Names are archetypical. Donald Trump. What does this name mean? Donald comes from a word that means world ruler or world wielder in Gaelic. Trump the word is most often used in English in the context of the trump card, the card that wins a card trick. World wielder with trump cards. This doesn’t mean he is immune to everything it just means he is living out not only his astrology but his name. Jupiter is known as the major benefic. Luck isn’t the word, freedom to move is the real luck. Sagittarius. Mutable fire. Moving initiative.
Jupiter was ruling the moment of the assassination attempt. The assassination attempt opens with Sagittarius on the Ascendant. Jupiter rules Donald Trump’s Moon and south node and the planet also rules the United States Ascendant. He also is ruling Matthew Crooks’ Sagittarius Pluto who in turn is the ruler of his south node. Jupiter was at 10° Gemini and this is the Sabian symbol “an airplane falling”. The cycle inherent in 9°-12° Gemini. Quiver full of arrows. Plane Diving. Pioneer in newly openned lands. The world wielder with the trump card dove down like an airplane falling and when he arises he will be the pioneer looking at the new world. Seizing the opportunity should be the watchword of what will come next.

Matthew Crooks was born with the archetype of a retrograde Uranus Mars conjunction. This is the conjunction that is behind the assassination attempt. Sudden (Uranus) Violence (Mars) is one of the possible descriptions of this archetype. This aspect opposes Trump’s Ascendant. Crooks’ north node and south node is highlighted as well to demonstrate how they also played a part in the assassination attempt.
Tantalus Asteroid & Closest Ever
Whenever you describe something as “the closest ever” look at the Tantalus asteroid. The shot was so close to Trump it removed a chunk of his right ear. That’s close. Tantalizing close. Donald Trump had a karmic signature that trumped Hillary Clinton’s astrology. It was his Tantalus asteroid. A person’s astrology is set at birth. Hillary Clinton was born after Donald Trump, yet he carried a trump card for her Presidential bid. The players on this stage are karmically set in their places by something larger. Trump’s Tantalus asteroid lies at 10° Gemini twelve minutes from the Assassination Attempt Gemini Jupiter. This is more evidence that the Gemini Jupiter is Donald Trump himself.

Jamie Partridge of Astrology King called the 2024 Uranus Mars transit conjoining Trump’s Midheaven as a possible assassination attempt. He noted it was also conjunct the fixed star Algol, the most malefic star in the heavens. This star is in the head of Medusa in the Perseus constellation.
The transiting Mars had caught up to Uranus and conjoined with Crooks north node and Donald Trump’s Midheaven. Sudden violence for personal resources meets Donald Trump’s public appearance in his Presidential bid. Assassination attempt but why? The answer is Taurus. Crooks’ natal Ceres, the ruler of Taurus, lies in Cancer inbetween his Saturn and Moon. Driven by family resources may yet be found to be his motive. One wonders what may be happening with the mother figure since Cancer is pronounced. The Assassination Attempt Sun is conjunct this parental resource issue so expect it to be highlighted in the days to come.
Transit Taurus Mars Conjunct Algol
The Taurus Mars conjunct Algol is the aspect behind the trinity nuclear test. The cauldron of rage this conjunction taps requires tremendous discipline to avoid the explosion. I was born with this and have spent my life developing the discipline to channel this type of energy productively. Only once as a child was this rage so severe it poped a vein out of my neck. I ran into the yard and had to hold still so I wouldn’t do anything violent. The rage felt like really ancient molten magma pouring from the core of the earth through my feet, I blacked out and this finally let me get myself back under control. The banshee screaming that accompanied this caused a neighbor to drive from approximately a mile away because he thought we were being murdered.
Tapping into this type of rage is highly motivating. It is supernatural to human experience. We should always be humble in the face of astrology. The Lost Cause transit is upon the United States. The last time the United States saw this transit, a Republican President led a war to keep the Union together against the dissolution attempts of the Democratic Party. Before Lincoln was assassinated after the war was won, there was a serious attempt to kill him before his inauguration. This time isn’t the same as last time but it may very well rhyme.
I don’t know who is going to win the 2024 election. At this point, how can astrologers predict it when we aren’t even sure it will be Biden who is stumbling toward the grave or Trump who is being violently targeted by enraged teenagers. The Gemini Jupiter conjunct Trump’s north node and Sibly’s Mars on election day concerns me.
Matthew Crooks for all his appearance as a single individual was playing a part in a bigger production. Who knows if there is a human sized conspiracy going on but it is clear it is a cosmic conspiracy. Astrologers often see in the astrology their own wishes. Everything is a cycle. We don’t exist in time unhindered by space. In other words, the future remains bound by the past. You can rail against any political party you want but they exist in a continuum that is bigger than individuals.
All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances.

Finally at the end, Sibly had the last word. While Trump and the crowd was diving to the floor like an airplane falling, Sibly’s death dealers were in trine aspect postion to Matthew Crooks. There was nothing to stop either of them from shooting the other but Crooks wasn’t targetting Sibly. Sibly was targetting him. The government snipers had to turn their guns around and were on top of a barn, the retrograde (backwards) Capricorn (government) Pluto (snipers) lying in the Assassination Attempt second house (on a barn roof). Barns are second house places. Crooks, represented by his Virgo Sun, was in a ninth house place. The Assassination Attempt, the transiting Uranus Mars conjunction, completed the Earth Grand Trine. He attempted to shoot Trump and this triggered the snipers to shoot him. He wasn’t killed by men, he was killed by the nation. Sibly killed Matthew Crooks.