In yet another 2024 election, the Republic of Ireland is taking their stand in front of the oncoming Aquarius Pluto – Aries Neptune transit. I was surprised to find such a strong astrological signature regarding Northern Ireland.

Most elections this year have been all about the Piscean clutter that has spilled out during the Pisces Neptune transit since 2012. Pisces, ruled by Neptune, whose natural home is the twelfth house can be pictured by your attic, the space under your bed, and behind your closet doors. Writ large, these spaces are institutions such as prisons and hospitals. Pisces is chaos.
The Capricorn Pluto – Pisces Neptune transit has been about all that clutter spilling out into the public square. Drug addicts, mentally ill people, criminals, Gaza Palestinians. How often is Gaza described as an open air prison?
The Irish are grappling with some of these issues but, instead of confronting the issue with Virgoan roll up their sleeves ingenuity, they seem to be coalescing around a Cancerian theme. The homeland, the nation, the family. The Taoiseach (leader of the Republic of Ireland) was caught on video in an terse exchange with an unhappy woman who cares for those with disabilities. He has been criticized for not listening to her. The major points of the manifestos of the political parties are about childcare, housing, the garda (police) and a smattering of plans to rap Israel on the knuckles for their actions in Gaza.
What about Northern Ireland in 2026? Children, housing, protective action are all elements of Cancer, ruled by the Moon, whose natural house is the fourth. This is where Northern Ireland comes in. The Irish like a Leo Ascendant national chart, the flight of the earls, and the mundane chart of the Republic of Ireland. Ruled by the Sun, this election is all about the Sagittarius Sun in the fourth house. The foreign children at home. While some immigrants may fall into that category, the Ulster Irish are the more prominent candidate. The people of the Republic of Ireland, represented by the Moon, are currently focused on fourth house issues. Childcare, housing, security but they are closing in on the question of Northern Ireland.
The election chart holds the glyph of Persephone (♇⚳) sextile the retrograde Pisces Neptune. This forms a yod (shown in orange above) to the mundane chart of Ireland’s Ascendant. The lost child and the lost dream create a special mission for this election. Northern Ireland will take center stage in February-April 2026 when the progressed Moon (Republic Irish) will conjunct the Sagittarius Sun. The government is flush with cash, Capricorn Venus, and along with childcare, housing and more police, room could be made for Northern Ireland.
With Britain’s tax sheriff on the loose and no Robin Hood in sight, Northern Ireland may see the benefits of their original inclusion in the Proclamation of the Republic of Ireland. The UK Snap election astrology, 27° Capricorn Ascendant, fits hand in glove to Ireland’s ruling goddess on Irish election day, the 27° Capricorn Ceres. Although as Ceres, it is shared custody that is the normal conclusion of the matter.
Mundane Chart of the Republic of Ireland & The Goddess Ceres
According to the BBC, the proclamation of Ireland was read from the General Post Office in Dublin at 12:45 after it had been seized by the rebels. The tricolor flag of Ireland was flown on the post office. This chart tells us a great deal about Ireland. The first words “In the name of God” are said as a Taurus Mercury conjunct the Midheaven in the ninth house. The god of Ireland is actually the goddess of Ireland and, in Taurus, she is associated with Ceres. The Gemini Ceres lies in the tenth house of the public square.

Ceres, also the Greek Demeter, has one mythological incarnation as Demeter Erinys which means furious Demeter. She was looking for her lost daughter Persephone when her brother Poseidon made moves on her. She changed into a horse and he changed into a stallion, Poseidon Hippios, and raped her resulting in the birth a daughter, Despoina, and a horse Arion, with a black mane and tail.
Ireland is known for their horses and the ancient Irish worshipped a horse goddess, Epona (Great Mare). Epona was also associated with the cornucopia and ears of grain, carried by Ceres and Demeter. In another great mare myth, the Celtic goddess Macha can run faster than a horse and was sovereign goddess of Ulster. After her husband required her to run a race against horses while pregnant, she won the race but gave birth to twins and so cursed the men of Ulster with the weakness of a woman in childbirth at the time of their greatest need. Both Epona and Macha are goddesses of sovereignty. They represented territory. By marriage to the goddess, a King became sovereign. This idea lay behind Queen Elizabeth I wearing her coronation ring and saying “I am married already to the realm of England when I was crowned with this ring, which I bear continually in token thereof.”
The Republic of Ireland was formed to be sovereign over Ireland. Married to the goddess and concerned with their children. The Leo Ascendant is ruled by a Taurus Sun in the ninth. The Proclamation refers to the children of Ireland and the support of exiled children in America. Demeter is known for her love for her daughter Persephone, wandering the Earth until she recovers her kidnapped child. It is this maternal resolve and perseverance that gives us the season of winter. She ultimately has to accept shared custody.
“We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible.” – Proclamation of the Republic of Ireland, 1916
The goddess won’t give up and her words were manifest on that day in 1916. She wants all of Ireland and will not be content until she has all of her children back in her hands. So while the 2024 Irish election may not have suggested that the retrieval of Northern Ireland was the first and foremost issue, the 2024 Irish election chart suggests it is central to the event and that the partial return of Northern Ireland is now closer than ever before.
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