The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has called for a general election on America’s birthday, July 4. Guess they don’t want anyone to come over for the beer, brats and fireworks. Everyone seems to think the Conservative Party is heading toward a nasty defeat and that the Labour Party will dominate the election with the most impressive victory ever.

The Labour Party seems to be running on platform of ending political chaos. The Conservative Party has been running the country since soon after Pluto began his transit of Capricorn. Political chaos is most likely a reference to the Neptune transit of Pisces. Astrological transits build and their energy rolls in like the waves of the sea. No political party is responsible for that energy, they are just one of the things that may ride in on those waves.
Political Chaos & Being Sent Into The Wilderness
Any election decision from July 4, 2024 isn’t about the end of political chaos. Everyone is asking why did Sunak call for an election when it is so clear to everyone that the Conservatives would lose. One of my good friends in college was Hindu and she guessed my birthday. She not only accurately guessed my birthday but the other three women with us. This is when I knew there was something to astrology. I don’t remember what she said about it that caused her to be so accurate but I was impressed none the less.
Sunak chose a date with a Balsamic Moon. It’s closing time. He is a Taurus Sun and Taurus is the most conservative zodiac sign in the traditional sense. July 4 is possibly the last day that could be selected where the polls would close in Capricorn ruled by Saturn. It is possible that Sunak elected this chart. The Sun trine Saturn element might be the optimal aspect that decided the date, figuring that on the day there would be a cautious mood with positive energy around responsiblity and discipline. Very traditional sounding but in the UK Election chart, the retrograde Capricorn Ceres in the twelfth most likely represents the Conservative Party. It looks like the Conservatives are sent into the wilderness to reflect on the past.
The UK is in the unenviable position of setting their new government, whether its July 4 or January 2025, during the final days of the Pisces Neptune transit. On July 4, Neptune is retrograde and sits at 29° Pisces. Neptune is the chaotic actor and is ensconced in his home territory of Pisces. This period of time has been all about the clutter that was shoved under the bed bursting out and spilling into the open.
America’s election will also have this energy but America’s Congress is remade every two years. This Parliament won’t be forward looking but will be a reaction to the past. Neptune is retrograde so that signals that the Parliament will be looking backward at the chaos. Starting next spring, Neptune will go direct and head straight into Aries and won’t come back to revisit Pisces for over a hundred and fifty years. The UK’s 2024 Parliament will be looking backward and won’t match the oncoming waves starting in March 2025.
Neptune is also trine the Midheaven. This is a very public place to display this reactionary energy. This isn’t about new ideas at all but reaction to all that old Piscean clutter. Neptune squares the Moon, this will cause tension with the UK public, represented by the 0° Cancer (30° Gemini) Moon. This is also a mark of the Labour Party having a fantastical effect on the British public represented by the Moon. The square means the public will realize it was a fantasy. Once disillusioned, this is when they will start to say Labour lied. The Labour Party mundane chart has a Neptune square Moon aspect and that is why they have to keep saying they are “new” Labour because old Labour ruined their reputation by deluding everyone including themselves.
The public is on the verge of a shift from Gemini to Cancer, but reactionary Neptune keeps pulling the public back. Labour looks like it is moving in the wrong direction from where the people are heading. This one moment where Labour is connecting to the people quickly dissipates as the progressed chart shows the Moon dropping more than 3° out of orb to Neptune by the end of September 2024 just months after the election. That energy is rapidly dissipating like a tide pulling out to sea.

Worse is yet to come. A little over a year later in early August 2025, the progressed Moon will conjunct the Sun and become a new Moon. This is a more complicated period for the UK. The progressed Sun-Moon conjunction opposes the retrograde Capricorn Ceres in the twelfth house which appears to represent the Conservatives. Previously sent away, the people are back to looking at the Conservatives at the New Moon.
Labour, most likely represented by the Leo Vesta, never lays its hands on the Pisces Neptune. Most influential over the Gemini zodiac sign through its Vesta conjunct Mercury, taking action in the streets, schools and neigborhoods is Labour’s element of the chart but the people, 0° Cancer (30° Gemini) Moon, are on the verge of shifting in a new direction entirely and the Conservatives will have left Labour holding the bag.
Pluto Rising, The Dark Star
The retrograde 1° Aquarius Pluto is conjunct the Ascendant. This is on the “old adobe mission” Sabian symbol. Resistance. Resistance. Resistance. Labour might be selling the idea they are new Labour but don’t be fooled, they are led by a man named Keir Starmer. Keir means dark and Starmer comes from a nickname for star. The Dark Star. That points right to Pluto. Astrology conveys the message many ways and Keir Starmer’s birthdate corresponds to his Sun being conjunct Pluto by less than a degree. Keir Starmer is the Dark Star and he is represented in the UK Election chart by Pluto Rising.
The mundane charts seem to agree that the Labour Party has a lot of Aquarian energy. The zodiac sign Aquarius describes the effect caused by internal self-reflection. The metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly is the metaphor. The caterpillar is in the cocoon only aware of the internal changes occuring. This is personal action, observation of self and then reaction. Leo the emerging butterfly is personal action, observation of the audience and then reaction. Aquarius cultivates the individual. Leo cultivates the audience.
New Labour is only as new as its own development. Aquarius is a very tone deaf zodiac sign by design. It is how you make an individual. Take for instance the idea they have to hire 6,500 teachers by harming the private school system. Will 6,500 new teachers actually materialize? There is already a staff shortage, if you can’t fill those gaps what sense does it make to add 6,500 more job listings. The elimination of the tax break for private schools though will probably happen all at once in a single day. This Aquarius Pluto is about creative destruction emphasis on destruction.
It seems that destruction of a lot of things will be the hallmark of this new Parliament. The destruction of the private school system. The destruction of the NHS by paying existing staff overtime for night and weekend work. While overtime may temporarily move appointments forward it is a remarkable strategy for burnout of the NHS staff. With Putin on the march, should the last mines of potential patriotic revenue and goodwill be mined for National Health Service appointments on the weekends? In America, we have chosen to maintain a strong defense over nationalized health care.
Destruction of the oil and gas industry because it is international and out of Westminster’s control for the dream of big green government in Scotland. A nationalized and publically owned green energy corporation headquartered in Scotland holding the keys to Britain’s energy future. Scotland has threatened to leave Great Britain but Labour seems to think the Scots would still be pleasantly willing to cooperate with England upon the divorce. Are they unaware of their own history with the Scots?
Why does almost everything in Labour’s platform need to destroy something to achieve something? You can build without destruction. With Pluto Rising, the destruction is going to be aggressive. Having worked with many a Plutonic individual in the building industry, they are fabulous at demolition. It’s a core strength. Fear of misteps though paralyzes them when they build. Without a corresponding strong Taurus element, building is much slower than destruction. Taurus does not have planetary emphasis in Keir Starmer’s chart. His north node is conjunct Ceres in Leo. This has a literal meaning that he builds Leo things. Leo as in the elites. Reputation. Renown. Infamy.
The progressed chart for early August 2025 shows that the Dark Star, Pluto, is now linked with the Pisces Neptune and Midheaven. In fact, the Dark Star has become the apex of that particular chart aspect. Let the chaos and destruction rain down. The oncoming astrological weather will bring in exactly what is needed. Aquarius Pluto is about empowering the common man. Taking out the systems that have kept people dependent is one major way to see regular folks transformed. Dissolving government systems. Pisces Saturn. Building actions. Taurus Mars. The building actions will dissolve government systems. Taurus Mars sextile Pisces Saturn.
The Aries Neptune – Aquarius Pluto Archetype
For the next fourteen years, the new energy arriving will be of the nature of Aries Neptune – Aquarius Pluto. This is the angry mob. The pioneering common man. “Do your own thing” (Aries) will meet the “think your own way” (Aquarius) crowd. The heroic scientist. The action man who helps the common man. The heroic outlaw. The selfish freak. Think Frankenstein or Robin Hood. The man of action outside of society. In August 2025, this is the new idea.
It appears from the polls that the Conservatives are being sent once again into the Wilderness, a potential loss of 220 seats Wilderness. Trimmed down to a small merry band, Sunak may have positioned them to play the role of Robin Hood. It may be awhile before they return to power but maybe not so long as the Labour Party thinks. They should recall that Robin Hood, born to a noble family, began his life of infamy robbing from the rich to give to the poor when he came back from abroad to find the Sheriff had taken his lands for taxes. This Labour Sheriff is planning on collecting some taxes.
The beginning of the Disney cartoon starts “Robin Hood was the people’s only hope”. Prince John, the cowardly Leo lion, is introduced playing with his money saying “Taxes, Taxes”. The cartoon concludes with Prince John having lost all his money and with his mother’s castle burning, he is sent to break rocks as King Richard returns to claim his kingdom. John the worst.
In their secluded hideaway, devising new strategies it appears they are preparing for the new onrushing energy. One should recall that Tory is actually an insult that means outlaw or robber. Just a change of their oak tree logo to Lincoln Green and their rebirth as Robin Hood will be complete.
Postscript: The Tories lost 251 seats. Keir Starmer and the Labour Party won and he is now Prime Minister. The Liberal Democrats also took an additional 64 seats and Reform UK gained their first 5 seats. In a victory this large, astrology wasn’t needed for any predictions of the winning side.
Now the problematic issue of governing will arise and the astrology does not suggest smooth sailing for Labour. In particular, Keir Starmer will increasingly be out front and political chaos will continue to follow him publically. By early next August, this should become very apparent. Neptune isn’t exclusive to just one person or political party. Surfing the Pisces Neptune transit isn’t about to get any easier for this Prime Minister than the preceeding five before him.
As the Moon progresses into Leo and the seventh house in October-November 2026, it opposes Pluto and connects again to Neptune in a trine aspect. Could the British people see a bit more clearly through the rose colored glasses? Shortly after in late November early December, Pluto progresses into the twelfth house. The Conservatives were just sent to the twelfth house so that doesn’t look like its a positive career move for Starmer. An impressive victory like this one lets Labour do whatever they want with no one to check their hand and no one to blame should it go awry.
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