The Astrology of the 2025 German Snap Election

The Federal Republic of Germany has joined its neighbors in watching its government fall and holding a snap election on February 23, 2025. This has been the defining theme of the Pluto transit from Capricorn into Aquarius. Germany’s government and possibly its people are holding onto the old system with a frevent grip. This never ends well when Pluto is involved, and he is. The Aquarius Pluto has been a bowling ball wrecking ruling governments. Out with the old assemblies and parliaments and in with the new.

This snap election is the first so far that will have the Virgo south node – Pisces north node. Germany is always fighting a Virgo-Pisces battle. Work or dissolution. Germany has almost never been truly united in its history. All of its neighbors are terrified of it when it is unified. German unification is a geopolitical issue alongside issues like Middle East control of oil and gas supplies and Russian aggression. The Germans, as united efficient industrious workers, terrify their neighbors who envision soldiers with German efficiency and industrial equipment marching into their country.

2025 German Elections

Europe is about to see the Germans confront a new transformation. No longer the German economic miracle, they have charted a path using renewable energy. German industry is breaking down. Virgo is Ascendant. This election is about Virgo, the Scorpio Vesta in the third and the sixth house. German industry. German workers. German efficiency.

The Virgo South Node in the First

Astrologers often suggest that the south node is a place you should leave behind. Under the premise that future is the north node, the south the past. This is true in a sense but the dragon metaphor gives it a meaning it doesn’t have. Feed the beast at the north end, clean up the mess at the south end. Hence, you might get the idea that the south end isn’t the one you want to deal with but deal with it you shall, if you spend all your time feeding the beast. Instead, think of the nodes as a factory with raw material coming into the factory and finished goods leaving the factory. The north node is the place where raw material is needed and the south node the place where the finished goods are found. They work together.

Piscean chaos is the raw material that a Virgo south node needs to produce quality work. Piscean clutter gets organized, tinkered with, and ultimately reassembled into something useful. That is the Piscean north node to Virgo south node journey. All zodiac south node signs have to some extent roll up their sleeves and get to work when the nodes are active but a Virgo south node should have no problem processing this amount of clutter, once they get to work. The south node is where your real experience and skills reside. The Virgo south node in the first house indicates this is going to be a battle against the clutter. German efficiency will get its heyday. If it lags, German dissolution will be the outcome.

The election chart shows that Germany has a lot of Piscean clutter to work on. The Pisces Neptune is conjunct the north node. An ocean of clutter. Saturn, the fathers, and Mercury, the young, are also partners. Mountains and towns of clutter. The Pisces Sun is in the sixth house. Time to reassemble the German ethos itself. German creative impulse has joined the clutter.

German Clutter Control

The Scorpio Vesta is on clutter control. Transforming Germany but its broader than Germany. Vesta is working in German towns, schools, roads and on its neighbors. This is where things can get scary. Once German efficiency rolls up its sleeves and joins the battle of the clutter where will they end. The south node is in the first. A strong, efficient Germany has led to a lot of wars.

In World War II, Germany was represented by Ceres, the ruler of Taurus. Ceres and Pluto are natural partners ruling the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The destruction of Germany then led to the German economic miracle based on major heavy industrial output. Industry is best represented by the Virgo zodiac sign. On election day, the Scorpio Vesta is in the third house. The crisis has arrived for the industrial system. Putin and his war in Ukraine led to restrictions on oil and gas for Germany’s heavy industry which caused much of it to be shuttered.

Germany is at 29° Aquarius Ceres in the sixth house. German industry is breaking up in Vesta’s workshop. German heavy industry factories are literally being disassembled and shipped to the United States. Mars is retrograde in Cancer and the Capricorn Moon is ruling this action.

Germany’s New Women

Where will the reforging come from, Germany’s past blocks the Aries Venus in the eighth. The strain of this change will be on the women. The older mature women, Moon, are blocking the young women, Venus. The young women are undergoing transformation in the eighth house and they are ruled by the retrograde Cancer Mars.

Expectations of older women and new feminine ideas and independence are blocking each other. Yet it is young women who will determine the future wealth of Germany. The Capricorn Moon in the fourth is about mature career women at home trying to block the transformation of young women who are building something new. Aries Venus squares the Capricorn Moon in the fourth. No longer content to be a career woman in the home, something has to give way. A reverse Thor’s Hammer is created by the Aquarius Ceres in the sixth. The second house of wealth is made of Libra. Young women will choose to build wealth through work just as Germany is breaking its factories up and shipping them away. This is about an heir too. Ceres has a single child, a daughter. Will these new independent German women have a child? If they choose an heir, will they work?

The same theme is echoed in the Taurus Uranus in the ninth. Beliefs about the breakup of German wealth. Germany’s old ethos is part of the clutter and it is no longer working for the Germans. The themes of heirs, industry, wealth, and work are coming together and the young women will be put under pressure to transform. This is the cauldron that will reassemble Germany.