America and France were compatriots during the last Pluto transit of Aquarius. Draining the French treasury may very well have caused the French king to be dispatched by his people while also defeating the British monarch’s military in many ways shows the power of the Aquarian force that is America. The Aquarius zodiac sign opposes the Leo zodiac sign. The republic opposes the prince. America’s south node and Moon are in Aquarius. Consuming princes is a hallmark of a Leo north node. France never felt the same way about monarchs but has arrived at Aquarius by the idea of shared wealth and its Libran ideals about égalité, equality.
France’s President Emmanuel Macron forced a pension change to the retirement age down his countrymens throats in April 2023. Protests ensued. He used a parlimentary procedure to make it the law without the people’s representatives voting on the measure. A majority of the French oppose the reform. It showed a remarkable weakness in the government that it could not vote on the measure. Now a year later, Macron’s party was beaten by right wing parties in the European Union parliamentary elections. Now Macron has called a snap election.

Although the UK snap election takes place in between France’s two rounds, the astrology of the elections are very different. The British people are on the verge of a shift and are in a reactionary mood. The UK snap election chart shows that Britain is transitioning to the new Aquarian Pluto – Aries Neptune energy.
In round one, the French represented by the Taurus Moon in the fourth house are ruled by Tauran wealth and Tauran stability. The second house of wealth holds the retrograde Aquarius Pluto. This first election is about the pension issue. The retrograde Capricorn Ceres is in the first house under attack or attacking. Who in big government (Capricorn) did something in the past (retrograde) about individual wealth (Ceres)? That would be Macron’s party. The previous Parliament didn’t vote but they also didn’t lift a finger to stop the pension reform from becoming law. The Parliament that sat still. Taurus Uranus.
Macron dissolved Parliament and is represented by the chart ruler, Gemini Jupiter in the sixth house. Jupiter is semi-square Chiron in the fourth. In the first round, Macron will be wounded. His opposition is the 26° Cancer Mercury, the ruler of the Descendant. That already is a problem because that means his opposition is speaking for the people.
The Great Wishing Heart
Round one is just the beginning. Parliaments are represented by Uranus. Parliaments have often opposed Leonine princes and this naturally makes this assembly of people Aquarian. The eleventh house would describe a Parliament building, auditorium and similiar spaces that allow the gathering of people. Uranus represents the assembly as a whole.

While the French (Taurus Moon) may have started being ruled by the pension reform and their wealth, by Round Two they have firmly advanced and joined with Macron’s opposition. Macron is still the Gemini Jupiter in the sixth but his opposition is now the Leo Mercury. The Leo Moon has joined the Leo Mercury by conjunction. This Leo grouping of planets lies on the Bastille Day Leo Venus, Uranus and Jupiter conjunction (not shown). In all respects, this grouping represents France’s heart. France is well known for its love affair (Venus) with its unique culture (Uranus-Jupiter). The people, the workers and Macron’s opposition (Moon-Vesta-Mercury) all come together and join to France’s unique cultural love affair.
The lights of this chart tell an amazing tale. What was once about pension reform has quickly morphed into a display of the soul of the nation. In spite of the changing Aquarian Pluto energy, France is preparing the ground to reseed from their distinct love of their own Leonine character. The Cancer Sun is in mutual reception with the Leo Moon in a Waxing Crescent configuration. During the period of the New Moon until the First Quarter, this is the time of wishing. The New Moon is the time to plant new seeds. The Sun is the heart and a Cancer Sun and Leo Moon in mutual reception is a strong restatement of the archetype of a mother wishing for their child.
When the Sun and Moon in any zodiac sign are in a waxing crescent, you are dealing with a wishing heart. Seeds are being planted for the future. When the Cancer Sun is in the Waxing Crescent array with the Leo Moon you are dealing with the Great Wishing Heart. The future of the nation, the seeds of a New France grown from the great love of France’s culture. The Leo Mercury is the cultural French as opposed to the French foreigner (Gemini Jupiter). Marine Le Pen may very well end up seeing her party’s choice, Jordon Bardella, become Prime Minister. This is of course interesting as Bardella is ethnically Italian.
France’s new Parliament remains a Taurus Uranus but instead of standing still, this new Parliament will be endowed with the power of planting the new seeds. No longer about pension reform, this snap election has become about a French future.
Postscript: The French elections first revolved around the pension reform but in seven days the wind shifted to the left. The left rallied, joined together, withdrew from individual races where it made sense, and managed to take the most Parliamentary seats blocking the right from gaining a majority of the Parliament. This result while encouraging to those who fear the politics of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally has occurred just as France was sowing new seeds. France’s pension reform seems locked into place for now. No one can govern without Macron and Macron changed the pension system without even a vote of Parliament. The cost of blocking the right seems to be that French workers will have to work longer.
The next challenge is who will be the Prime Minister, can the left hold together to govern, and how will Macron and his party act on national policy going forward. The right while not gaining the reins of power are closer to control of France’s parliament than they ever have been, picking up the most new seats of any group and now with what seems to be a unified 142 seats up from 89.
The left, while pulling together for the election, were quick to smack down the ministerial ambitions of the leader of the largest party in their ranks with 79 seats.
In another strange gallic twist, the left with 180 seats received 7,040,000 votes, the center with 159 seats received 6,692,000 and the right with 142 seats received 10,110,000 votes. France for the French seems to mean Charles de Gaulle’s famous question “How can you govern a country with 246 varieties of cheese?”