There is almost nothing that screams that this was Hoffa’s moment to die. Most of the planetary actors are outer planets with many natives having the same actors in their horoscope. The answer to the riddle is the fish. Hoffa’s retrograde 28° Leo Salmon asteroid squares the transit nodes. Leo Salmon. Famous Fish. It truly is a riddle but there at 2:52 pm Hoffa’s Sun sinks to the depths on the day and mere minutes after he was last seen. His light never rose again.