Venusian love is the image of perfection. Libra is not bone deep. Venus holds the mirror because she is an object of desire. She presents a surface that a person can project their ideal onto. Our modern society circles Venus a lot looking for the elusive elixir of love but she chooses to play an object and this is why love fades. She is the lower octave of Neptune. Both are bewitching because of the mirror effect that allows the beholder to paint their perfect image. Unfortunately, when Venus speaks or her girdle slips the mirror effect is partially broken and the attracted individual loses the image of the person they fell in love with.
Libran love is cardinal air. That means it has a light touch and is actively moving with intent. In 1983, Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn drank this elixir and today, almost forty years later, they remain in a relationship. They have decided to never marry.

They have a very special relationship. Kurt Russell’s relationship axis (Ascendant-Descendant line) is exactly conjunct Goldie Hawn’s north node and south node of the Moon. Her Ascendant and Descendant axis also lies very close by but is reversed from his. This makes them natural partners. He can show her the path forward. I think of this particular placement as a guide and helper for the node person. The node person may falter but the Ascendant-Descendant partner is surefooted and knows the path and helps the partner continue.
It isn’t all roses. Goldie Hawn has a Mars in the 7th. She probably projects this one on Kurt Russell who has an Aries Mars, Mercury and Venus or maybe she is the tempestuous one in the relationship. She has a Scorpio Venus and he leads with a Uranus rising. That has caused some issues, probably the most dangerous ones. They have plenty of solid yet prosaic placements that are foundational but not necessarily romantic. She illuminates his 6th house of perfecting also known as health and chores ruled by his Vesta. He illuminates her 3rd house of communication and gossip ruled by her Mercury, who happens to be conjunct her Vesta. Vesta secretly rules their regular life. As the keeper of the sacred fire, she tends to make a perfect fire designed to last. She is the goddess of domestic tranquility. Nice, solid, long-lasting.
The Elixir of Love Recipe
Kurt Russell has a 5th house Neptune. This creates a fantasy of romance and since he has a Libra Neptune this indicates a desire for a romantic relationship utopia. This is ideally paired with Goldie Hawn’s retrograde Saturn in the 7th. She builds a relationship structure centered around the other. This saturnian structure is nurturing due to her Saturn being in Cancer. This Saturn Neptune pairing (Neptune in the 5th with Saturn in the 7th) allows the boundary-less Neptune to meet Saturn’s boundaries in the arena of romance and relationship. Neptune is held by a container built to meet his needs. Goldie Hawn has rules for this relationship. There is an ideal amount of time spent together and apart, she shoulders her part and keeps as sexy as possible. Those are the ones she has spoken about in interviews. Those rules and her discipline in following them creates the container. The rules come from her taking on the Saturn in the 7th role herself instead of projecting this onto a mate. It is best to play a 7th house Saturn yourself. Kurt Russell then provides the Libra Neptune in the 5th. He pours out the romantic, dreamy love. Together, they make the very intoxicating elixir of love. Saturn and Neptune together are the planets that create elixirs of anything; love being but one of them. I also refer to some of the more difficult pairings of these two planets as trials of Saturn.
To all those with Saturn in the 7th, you may have been told horrors about this placement. You won’t succeed at marriage before the first Saturn Return, you will marry someone older (if you are projecting him you might), or you will have a cold, restrictive unemotional relationship. Wrong. Don’t take this to heart, Saturn is mastery. Saturn in the 7th is a master of relationship. Seize him, play him, be the mature disciplined master. Don’t project him. You can’t find your 5th house Neptune partner, if you aren’t playing Saturn yourself.

The composite chart of the relationship echos the themes. Dreamy Pisces is on the Ascendant. The ruler is Libra Neptune in the 7th. This is a couple who drifts surrounded by a romantic haze. Arranging all the myriad details to have a wedding is just not their idea of a good time. This doesn’t mean they aren’t serious about the relationship. Their Capricorn Sun just barely in the 10th house quincunx Saturn is serious. The most fascinating element was perfectly stated by Goldie Hawn. “We have done just perfectly without marrying, I already feel devoted and isn’t that what marriage is supposed to do? So as long as my emotional state is in a state of devotion, honesty, caring, and loving, then we’re fine.” Devotion. Vesta. Virgo. The Sacred Fire. In the end, Vesta is in the 12th house at 7° Pisces, whose Sabian symbol is “illuminated by a shaft of light, a large cross lies on rocks surrounded by sea mist”. The elixir of love is a powerful brew. One drink and the most mundane relationship with serious or even incompatible planetary aspects can become the cross that marks the treasure.