What is it to be a prince or a noble? Leo. Fixed fire. In ancient Rome, the patrician class formed from the first wise men, called patres. These men were appointed by Romulus as Senators. The patricians were the children of Senatorial wise men and were believed to be the best at speaking and representing Rome to the gods in the religious rites.
Romulus was the first King of Rome. Son of Mars and the Vestal Virgin Rhea Silvia, twin of Remus, he was suckled by a she-wolf and raised by shepherds. First. Shepherd. Aries. The gods are represented by Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, and the patricians were children of the original wise men who speak to the gods. Romulus, Aries. Patricians, Leo. The Gods, Sagittarius. The Fire Grand Trine. Adding in the Senate as an assembly, Aquarius. A Kite chart pattern.
In this simple story, we see the development of two classes. Those who speak to the gods and those for whom the message is spoken. Nobles and commoners. Patricians and plebeians. Leo and Aquarius. The archetype of Leo includes the Sun and the fifth house. Aquarius includes Uranus and the eleventh house. Not all aristocratic classes would come from wise men but most do come from the families of people that were once close to a King. Nobles essentially have access to the king or the gods in which both are represented by the archetype of Jupiter, Sagittarius and the ninth house.
I have long associated the local preacher on stage with Leo. The purest form of Leo, famous for their role, standing before the Aquarian congregation. Usually the first stage built in a newly formed community will be built at the first primative church. Known locally for their role and not their individual personalities. Not distant at all but standing one step closer to god. The stage, the pulpit, a fifth house place. As Prince Charles said “Be neither too remote nor too familiar.”
King Charles III, like Edward VIII before him, is more prince than king. Leo versus Sagittarius. Leo is the fixed fire zodiac sign. As a fixed sign representing resources, Leo is the effect of a stable fire which can draw a crowd to it for warmth and once upon a time also passed for entertainment. Attention seeking. Cultivation of an audience. Cultivation of a congregation.
Prince Charles & The Aquarius Pluto Transit
Charles chose to remain a Leonine prince at his coronation. This may have been a fatal decision with Pluto transitting into Aquarius and opposing Leo. The Fire Grand Trine is about initiation and activation. Aries is the effect of a single point release of energy, an explosion. Leo is stable fire. Sagittarius is moving fire. Charles, a Leo Ascendant ruled by his Scorpio Sun in the fourth, has spent the past year cloistered at home while he undergoes medical treatment for cancer. His wife, like his mother before her, has had to step out and take care of the duties of the King. Taurus Moon in the tenth.

Charles has long wanted the spotlight but has been hampered by his Scorpio Sun. At first it was due to being the heir to his mother who occupied the central location and now cancer has sidelined him at home again. Pluto may have very different plans for him than he wants. Pluto will once again transit the Ascendant, for the last time, of his ascension chart as King next spring followed by a transit of Queen Camilla’s descendant around February 2026.
Astrology can be very literal. Charles, as King, would be described by his 29° Sagittarius Jupiter in the fifth. The King on stage. That is the very end of Sagittarius and marks the last gasp before the transition from Sagittarius to Capricorn begins at 30° Sagittarius (0° Capricorn). Duty, responsibility. Charles has a Taurus north node and working on his personal wealth is the path forward for him. His Virgo Saturn in the second rules Capricorn. The Duchy of Cornwall and the Duchy of Lancaster are much more important to his incarnational future than playing the role of King.
The English Civil Wars, Jupiter Opposition Uranus, Charles Sagittarius beliefs and England’s Gemini views
Sagittarius Jupiter in opposition to retrograde Gemini Uranus is a very interesting placement in the natal chart of a King. Jupiter represents Kings in astrology and Uranus represents groups of people such as Parliaments. Not only does King Charles III have this aspect but he shares it with his great-grandfather King George V who also has a Gemini Uranus that opposes his Sagittarius Jupiter. King George V’s Libra Moon squares this opposition. King George V notably guided the royal family through the turmoil of World War I when most monarchies of Europe lost their thrones due to popular discontent. How was Britain able to keep its King when the others did not? Did George V know something about restoring a monarchy?

I have long associated Britain with Gemini. The English love a Gemini (English) Jupiter (King). The retrograde Gemini Uranus is likely a past English Parliament that opposed the religious King, Sagittarius Jupiter. This conflict brings in his 0° Taurus Moon on the Midheaven. The English Civil Wars.
The Moon during the English Civil Wars would have been Queen Henrietta Maria, mother of Charles Stuart II, who went abroad to raise money by selling the royal jewels to defeat Parliamentary forces who in turn wanted to control the religion of the King and nation. The wealthy Queen mother, Taurus Moon.
This stongly points to King Charles III who could possibly be a reincarnation of King Charles Stuart II, whose father opposed the English Parliament and sought to become Roman Catholic. It could be that he is the reincarnation of Charles I but Charles II, like Charles III and George V, has Uranus opposing Jupiter albeit in Virgo and Pisces.
Charles I of England was the grandson of Mary, Queen of Scots and he was the English King that was executed by beheading at Whitehall at the end of the Second English Civil War. His son, King Charles II, was restored to the monarchy in a period of history called the Restoration. He married a wealthy young wife and had no legitimate offspring but had a legion of mistresses and royal bastards who, even today, still make up a half dozen aristocratic families including the families of Diana, Princess of Wales and Camilla, Queen of the United Kingdom.
Charles’ Personal Astrology. How does a karmic pattern that big translate down to a single individual? Charles has a karmic pattern demonstrating that in his past his individuality and the role of monarch were in conflict. Parliament, Uranus, opposed the King, Jupiter. His past individual ideals, Uranus, to become Roman Catholic opposed his role as Anglican King, Jupiter. This suggests that Charles has struggled most of his life with his individual ideas and his religious role as future King.
Whereas King George V kept his individual ideals private (Imum Coeli) and displayed his regal role publically (Midheaven), Charles shared his ideals with friends (eleventh house) but plays his religious role as Prince of Wales and, as King, in church (fifth house). We are back to Leo. The Anglican Prince. The Anglican Coronation.
His retrograde 29° Gemini Uranus opposes his Sagittarius Jupiter by three minutes. There was an easy release planet, his 0° Taurus Moon conjunct Queen Elizabeth’s 0° Taurus Sun. By deflecting the clash onto his mother, while she lived, he didn’t have to resolve the tension between the planets. As Prince of Wales, Charles was bedeviled by criticism for his public views. He has recognized that as sovereign he could no longer express those views. Of course, as the heir apparent, he also should never have publically expressed his views either. This is the inherent problem of the opposition in his personal chart.
Has Charles Married a Catholic?
Both Charles I and Charles II secretly married in Catholic services before their public Anglican service. Charles II converted to Catholicism on his deathbed. The Stuarts didn’t want to lose the throne and so they were forced to hide their personal beliefs. The Stuart secret cost James II his throne and passed his son over for his two elder daughters by his first wife.
In her first marriage, Camilla was married by a Catholic priest and her children were raised Catholic. In 2013, the Succession to the Crown Act amended the succession to allow daughters to be placed in the succession by birth order. It also eliminated the inability to inherit the throne if one had married a Catholic. This actually restored one member of the family to the succession who had been removed in 1988. Was Charles’ Scorpio south node in the fourth about a secret in the family? The Succession Act astrology has the Scorpio Juno conjunct the Scorpio Sun. Was this a secret marriage to a Catholic consort that would have cost Charles his place in the succession? The Stuart secret.
In 2017, Camilla chose to meet the Pope wearing a off white dress that was sold to the public as a gold dress. The Palace let it be known, it was all the new relaxed dress code. Prior to that, only Catholic queens could meet the Pope in white.

Jupiter is god, king, questor. Uranus is disrupter, observer, analyst. Behind Charles’ Leo Ascendant, there is the internal Aquarius Descendant with its seventh house position that is easily projected onto others. His Gemini Uranus took him into a network of acquaintances. From their perspective, he observed their views of the sovereign. Leo is the noble, the child of the king for which it is easier to speak to god. For some time it may have seemed they had many answers but ultimately there is no spiritual truth available in that location in his horoscope. His ninth house beliefs were based in his Libra Neptune conjunct Venus and his Sagittarius Mars. His fantasy love affair and his actions as King.
Investiture as Prince of Wales & A Karmic Conclusion in 2010
At his investiture as Prince of Wales, Uranus and Jupiter came together and this allowed him as Prince of Wales to express his Gemini views where he hovered in between Virgoan criticism and Libran diplomacy. In the early summer of 2010, these two planets came together again in Charles’ house of religion and beliefs near his 1° Aries Juno. Juno is rejuvenation and Aries represents a new beginning. Juno is also the consort of Jupiter. Did Charles finally reconcile his views and beliefs? If Camilla did indeed become Catholic, did he secretly subscribe to her beliefs? The archetype of Scorpio secrets and Sagittarius beliefs.
He has said in the past that he wondered if he should be Defender of faith not Defender of the Faith but these remarks were before he became King and before Uranus and Jupiter met in 2010. If the English King doesn’t believe in the English belief system why should anyone else? Does the Saudi King apologize for being Muslim? Why do other religions deserve multiple heads of state kowtowing to their belief system and the English get none? Leonine nobles are those in the best position to speak to God or the King. The failure to speak to God is the failure of nobility.
Western civilization has sprung out of Aquarius and destruction of nobility comes right behind destruction of religion. For who needs a noble, when god doesn’t exist?

Charles has caused speculation regarding his religious beliefs. On the surface, he has sworn a public oath to uphold the Church of England but, in his years as Prince of Wales, he was interested in other religious and spiritual practices and traditions. However, sometime in that summer of 2010 the year before his eldest son was to marry, he once again confronted the opposition in his chart with the two planets coming together for a resolution regarding his belief system. No date jumps out to observe what happened.
Yet later at his coronation, he walked behind the silver Cross of Wales which was made with two relics of the cross of Christ given to him by the Catholic Pope. Slivers of the true cross. This Cross of Wales will be shared between the Anglican and Catholic churches in Wales. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction that first showed up at his investiture as Prince of Wales ends with a picture of an ecumenical shared resource. Sagittarius beliefs and Scorpio shared resources. Does that picture his marriage to Camilla? The true cross. A Catholic true queen hidden close in the heart of Charles Wales? The silver was recycled bullion beaten into a new shape and engraved with welsh words. Be joyful. Keep the faith. Do the little things. It seems Charles has recycled an old faith and discovered the faith. No longer unclear about whether it is defender of the faith or defender of faith. The cross was handed over to the church on the Feast of St. Dwynwen, the Welsh Patron Saint of Lovers.
It is no longer necessary to hide Queen Camilla’s faith so why the secrecy and symbols. Behind the new privacy screen he added to the coronation, Charles III was anointed King of the United Kingdom and, as a Leo Ascendant, he might have spoken to God but to hold his Tauran estate he also must keep his family secret. Astrology is often literal. Charles II accepted the Catholic faith on his death bed because he wanted to remain King of England but in his heart he was a Catholic all along. The Stuart secret.