Is this the start of World War III? The asteroid Vesta is conjunct Mars and Venus, this is the sacred spark igniting survival and war. The man at the center, Putin, made the announcement on February 24, 2022 at 6:00 am in Russia. He, and by extension Russia, is represented by the 18° Aquarian Saturn whose Sabian symbol is “a man’s secret motives are being publicly unmasked.” The world has been treated to another spectacle of Putin’s naked aggression. Whether or not this is the start of World War III is dependent on Putin’s ability to restrain himself and Ukraine’s ability to stand up to his bully behavior. Ukraine is trying. Putin won’t be restrained if he wins.

Vestal Virgin, Daughter of the State
The asteroid Vesta plays a major role in the astrology of this moment. The vestal virgins of Rome became a daughter of the state with a sacred duty to tend the hearth fire that Romans used to light their own hearths. These women served a term and then were free to rejoin Roman society. These women were buried alive for engaging in sexual relations during their service. Their bodies were sacred and represented the state itself. Russia has engaged in martial activities and to avoid being buried alive they must remain sacred in their service. This is a high bar for them to maintain.
Putin, as Saturn, is the ruler of this sacred fire represented by Vesta in Saturn’s zodiac sign Capricorn. His rhetoric suggests he believes he has a holy mission to destroy Ukraine. Vesta is conjunct the rulers of the war axis Aries-Libra. They are in the 1st house of places of survival such as the battlefield. Russia has an extraordinary lineup as they prepared to invade but quietly the Ukrainians come as the Sagittarius Moon. The fast moving centaur wielding his bow is a patriot who loves his or her home and country. Today, average Ukrainians have taken up rifles and are fighting Putin’s soldiers. The Moon is in the 10th. The most positive element of this Ukrainian Moon is its linkage to the Capricorn Vesta. They are attempting to subdue the sacred fire. If they are successful, then they will take the war axis of Aries and Libra.

This invasion represented by the Capricorn Ascendant is conjunct Ukraine’s north node. This Ukrainian Moon is moving fast through and will be in the 12th showing a dissolution but after will enter the 1st house joining Ukraine’s north node and then conjunct the Venus-Mars-Vesta conjunction. This moment will be the best opportunity to steal the Vestal fire. Russia has come with everything but with each dawn the Ukrainians get close to their chance. The Moon will reach Vesta on February 27.
NATO & Russia’s Invasion
The government and reporters keep circling and with each report the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is evoked. Will Russia invade a NATO country?

This NATO & invasion horoscope shows a Mars square Mars. A reverse Thor’s Hammer is created and released by the invasion Sun. The conflict is out in the open. Putin’s secret motives are now wide open. Putin is already fighting NATO by invading Ukraine. The Ukrainians are there conjunct NATO’s Chiron wound. Without any doubt, Putin already considers himself at war with NATO. Whether or not he invades a NATO country comes down to the Ukrainians. There is still hope that this tough nation will deal Putin a blow. The 19° Aquarius Sabian symbol that follows Putin’s invasion Saturn is “a forest fire is being subdued by the use of water, chemicals and sheer muscular energy.” This moment on March 3 may well show the beginning of the last of Putin’s fight and lasts until March 12th. It sounds like the Russians sacred fire is still being brutally fought and subdued by those patriotic centaurs. After this, the symbol changes to “a large white dove bearing a message.” I can’t help but think this is Putin losing his strategic goals of seeing NATO weakened will send the world a nuclear message. He made it very clear he intends to do what he wants and will hold the free world hostage and make the world compliant to his will. Any thwarting will result in him carrying out his threat. Any nation facing a stonger enemy can only win by never stopping the fight no matter what. The brutal punishment of the vestal virgin engaging in Mars action who errs and defiles her sacred body is to be buried alive. Smothered, snuffed out underground. A man in Germany in front of the Brandenburg Gate carried a sign saying Putin let’s speed up the end to the part where you kill yourself in a bunker. Now that would be the traditional and fitting end for a defiled vestal.