What if the “Miracle on the Hudson” wasn’t about an emergency landing with everyone surviving but instead was about Pluto harvesting sacred birds for hell? Sully Sullenberger is Jupiter in the horoscope and he and his copilot inaugurated the bird killing by flying the Airbus through a flock of Canadian geese. The geese are the Taurus Vesta in the 11th house. The 11th house is the air space just above us. Maybe I’m taking this too far but the symbol for Vesta is a stylized V similar to a goose flight formation. Vesta in the 11th. Geese formation in flight. Pluto is trine Vesta and Jupiter is squaring them. Sully, as Jupiter, hit their formation broadside and Pluto sat back and collected the dead. The Plutonic harvest has still not ended and The Guardian reports 70,000 birds have been killed as a direct result of this airkill moment. Don’t get me wrong, controlling over populations of wild creatures is necessary but knowing the purpose of the horoscope really does take the lustre off the event.

The flight was cleared for takeoff at 3:24 p.m. on January 15, 2009. The sabian symbol 8° Cancer “a group of rabbits dressed as people as if on parade”. This symbol is interesting. Is it refering to the line of people boarding the airplane or is it airplanes circling the airport? Rabbits run in circles. No matter, there is a parade of rabbits opposing 8° Capricorn “in a sunlit home, domesticated birds sing joyously” that is until the Airbus driver runs them over three minutes later. At that moment until the water landing, the symbols change to “a small, naked girl bends over a pond to catch a fish” showing Cactus 1549 diving toward the Hudson as if it was trying to catch a fish and “an angel carrying a harp” the universal cartoon symbol of the moment a cartoon character, or in this case the geese, give up the ghost. Of course since Pluto is involved, these geese are descending into Hades.

Sullenberger, a Sagittarius Ascendant ruled by Jupiter, whose natal Sun is 2° Aquarius is conjunct the horoscope Jupiter. This 2° is “an unexpected thunderstorm”. The thunderstorm was the rabbit flying through the happy birds and the sound of their bodies hitting the plane. His natal Sun is trine his 2° Libra Saturn “transmutation of past experience fruit into the seed”. His past experience let him transmute the event into a dive for the river that saved the plane’s passengers. He was the right man for the job that day but who would want to get into a plane with a pilot that has Scorpio on the 11th cusp which could be read death in the air. Jupiter gives a lot of luck and fortunately for the passengers and crew, Sully’s luck and disciplined past experience covered them all. Unhappily for the geese, it was their death on that day. Pluto’s hell birds. Geese just overflew my house honking happily. Fortunately, there are no rabbits on parade.