Britain’s Buckingham Palace’s watchword is understatement. Everyone was tripping merrily along and then one day an announcement was made that The Queen was in the care of her doctors and resting comfortably. A few hours later, she died. Her family wasn’t even informed in time to get there to see her one last time. King Charles’ benign prostate surgery turned into several days in the clinic followed by a speedy announcement that he has cancer and has started treatment.
This is what we know happened. King Charles had some sort of symptoms that resulted in a diagnosis requiring prostate surgery. The Palace informed the public on January 17, 2024 that he would have a minor surgery for a benign prostate issue and canceled some appointments. On January 26, 2024, King Charles and Queen Camilla left shortly after 8:30 am to go to the hospital. Queen Camilla emerged at 3:10 pm, six hours after arriving and said he was resting and doing well. King Charles remained in the hospital for three days. On February 5, 2024, the Palace announced he had received his first treatment and he had cancer. The Palace postponed his scheduled appointments and he informed his sons. Prince Harry jumped on a plane immediately and flew to London, spending 30-45 minutes with his father, leaving for the United States within 24 hours.
One can see Prince Harry’s distress by his immediate reaction of jumping on a plane for the visit to his father. Reports suggest he was told by his father before the public and he duly appeared at the airport only minutes after the public announcement. Prince Harry, for all his angst, has managed to not see any important relative one last time before they died. Knowing how Buckingham Palace communicates and being on the outs with the family’s inside information, he justifiably reacted to the announcement like the King was being sized for his coffin. Lesser statements from the Palace than this one have been the first warning that a Sovereign is about to shuffle off this mortal coil. The Queen herself was shunted off on an international tour not knowing her father was dying and didn’t make it past the first country, Kenya, before she had to return to England for the funeral.

Rudimentary medical astrology would point a detection of cancer during a prostate surgery toward the colon and bladder. These parts of the body are represented by Pluto (colon) and Venus (bladder). While Venus also represents cures, it is clearly active in the horoscope showing its association with the Aries Chiron and Aquarius Sun. The 0° Aquarius Pluto – Mercury conjunction is not positive. This is the exact degree of King Charles debut to the public as King.
Ominous Pluto Transit
Although Pluto is slow moving and remains on 0° Aquarius for a number of months, it will only intersect 0° Aquarius three times in the expected lifetime of King Charles. Pluto only rules dead things. Pluto moving from the 12th house (hidden places) into the 1st house (battlefield) reveals the hidden dead things which he rules. In the Queen has died tweet chart, Pluto lay in the hidden 12th house unknown to everyone. As Pluto transits that chart, he is revealed.
Pluto’s first transit was last year at Charles coronation as a Prince in a slimmed down event where no one but him and his wife wore crowns. Pluto ruled over Charles’ desperate and ultimately dead emotional drive to place everyone in Aquarius so he and his wife alone are recognized as the only crowned Leos in attendance. Sitting in front of people who had accomplished so much more than he had ever done, he had the Archbishop crown him and his wife. Charles, a Leo Ascendant, has never understood that Kings are surrounded by Princes, he needed to be recognized as the Prince surrounded by Aquarian commoners. Pushing everyone else down so he appeared larger has been his natural Scorpio Sun impulse.
This year, Pluto is now associated with his cancer diagnosis and treatment. Removing the dead and dying tissue of the King’s body. The final transit will be next year.

Expecting Pluto to challenge the monarchy and elites, events like Jamaica’s referendum to become a republic were the types of events expected in the coming Pluto transit of Aquarius. During the previous Pluto transit of Aquarius, the American colonies broke free, and the French revolted and killed their king. Although the king they killed wasn’t as glamorous as the Sun King. The French had a long reign to associate their King with the Sun’s Leo instead of Sagittarius. Aquarius opposes Leo. A Pluto transit in Aquarius challenges Leo. In the Pluto transit of Capricorn, America represented by her Cancer Sun was challenged and her reputation among Americans is not so unassailable as it was during the Pluto transit of Sagittarius. Recovery is nigh for America with the Pluto transit of Aquarius but now royals, aristocrats, and arrivistes will all be assailed.
Fatal Decision to Remain a Prince?
King Charles is a Scorpio Sun. For most of his life, he was the heir to the kingdom. The Prince of Wales. His coronation suggests in some fundamental way, he chose to remain Prince Charles. Kings are represented by Jupiter who rules Sagittarius. The lifegiving Sun mixed with Scorpio is the archetype of rebirth after powerlessness. For most of his life, Prince Charles had to step aside for his mother, The Queen. Now cancer and the doctors are in charge. Will Pluto have a final say next year? Queen Camilla will have Pluto transit her Descendant for the first time in February 2026. As a prince, will Pluto take him and leave Queen Camilla a widow? A final fight next year could then lead up to Pluto’s conjunction with Queen Camilla’s Descendant (marriage partner) the year after. Although Pluto doesn’t have to mean that someone’s spouse will die, a spouse dying could be an event associated with that transit. It just doesn’t seem like a good horoscope for Charles.
Uranian Ideas
King Charles has also been known for his holistic, naturalpathic remedies and avant-garde medical ideas. The Cancer Announcement places Taurus Uranus on the Midheaven. Taurus is related to food and the earth. Nature. He has started with seemingly a very traditional medical course of treatment (heavy Capricorn placements). Are we about to get a solid dose of Tauran experimental (Taurus Uranus) medicine? Knowing Charles desire to be the center of attention, this may very well result in speeches and comments discussing the unusual medical practices he will undertake. The Cancer Announcement placed the Aquarian Sun in the 6th house of health. Unfortunately for him, these natural experiments connect to nothing directly related to the surgery. Ineffective.

As the Queen Dies Tweet chart shows, King Charles was harboring anger at his siblings and cousins. The Gemini (sibling) Mars (anger) was conjunct the I.C. At the time of his surgery, the retrograde Gemini Vesta was conjunct the I.C. Having turned his siblings into servants, he had relegated them to the private sphere. Now vulnerable to cancer, he is represented by the retrograde Gemini Vesta. Already the Counsellors of State are being reviewed and discussed in the media. King Charles is literally about to be represented by and have his duties (10th house) completed by the past sibling servants (past Gemini Vesta). The wheel of fate turns and they find themselves once again back on top.
Prince William, King Charles’ heir, is represented by Pluto conjunct Mercury. William and the King’s siblings are stepping forward. If Prince William transforms into the King, he will become the man of means, the 29° Sagittarius Ceres. The Palace has painted a rather rosy picture of King Charles easily defeating cancer. He had symptoms of an enlarged prostate and, lo and behold, they discovered cancer. Of course no one suggests that the King had his cancer discovered after seeing symptoms that were mistaken for an enlarged prostate. By Pluto’s transit next year, the world should know whether or not, the Palace has been understating the situation.
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