Six degrees of Cancer has to be one of the most malefic Sabian symbols of the entire zodiac. The Sabian symbol of 6° Cancer is game birds feathering their nest. The game birds are preparing to raise their young but they are for the slaughter. All too often, this degree represents maternal emotional distress at the slaughter of their child. Ceres, the goddess of the harvest, would lose her precious daughter to Pluto who would kidnap and force her underground. The Aberfan Coal Tip disaster horoscope chart has Ceres on 6° Cancer in the 8th house. The Aberfan coal tip disaster killed 144 people, 116 were children. One hundred and nine children in the Pantglas Junior School were buried alive. One father demanded that he wanted his child’s death certificate to give the cause of death as “Buried Alive by the National Coal Board.” The deaths were ruled an accident.
The owner of the coal spoil was the government of the United Kingdom in the form of the National Coal Board. The National Coal Board was a creation of a Labor Government and was given royal assent on July 12, 1946. All coal mines in the country were nationalized. After the disaster, the National Coal Board was not sanctioned in any way. Money was raised for relief by the local Mayor. The Charity Commission, after attempting to limit the charity to £500 per family, directed the relief charity to determine whether or not the parents were sufficiently emotionally upset before they could receive £5,000. Later, the government told the relief charity they would need to contribute to removal of the remaining tips or they wouldn’t be removed even as more of the material slid into the village. Although this was not part of the original purpose and should not have been a permitted use, the Charity Commission did not object or impose any insensitive or bullying conditions as they had when demanding that bereaved parents be subjected to questioning about their love for their dead child to receive a relief payment. Governmental institutions are Saturn. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is notorious for devouring his children.

The coal tip is a dynamic actor in the horoscope and is represented initially by the Virgo Uranus-Pluto conjunction in the 10th house. It slides across the chart and stops sliding in the homes of the village and is represented by the Pisces Chiron-Saturn conjunction in the 4th house. The dead children are represented by the Scorpio Mercury. Scorpio Mercury is conjunct Scorpio Neptune in the 1st house. The dead children are killed and are part of the small sea of coal slurry and debris.
The children are located in a destroyed school but the slide ends in the 4th house of the family homes. The slide itself did end past the school in a neighborhood of houses but the children’s deaths mean the event is felt in the village homes.
The mothers of the children are in two locations. The Capricorn Moon is at the school which is the 3rd house. They are ruled by or focused on the structural debris and wounded represented by Capricorn’s ruling planet the Pisces Saturn conjunct Chiron. They are hoping to find their children alive. They are 28° Capricorn, the large aviary. The grief, activity and fear of the mothers would have been immense. The Cancer Ceres mothers are at the mortuaries which is the 8th house. They are ruled by the Capricorn Moon but they now know, like Ceres, their child was buried alive and is now dead and want to identify and reclaim their bodies. Overwhelming emotional distress and pain. The intense emotional pain of loss of the family’s young members is one of the emotional seawaves of the zodiac sign Cancer. A planet activating 6° Cancer will find bereaved parents. Game birds feathering their nest.