Mars opposes Pluto. Domestic violence. This aspect sits on the Ascendant – Descendant line for the 2024 U.S. election, when polls close in Nevada. Nevada is the last battleground state left to vote. This opposition aspect shows up in a lot of down and dirty domestic violence scenarios. Pluto tries his dirty tricks of trying to take Mars’ stuff and Mars being Mars punches, kicks, stabs, and/or shoots the offender. Pluto being no slouch himself and the ruler of death joins the fray. Violence. You bet. For the US Election, that suggests a really nasty four years no matter who wins. A punch in the face would be getting off easy. A confrontation is coming no matter who wins the American election.
The world is posed on the edge of all out war. The United States is temporarily divided while we work out some long needed lessons in reality. Half the country seems to think that their iPhones and the endless catering to their needs and wants that is available in the city have made them invincible. They keep stirring up fights with Russia, China, and Iran while opening new territory for future problems in Afghanistan, Syria, Israel, Ukraine, Poland and Taiwan.
For a bunch of panty waists that are too scared to even tell their own police to arrest the criminals that are raping, robbing and terrorizing their own neighborhoods, they seem to expect the half of the country they think are rubes to bail them out when that guy they are picking on finally gets up to knock some sense into them.

Mars Oppose Pluto
Common sense. The American Revolution. The 0° Leo Mars sits on the Sabian symbol “a daughter of the American Revolution”, 29° Capricorn Pluto sits on “a woman reading tea leaves”. Mars is transitioning and beginning something new while Pluto is still stuck in the Capricorn past but trying to see the future. Neither Presidential candidate can claim ancestry that dates back to a patriot who fought in the American Revolution. Kamala Harris has an Indian, as in the subcontinent India, mother and a Jamaican father. Donald Trump has a German-American father, whose father immigrated from Germany, and a Scottish immigrant mother.
Mars is rising and Pluto is setting. I leave it to the reader to determine which political movement is represented by the symbols. There is a case for both. The Democrat party is the older party and directly formed out of the original parties of the Revolution but the Republican Party speaks more about America’s heritage and has a strong astrological connection to America’s Imum Coeli. Both parties read the polls ad nauseum.
Astrologers tend to read a natal chart for what they want to see and not what is there. Hence, the constant calls for the Democrats winning. Astrologers seem to favor individualistic politics, not unexpected from a group that studies a subject that is considered taboo and condemned by religion and science. Look how many confidently predicted Joe Biden would win the 2024 election.
What is Pluto trying to take? It seems the heritage of the daughters of the American revolution. I’ve written about the upcoming Neptune transit into Aries and its specific effect on America’s Imum Coeli. Dissolution of the United States of America is one of the themes of that transit and America’s response directly fights that battle using the Republican Party as the mechanism with its Aries Sun.
Trump Nomination for the Republican Ticket
Usually Pluto does not reveal himself, yet between the roll call at the Republican National Committee Convention and the virtual roll call held by the Democratic Party, Pluto changed degrees. For the Republicans, he resided on the symbol “an old adobe mission”. Resistance. If Trump wins, he will carry forward the new Aquarian energy. The Mars is conjunct Uranus.

Harris Nomination for the Democratic Ticket
The Democratic Party held a virtual roll call prior to their Convention. Pluto is heavily aspected and not surprisingly on the symbol “a secret business conference”. The elities of the Democratic Party managed to unseat a serving President who already held the delegates he needed to obtain the nomination of the party. After the decision was made, in the span of less than two weeks all the delegates were wrangled and cast their vote for Kamala Harris. Secret business conference. The pinnacle of Capricorn at 30° (also 0° Aquarius) which causes the transition to Aquarius. Neat trick that the secret business conference immediately leads to the old adoble mission. Tyranny leads to resistance.

The charts are murky but the election day horoscope is clear on the victory. Mars is rising, the Aries north node ruled by Mars is the path forward. Mars will lead the day and rise. Rising Mars opposes setting Pluto. That seems to mean that Mars will be the victor of the battle. Who is Mars? She is a daughter of the American Revolution.
Who is Pluto? She is reading the tea leaves. The Republican nomination opens in Scorpio, ruled by Pluto. The Democratic nomination has a heavily aspected Pluto but has Pluto’s natural partner Ceres on the Ascendant. So that seems to suggest the Republicans are Pluto and the Democrats Ceres. There is just one wrinkle.
The Republican Mars conjunct Uranus is the better aspect matching the symbol of the American Revolution but the Democratic Mars conjunct Jupiter suggests an overkill and aspects America’s ruling planet, Jupiter. The Election Day Mars is conjunct the Republican Venus on the Midheaven. This matchup is a powerful one. Mars really likes Venus and the two planets were known in mythology for their affair.
Although I still have the feeling that the Democrats can’t allow their party to lose the election, the symbols of the Republican nomination horoscope have the better alignment with the election horoscope. The Republican south node ruler, Venus on the Midheaven, is conjunct the Election Day rising Mars and she is also in tight aspect to the Election Day nodes. The Republican Mars conjunct Uranus matches the symbol of the rising Mars and the Republican Pluto sits on the symbol for resistance. The Democrats don’t have anything to match this except a strong archetype of being Ceres* to the Republican Pluto. Based on these charts, I have to call the election for the Republican party.
There is no use crying, if its wrong. The Election Day chart suggests a lot of ugly confrontations over the next four years, no matter who wins. Generally no one walks away unscathed from a fight. When I was growing up my hands were still too small to hold larger cups and I would drop my cup spilling drink everywhere. This happened regularly and it would inevitably cause me to start crying. My mom’s boyfriend told me if I didn’t stop crying, he would give me something to cry about. He meant I would get a spanking or even the belt. That is the sentiment of the changing energy from Pisces to Aries. The brutal opposition of Mars and Pluto will very quickly adjust all of our ideals. They don’t hold back when they are fighting. No one wants to be a victim of that opposition.
Postscript 11/8/24. I’ve followed up this article with an analysis of the Trump victory. *Kamala Harris chose to make her concession speech in Taurus, ruled by Capricorn Ceres conjunct the Midheaven. The article discusses the concession speech chart. Over the course of the nomination until the concession speech, the Capricorn Ceres was first on the Sabian symbol “birds in the house singing happily” and at the concession the Ceres symbol is “a hidden choir singing”. From caged birds to the music of the spheres. The Democrats from their gilded cage have found that the world is much larger than their boundaries. As birds singing they now find themselves surrounded by a giant swell of song outside of themselves. From singing to listening.