The Democratic Party is the oldest, operating party in the world. It’s formation ended the Era of Good Feelings which had occurred as a result of President James Monroe deflating national parties and seeking a unified electorate. The founders of the Democratic party believed it was a positive development to reintroduce partisan politics instead of regional and localized candidates. What ensued is probably the nastiest campaign in history rivaled only by recent campaigns.
The Democratic Party came out of one event, the thirteenth anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans. The Glorious 8th was a national holiday celebrating the American defeat of the British for the second time. Communities held balls and dinners where numerous toasts were given. General Andrew Jackson was the hero of the battle. In the election of 1824, General Jackson had been denied a chance to become president due to a one candidate dropping out who later received a cabinet post. What ensued was the creation of a national party, the Democratic Party founded by Martin Van Buren and Andrew Jackson.
The Democratic Party takes its founding date from the campaign launch of Andrew Jackson. He chose to launch his campaign at the anniversary celebrations of January 8, 1828. He arrived in New Orleans at 10 am and immediately went to the battlefield at Chalmette where the soldiers gave speeches until it grew late and he went by steamship back to New Orleans there to meet with the government officials, review a military parade, hear a Catholic religious service followed by a short rest and then to the public dinner where many speeches and toasts were given followed by a visit to the French theatre to hear one part of an opera and then to the American theatre finally ending the day at 11 pm.
The two best Democratic Party charts would be the start of the ceremony at 10 am or at a point during the period of the Leo Ascendant when Jackson was giving speeches and toasts were being made.

The arrival of Jackson chart may be the best chart to use until an account is found of the speech Jackson made later in the day. One newspaper at Natchez gives a partial account of day after the ceremonies continuing one from a newspaper from New Orleans that described the ceremonies. If a copy of that newspaper was found and made available it might give the time of his speech. After Hurricane Katrina, that account might be lost if it still existed. The flooding in the city from that event could easily have destroyed library records. The focus of the Arrival chart is the common man. From the Virgo Moon to the strong emphasis on the eleventh house, this in many ways depicts the supporters of Andrew Jackson.
Sun Neptune Conjunction
As a Pisces Ascendant chart, Neptune would represent the ruler of the chart. This would be Andrew Jackson. The Sun and Neptune are conjunct. Jackson is a Pisces Sun. Important themes are often highlighted in multiple ways in astrological charts. Jackson’s Pisces Sun and retrograde Leo Neptune are both forms of a Neptune – Sun archetype in his own chart. Neptune rules Pisces and its natural house is the twelfth. The Sun rules Leo and its natural house is the fifth.
Pisces describes influence, spirit and spirits such as alcohol, the karmic past, oceanic feeling, chaos, the otherworld (the underworld is Scorpio), dissolution, delusion, loss, dreams and fantasy. Leo describes nobility, bravery, the play of children such as games, the play of adults such as gambling and casual sex, artistic expression and acting, preaching and fame.
Putting the two together we find gambling influence (Jackson’s presidential actions caused a speculative (Leo) influence (Pisces) that led to a bubble), famous drinker (“Andrew Jackson was the most roaring, rollicking, game-cocking, horse-racing, card-playing, mischievous fellow that ever lived in Salisbury.”), dissolution preaching (In 1833, he said after South Carolina nullifed a federal tariff and he forced them to back down “the tariff was only the pretext, and disunion and southern confederacy the real object. The next pretext will be the negro, or slavery question”) and famous loss (many Presidents removed Indians, Jackson’s actions are known as the infamous Trail of Tears).
Sun-Neptune also is related to the undue influence of a cult. Hero worship. The Democratic Party continues to look for a savior hero (FDR, JFK, Obama) because the party developed out of a cult of personality (Jackson). From the people’s perspective, Andrew Jackson saved the United States of America at the Battle of New Orleans. Treaty or no treaty, the battle news reached the people before the treaty news did and based on the secret orders given to Pakenham, by winning that battle he also prevented Britain from meddling with the United States in the lands of the Louisiana Purchase.
Toasts and a Cartoon Estimating the Democratic Chart
The Cancer Saturn opposing the Sun-Neptune conjunction is in the fifth house. In 1832, the opponents of Jackson depicted him in a cartoon as King Andrew the First. This cartoon reimagines Andrew Jackson as the Cancer Saturn. It was first seen in the libary of Congress. Congress is a deliberative body, an assembly and therefore would be the eleventh house. The Cancer Saturn (the opposing view of President Andrew Jackson) is publically seen for the first time in the eleventh house (Congress) in the 8 pm chart. It is this fact that adds weight to choosing the later 8 pm chart over the 10 am chart. There is a technique of astrology that may tell a different tale. Derivative houses. Libraries are third house places. Congress is an eleventh house place. The Library of Congress would then be the third house from the eleventh or the first house. Replacing the opposition view of Jackson in the first suggests the correct chart was earlier than the dinner and toasts. Instead Jackson’s speech could be when he met with the government officials or even the parade review. Until an account is found, the 8 pm chart will be analyzed.
The most signficant event of the ceremonies is the dozens of toasts at the January 8, 1828 anniversary dinner. As a Leo Ascendant chart, the ruler of the chart is the Sun. Jackson as the Sun-Neptune has reached the fifth house and is the center of attention. The toasts came after the speeches and just before he and his entourage traveled to two theatres. Therefore, I estimate that the mundane chart that best fits the critical moment is the 8 pm chart.

When you add Andrew Jackson’s birthday as a transit to the Democratic Chart, the 8 pm chart Ascendant-Descendant aligns with his nodes.
What about the Noon Chart?
The noon chart for the Democratic Party is incorrect as it is known that at that time a soldier was giving a speech to Andrew Jackson. At that time, the Ascendant was in Aries. That points to the actor of that moment being Mars. It is completely reasonable that a soldier was giving a speech at noon but, according to the newspapers, that soldier was not Andrew Jackson.
It is hard for us today to understand the situation of America in 1828. The Glorious 8th was second only to the 4th of July in the national celebrations. The toasts at the nationwide dinners were directed to a living man, the hero of the Battle of New Orleans, Andrew Jackson. The Democratic Party arose out hero worship at the cult of Andrew Jackson. The Glorious 8th celebrations were extinguished in 1862 as the Civil War raged when Democrats from southern states seceded from the union to form a southern confederacy just as he had predicted thirty years before. Today, the Democratic party he began is the oldest active political party in the world and they still show their Jackson strain when they lionize a political leader as a savior. Their Capricorn Sun-Neptune.
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