Revolutions are not beginnings, they are endings. Revolutions are the death pangs of a system. Revolutions. Aquarius. Pisces follows Aquarius. Dissolution follows Revolution. The new order is Arian and is truly unknown as the revolutionary frevor fades and and the old form becomes malleable. At the end of the Revolution, the new material forms take on the shape of what came before but is rejuvenated by its time in the cauldron of the revolt.
Can anyone look at Soviet Russia and not see the Tsars? Can anyone look at the USA and not see the dominant military position based on a naval empire? Ahem, British empire. Can anyone look at France and not see the irregularities and foibles of the ancien régime?

Crane Britton, in Anatomy of a Revolution, wrote that revolutions are “born of hope”. Hope comes from the influence of Uranus. Uranus rules Aquarius and his natural house is the eleventh. It is this archetype where hope and revolution are found.
The Democrat Party was created from the worship of a savior hero. Capricorn Sun conjunct Neptune. The original savior hero was Andrew Jackson who saved America from the British at the battle of New Orleans. Barack Obama tapped into that ethos when he launched his Presidential campaign in 2007. A famous poster of his face with the word Hope became an iconic image of the fervor of the period. Hope. Revolution.
The Hallmark of the Democrats? Sun conjunct Neptune oppose Saturn.
On that February day in 2007, Barack Obama came out on stage in front of a crowd and announced his candidacy for President of the United States. In the skys above, the Aquarius Sun was conjunct Neptune and both opposed the Leo Saturn. On the fateful day Andrew Jackson announced his candidacy for President and created the Democrat Party, the skys held a Capricorn Sun conjunct Neptune and both opposed the Cancer Saturn.

Obama wanted to fundamentally transform America but he equated that with fear that blocked hope. He was speaking from the triangle in his campaign chart. The Pisces Venus in the hopeful eleventh is square the Sagittarius Jupiter in the fearful eighth. Fear is Scorpio. Hope is Aquarius. Jupiter is blocking Venus. The only way Obama can obtain his goal of influencing the people and workers of America is through the wisdom of Pallas.
After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that’s taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America… In five days, you can put an end to the politics that would divide a nation just to win an election, that tries to pit region against region, and city against town, and Republican against Democrat, that asks – asks us to fear at a time when we need to hope.”
– Barack Obama, October 30, 2008 Columbia, Missouri
Revolutions are endings not beginnings. Barack Obama was never the architect of the new America instead he arrived to throw America into the cauldron of revolution. Rejuvenation is upon America and the revolution is almost at its end.
Tracking the presidential elections, seventeen American states never began the revolution (Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia and Wyoming). Subsequent to Obama’s election, the revolution failed in seven states (Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Ohio and Utah) and four states are already questionable as to whether to begin or continue participation (Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina and Wisconsin). Behind this is the backdrop of political changes in 2024 for both San Francisco and Oregon where even in the most fervent revolutionary districts the people have stopped the transfer of power from right to left. The new agenda in those districts are more police and less drugs. The reign of terror and virtue is ending.
Thermidor is upon us. The cauldron has stopped churning and next year, as Neptune transits into Aries and Pluto into Aquarius, the new molten brew will pour out and cast the form of a rejuvenated America. Long live America.
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