On September 8th, quietly and without any fanfare, Queen Elizabeth II was preparing to depart this mortal coil. Her doctors signalled the coming news that morning that she was under the care of her doctors and resting comfortably. By that afternoon, she died seemingly only with her two eldest children, Charles and Anne, at her bedside. A steady sequence of events began to unfold and then at 6:30 pm, the palace announced to the world that the Queen had died. At that moment, in the public’s mind Prince Charles was transformed into the King.

No modern monarch consults astrology to elect important events. Nonetheless, the wheel of fate turns. Just a couple days before, the British government changed and then the monarch changed. The announcement chart shows this is the energy of the new Carolingian era. Change. But not just change, all of the outer planets are in retrograde, this is a redo of the past. Change the outcome. Charles is a Scorpio Sun, Taurus Moon and Leo Ascendant and these signs are all fixed. Fixed zodiac signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) mean his life has been all about resources. The Ascendant lies at 0° Aquarius. The 0° zodiac degree is also the 30° of the preceeding zodiac sign. This point represents the last stage of the preceeding sign’s development where the conditions cause the change to the next sign.
The British royal family often has 0° planetary, nodal or cusp energy. Queen Elizabeth II had a 0° Taurus Sun. Her son, Charles, has 0° Taurus Moon. Her grandson William has a 0° Cancer Sun. Her other grandson Harry has 0° Scorpio Pluto.
This Aquarian theme is emphasized over and over again. The ruler of this 0° Aquarius Ascendant is the retrograde Taurus Uranus conjunct the north node in the 2nd. The 2nd house is places of wealth and your personal estate. It is Taurus natural house and I use Ceres as Taurus’ ruler. Charles major work and goal is changing the mix of assets and wealth of the royal family. Charles natal horoscope echos this theme with a personal Taurus north node loosely conjunct his Moon in his 10th house. He will be publicly known (10th) for consuming (north node) the royal estate (Taurus). The announcement rulers of the family, Aquarius Saturn conjunct Moon, oppose the wealth (Ceres) of the royal children (Leo). The asteroids Kate and Henry lie close to Ceres. The focus of this opposition is on Charles’ Scorpio Sun. The Libra asteroid William is trine the Aquarian Moon and he is sextile the Sagittarius asteroid Charleroi (Charles Rex or King Charles). William will play a role in negotiating the coming retrenchment of the family.

In the announcement horoscope, hidden deep at the root of the family is Gemini Mars conjunct the Imum Coeli (I.C.) Charles seems to be harboring anger at his cousins and siblings. His courtiers have said he plans to demand lots of work for the funds the extended family receives and Vesta is closely conjunct Saturn and the Moon. Humanitarian (Aquarian) work (Vesta) seems to be the way Charles will unlock the royal family’s vaults to his family members. The Duke of York (0° Pisces Sun) is out of luck since he is disabled by his scandals. His Scorpio Moon is loosely conjunct Charles’ natal Sun. He could well be the first family member to be the focus of this new energy. As he goes, so goes the rest of the family.
After clearing out the royal beggars, Charles focus on his deeply held personal passions is bound to reign supreme. His gardening, architecture, and climate activism is likely to take center stage. His natal retrograde 29° Gemini Uranus is in the announcement 5th house (center stage). His unique parochial outlook on the neighborhood and small town will get their day in the sun. Charles came to adjust the mix of the royal family’s material wealth. His focus on the fixed signs of resources serves to let him change the mix. Aquarius is about personal development and instead of his mother’s focus on duty to family and country (her Capricorn Ascendant) his has been on his personal development of himself on the stage (his Leo Ascendant). Now he no longer has anyone who he has to listen too and he intends to use that wealth to explore his own Aquarian views on kingship.