Aristotle Onassis, Jack Kennedy and John G. W. Husted, Jr. all got Jackie Bouvier to say yes to a marriage proposal. No matter that he wasn’t the wealthiest or most famous among them, John Husted, was the fortunate one because Jackie dumped him quick, quick as in at their engagement party, when she found out he only made $17,000 a year. It was not an insubstantial sum at the time and would have granted her a very comfortable upper middle class lifestyle but her sights were set on much more substantial prey.
Jacqueline Bouvier was born with her South Node conjunct her Scorpio Ascendant. Whenever an Ascendant is conjunct anything you are talking about the person’s body. Jacqueline was born at just the time to inherit (Scorpio) the goods (Taurus). She wouldn’t just inherit those Tauran goods from anybody, she had come to get them from her Descendant (D.C.). In the horoscope, the Descendant represents your marriage mate, and your legal partners. Husted was the fortunate one, marriage to Jackie Bouvier was a death sentence for her husbands.

Scorpio South Node conjunct the Scorpio Ascendant is a very unfortunate aspect though it may come with an upside. Jacqueline Bouvier may have granted John F. Kennedy a bargain that allowed him to be President of the United States. Aristotle Onassis didn’t seem to benefit from the same bargain. Christina Onassis convinced her father that Jackie was cursed. He may even have started to call her the witch. The Kennedys also have been haunted by the thought they are cursed. Inheriting your spouses goods had traumatized Jackie. Close by her North Node lies her Taurus Chiron, the planet of wounds that won’t heal. Taurus Chirons are the wounds of abandonment and loss of security. In her seventh (marriage) house, the statement of her nodal path is restated as a Gemini Jupiter conjunct Ceres. Jupiter is the supersized and expansive Olympic element of a horoscope and Ceres represents material wealth. Get the olympic wealth picture, Jackie didn’t arrive in this incarnation for $17,000 a year.
How did John Husted escape? He had a fortunate aspect, his retrograde Scorpio Saturn was conjunct Jackie’s South Node. His connection to her was quite strong. Her Moon was conjunct his asteroid Jacqueline. His retrograde Jupiter was conjunct her Imum Coeli and his Ceres was conjunct her Midheaven. Those were strong connections that could easily have led to marriage. They probably resulted from a previous incarnation together. Jackie, in an attempt to soften her image after the rejection, said both had needed to grow up. John Husted had Saturn to thank for his escape. Saturn restricted him, prompted Jackie’s rejection, and ultimately let him live a fairly normal lifespan with a family.
The House of Atreus & The Kennedy Curse
Jack Kennedy came from a family that has often been described as cursed. In mythology, there is a family, the House of Atreus, so cursed through five generations. It all started with Tantalus and descended into child sacrifice, cannibalism, incest, adulterous wives scheming with usurping brothers, patricide, matricide and madness.
The corrupted, impure family descends from a degenerate king who tried to trick the gods into eating his son Pelops. Pelops is restored to life but wins his bride by killing her father and through trickery and false promises. And the curse rolls on. The House of Atreus is the story of a corrupt and impure family where the binding ties of familial piety are absent or put aside for the attainment of power or glory.
No one person can be blamed for the misfortunes of the House of Atreus, just as Jackie cannot be blamed for the misfortunes of the House of Kennedy. She didn’t bring the misfortune into the family she was just an instrument with which they worked out their doom. Her asteroid Atreus sits at the apex of a T-square aspect pattern with her Scorpio-Taurus nodal axis. Her path in life was taking her into the House of Atreus. It sits as a skipped step in her horoscope. Maybe she had avoided it once before, possibly with Husted, but as Jacqueline Bouvier she must open that gate and walk the nodal path to the end.
Jack’s brother, Joe, and sister, Kathleen, were already dead in plane crashes when Jack met Jackie. His father had already all but murdered his eldest daughter Rosemary by lobotomy, à la Agamemnon and Iphigenia, in a sacrifice to let the Kennedy sails fill with the political wind that would allow him to claim glory for his house and Troy’s doom. Rosemary’s uncontrolled actions might have damaged the Kennedy patriarch and sons’ political ambitions, so she had to go.

Joe Kennedy, Sr. was a man that didn’t respect the gods but like Tantalus and Pelops resorted to trickery and deception in his attempts to cover himself with glory. The House of Kennedy is as cursed as the House of Atreus waiting for the pious member who, like Orestes, is the moral man who will dive into the corruption, fulfill the curses, cleanse the impurities in the family with his own ruin, and thereby gain the respect and blessing of the gods.
Joe’s son, John F. Kennedy, was not that man. The playboy President added to the curses of the House of Kennedy and wiped his own male line out in the process. Jackie also grew exceptionally close to JFK’s married brother Robert Francis Kennedy. Some say they engaged in a many year long affair that only ended when he ran for President and was assassinated. Usurping your brother for his throne. And the curse keeps rolling on. Just months after his death, Jackie married Aristotle Onassis.
The Onassis Wedding on Skorpios
Pluto rules Scorpio, the underworld, its wealth, and rebirth. Pluto rules inheritances. Once you take your journey to the underworld, your worldly goods are left at your death to others. Onassis owned the island of Skorpios but with Jackie he married a native of Pluto. Jackie’s Scorpio Ascendant is ruled by Pluto. Her Pluto sits trine her Ascendant and sextile her Descendant. Pluto also links to her seventh house Gemini Ceres. Onassis owned Skorpios but the date he claimed was his birthday doesn’t hold even one Scorpio planet. He was woefully unprepared for Jackie’s unfortunate Scorpio South Node Ascendant aspect.

Jackie’s Pluto intended she would inherit this husband’s fortune too. Onassis’ son was soon gone after a plane crash. The Onassis family began to suffer the ill effects of Pluto’s moves to make sure Jackie fulfilled her inheritance destiny. The Cerean wealth and goods at the Onassis wedding sit at 29° Scorpio on the Sabian symbol “an Indian woman pleading to the chief for the lives of her children”. I like to call this degree the dead men walking degree. The owner of the goods was a dead man walking. He just also happened to own the Olympic Airlines among a billion dollars in other companies and assets. We are back to the olympic wealth aspect in her horoscope. Eventually after his death, she received $25 million in a legal settlement with his daughter and remaining heir. Although Jackie went on to have at least one more marriage-like arrangement, no new husband disappeared.
Jacqueline Onassis never knew that it wasn’t America that despised the Kennedy family and that Aristotle Onassis couldn’t protect her or her children. The impious actions of the Kennedy family has brought the worse sort of karmic fruits to its members. Hiding the children had never saved the Atreidae before. It just allowed them to grow up to face some new family atrocity. Karma has transcended the individuals and become entangled in the gens or clan of the family. How does a family recover from the sacrifice of a daughter for political glory? Did a Kennedy arrange an overdose to hide an unwanted bastard gotten on an unloved mistress? How long can a man live after attempting to usurp his brother’s throne and know his brother’s measure by a dalliance with his widow? The children continue to be eaten not by America but by their own kin. The curse rolls on.