This has been the year of elections. The incoming Aquarius Pluto – Aries Neptune transit is already causing coalition governments to fall with Iceland coming up today. Germany will be next. Ireland was yesterday.

Iceland has a Grand Fire Trine that will be triggered by transits to the election north node. This election is occurring under a balsamic Moon. It’s closing time. While the people, the Sagittarius Moon in the fourth, are interested in increasing housing they will rapidly move to a focus on a need for a Leonine leader in the country. The Sagittarius Sun in the fifth is the picture of a preacher on stage. Sagittarius often represents religion, foreign culture, professors. Icelanders seem to want something new. The Aries north node resides in the ninth house of religion, culture and foreign places. There is a restlessness to the Fire Grand Trine that suggests Icelanders are looking for something new to believe and they will soon see that figure emerge around March – May 2025.
Icelanders aren’t known to be very religious so this could very well be more about the Sagittarian element of higher education or even possibly a foreigner but the archetype of Sagittarius, Leo and Pisces is restated several times in this chart. Leo in the twelfth. Retrograde Pisces Neptune in the ninth. Sagittarius Sun in the fifth. It is likely that the retrograde Gemini Jupiter in the eleventh may be the same figure as the Sagittarius Sun in the fifth. Retrograde Gemini Jupiter loosely opposes the Sagittarius Mercury. The Sabian symbol for the 17° Gemini Jupiter is “the head of health dissolved into the head of mentality.” A change in role led by a dissolution that results in something new. Old role. New beliefs. New thought leader. This Mercury will be there actively working on a very public injury to Iceland. Chiron on the Midheaven. This is part of the second Fire Grand Trine of Mercury trine Chiron on the Midheaven trine Leo Ascendant in the chart.
In one more note, the Sabian symbol points to the head of health as the old role. Health suggests that Vesta should be examined and we find her in the third house, the natural house of Gemini. While I’m not familiar enough with Icelandic politics to be sure of an identification of a potential person that fits the bill, one could see how a volcanic crises could lead to a health official in Parliament emerging as a new thought leader. In a quick search, Willum Þór Þórsson might fit the bill. He is a member of Parliament and the Minister of Health but was once a soccer coach and team manager for the top league in Iceland. Possibly the old coach in Parliament, retrograde Gemini Jupiter in the eleventh, that is now the beloved Minister of Health in the towns, Libra Vesta in the third, becomes the New Thought Leader on stage, Sagittarius Mercury in the fifth?
Taurus Uranus & Political Assemblies
Aquarius Pluto suggests empowerment of Parliaments and assemblies before they face a reckoning near the end of the transit in 2043. Pluto is a tempter and so he empowers first, tempting and testing before destroying and taking away the dead things that he had drawn out. In the French Revolution, which occurred during the last Aquarius Pluto transit cycle, the National Convention first represented unchecked growing power but then Robespierre began the Reign of Terror and Virtue that reached to the assembly itself. It ended when the assembly members had Robespierre killed and the Thermidorean reaction set in. The National Convention ended one year later when the new French Directory was created. The Directory had a membership of five, a massive reduction from the 786 member National Convention. The downfall does not have to be that dramatic. Pluto is tempting these assemblies but they don’t have to decide to use that unchecked power to run amok.
The world’s Parliaments and the America Congress have all been ruled by the Taurus Uranus transit since May 2018 and won’t switch to Gemini until April 2026. Stubborn. Slow to move. Recalcitrant. Sowing seeds. Cereals. Food. Values. Valuables. Goods. Wealth. Assemblies worldwide have been standing still.

The European Parliament election in June kicked off the year of elections on June 9, 2024. Taurus Uranus was in the fourth house trine the Capricorn Ascendant. Assembly and government. The Aquarius Pluto was opposing the Leo Moon. The Moon represents the people of Europe. The European Parliament is using its newfound powers to oppose the people.
The agenda has not been about the livelihood and families of Europeans but Parliament is using its powers to fight those very people. Aquarius Pluto in the first which is the battlefield. The Leo Moon is in the seventh house of small laws. Regulations. Instead of the people being in the assembly, Moon in the eleventh, Europeans are finding that the assembly is in their homes, Uranus in the fourth, and worse that assembly is represented by Sagittarius with Jupiter in the fourth. This is a foreign occupation. This is the French telling the Poles how they have to live at home. This is the Italians telling the French how they have to live at home. This is the Russians, through foreign influence, telling all Europeans how they will live at home. Turn the heat off. Grin and bear the rising cost of food.
The United Kingdom followed the European election by summarily voting to jump on the same bandwagon. A Capricorn Ascendant chart with Sagittarius and Capricorn in the eleventh. The Taurus Uranus is in the third house of town and neighborhood, including the schools and local roads. Jupiter still resides in the fourth so Russia’s power to turn off the heat is still apparent. Still the UK Parliament is not opposing the people, and also doesn’t have the trine to the Capricorn Ascendant so citizens have less to worry about.
France went next. Choosing a Sagittarius Ascendant chart, Jupiter lies in the sixth house of work. The Taurus Uranus lies in the fifth house of play. The Aquarius Pluto is in the second house. The eleventh is under the influence of Scorpio. The left came together to take the election away from Marine Le Pen’s National Rally and France’s parliament has been in turmoil since successfully doing so. The event was marked by people trying to grab the Leonine spotlight. The latest idea is get President Macron to resign. It took seven weeks to select a new Prime Minister, who is now under threat of the government dissolving due to a no confidence vote on the budget, yet disarray and chaos reigns. It is in France that the basic Aquarius Pluto power dynamic is most on display.
When polls closed in Wisconsin at 8 pm (2 am, universal standard time), that state decided the American election, the Ascendant was in Cancer. Ruled by the Capricorn Moon, the retrograde Taurus Uranus resided in the eleventh house. Unlike the Europeans, Pluto was not in Aquarius but was at 29° Capricorn. With Saturn in Pisces, the 2024 American election is about dissolving and destroying government. A nasty fight is expected with Mars opposing Pluto. E Pluribus Unum. Out of many, one. The American people, Aquarius Moon in the USA Sibly chart, are taking aim directly at the federal government. In America, the Aquarius Pluto transit is not about Congress but about the fifty states, Taurus Uranus in the eleventh. The state assemblies of the fifty states. Empowering the states.
The planet Uranus represents assemblies and its transits while slower than some rule the fortunes of groups of people. Since 2018, national assemblies worldwide have been focused on the people’s wealth and no where have any of these assemblies increased that wealth. Instead, they have enriched themselves at the expense of the people and have been dissolved as a result. Taurus Uranus, wealthy parliaments. The cost of living crises is a wealth crises. The Sagittarian King gives way to the Capricornian government which gives way to the Aquarian Assembly of the People which gives way to the Piscean dissolution of the system.